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"Chan, she's waking up" I heard Lee Know say.

"Baby are you okay?"

I looked at Chan. His eyes were all puffy and red. I started moving my hand down to my stomach. He grabbed it before I could reach it.

He looked down at my hand, "I'm so sorry baby."

With those words I started crying. He got up and hugged me. I cried on his shoulder as he cried on mine.

It wasn't long when we talked about having kids together. We had the chance but sadly it was taken from us.

"I'm sorry" I cried.

"Don't say that. This wasn't your fault."

He pulled away and kissed my forehead. We started wiping our tears away when we heard the door open. It was my doctor walking in.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. I see you're awake now. How are you feeling?"

"I-I don't know."

"I'm sorry. I know you have a lot on your mind so I'll just make this quick. Like I informed your fiancé unfortunately there was nothing we could do to save the fetus. We had to remove it in order save your life. Everything seems fine now and you'll be able to go home soon. We'd like to keep you here for observation for a couple more hours. To make sure everything is running smoothly and as should."

"Do you know what caused this?"

"No. Sadly these things are more common than you think. You didn't do anything wrong if that's what you're thinking."

"Would I still be able to have kids?"

"Yes, you still can. I wouldn't recommend trying anytime time soon. Your body went through a traumatic event. It needs time to adjust and heal through what it's been through recently. Once it does, you're free to start your family whenever you're ready." I nodded my head. The doctor soon left after checking my vitals and my stitches to make sure I didn't have an infection.

"Princess, are you hungry?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, do you want me to get you something to eat?" Lee Know asked as well.

"I'm not hungry right now." They nodded their heads. The room stood quiet for a moment. "I had a dream."

"About what?" Chan asked.

"That we had a son. Everyone was in the backyard playing with him..... He had your smile..." He held my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. "I can still feel the way he hugged me." Tears kept rolling down my face.


"I'm tired. I'm gonna go back to sleep."

Jungkook stood up next to me, "Don't do that."

"Don't do what?" Chan asked looking at both Jungkook and I.

"I know that look. I've seen it before."

"I'm tired-"

"No, you're not. That's only an excuse because you don't wanna talk about it anymore. You'll shut down and shut everyone out. I know you more than anyone in this room. Don't forget that. You did the same thing when your dad..." he stopped talking as he looked down at the floor.

"Kook..." I looked down at my fingers.

"Tell us what you want baby."

"I just... I wanna dream about the little boy again." I looked into Chans eyes. I could see how sad he was. "I-I wanna hold him."

"Baby... You know it was just a dream. It's not real."

"It was real to me. I want him." I cried again. I felt so lost. Chan then hugged me. "I want him" I repeated again.

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