1~ Storm

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The rain is pelting hard on the ground as I run. Of course I was trying to get home and my car decided to break down. And I couldn't stay in the car to be rescued. So what do I do? I run back to the abandoned restaurant I saw a mile or so back.

I'm running as fast as I can without tripping my clumsy ass. And finally I see the restaurant through the rough rain. With the little energy I have left, I run to it. The doors are unlocked so I don't have to break in. I step inside and slam the door shut, quieting the raging storm outside.

Everyone knew this storm was coming. No one could stop it. This was the worst storm this town could have ever gotten. And it wasn't supposed to stop until Midnight tomorrow. So will I be stuck here until midnight tomorrow? Possibly.

I turn the flashlight on my phone on and slowly move it around the restaurant. It's actually pretty clean for being abandoned. But it still has the slightly creepy vibes of a haunted place.

I walk further into the place and end up in the kitchen. I try to turn on the light but it only makes the clicking noise as I flick the switch up and down.

Damn no power. Well what did you expect Cassidy? A heaven's glow? I think to myself as I walk over to the island. I asses my clothes, almost all soaking wet. I wore a sweater and some shorts today because it was supposed to be warm with a breeze. I take off my sweater and stretch it over the counter for it to dry. My shorts however I leave on since they're mostly dry from having been shielded by my sweater.

I search the cabinets for something useful when I find a flashlight. Perfect! I turn off my phones flashlight and stuff it in my back pocket so I can save battery. I click the flashlight on and find it has a powerful beam. It lights up the kitchen easily. I grin to myself and continue my search for anything else. A few minutes in though I hear a crash.

I freeze and quiet my breathing so I could listen. Was it the storm? I think. Then I hear someone curse. I back into the counter and mentally curse. Shit, shit, shit!

I gather my bearings and head back to a previously searched drawer where I find the kitchen knife I was looking for. When I pull it out it makes a satisfying Ssshhiiiinnngg! sound. I clutch it to my side and grab the flashlight, clicking it off so I don't draw attention to myself or the room I'm in.

Moving over to the door, I silence my breathing as best as possible and lean against the door. It creeks when it opens and I mentally curse myself. But after a minute of listening, I assure myself it's fine to walk out. With my knife in my right hand and the flashlight in the other, I step into the short hallway and squint my eyes to see through the dark.

There is no noise so I continue my pursuit. I walk to the old dining hall where empty tables and chairs sit, collecting dust.

When I hear and see nothing I walk down to the bathrooms. Also nothing. I begin to relax thinking it's just the storm. So I head back to the kitchen. I walk down the hall again, turning on the flashlight thinking there is no harm. But fuck me and my life of course.

Just as I'm about to open the door into the kitchen I feel a grasp around my neck. I gasp when I'm shoved into the wall. My hands claw at the hand holding my breath down. But damn whoever this is, is strong. I kick my leg out blindly but lucky me I hit the bastard in the knee.

I collapse to the ground, hand clutching my sore throat and gasping for air. I hear a groan a few feet away from me.

"Did you have to kick me in the fucking knee!" A voice hisses. It's a man and his voice is clear and dominant. He has the kind of voice that draws everyone in.

"Better that than your dick, asshole" I spit, still trying to breath correctly. I hear a low chuckle and I can see the dark figure get up. I scramble back into the wall and my eyes move around.

I see the kitchen knife a couple feet from my left. I move to learch for it but the bastard gets it first. I whimper when he comes closer to me, his hand loosely holding the knife.

The flashlight I had dropped when I was attacked was still on and had rolled to direct its light in front of me. Where the bastard now stood and then crouched down. The light illuminated his face just inches from mine. He was grinning wickedly, his green eyes looking into my gray ones. His ruffled chocolate brown hair was slightly wavy and short but fluffy. The man was strong (my throat could tell you especially) and muscular. But most of all, he was intimidating.

"That's my knife, jackass" I coughed. "Yeah? Well it's mine now" he spoke. His voice was deep and clear. I huff in frustration. "I found it" I fight. "And then you lost it so..." he waves the knife in front of my face and then lowers it.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" He asks me. I bite my tongue. Like I should tell him, please. I feel the cold blade trace up my thigh slowly. There's a slight sting and I feel a drop of my blood trickle down the side of my thigh.

"Tell me" he demands. I sigh. "Cassidy, I answer, raising my chin a little higher. The blade lifts off my thigh and I let out a small breath.

"Cassidy. That's a pretty name" he let's out a low chuckle. "So I've heard" I say with a glare. The man raises his eyebrows at me for a moment before dropping them.

"Do I get to know your name? Or can I call you dick?" I ask mockingly.

"My name is most certainly not dick" he tells me. He lifts the knife to my chin and lowers his eyes at me. "Then what could I address you by" I ask, feeling very aware of the knife.

The man thinks for a minute, never breaking eye contact with me. "Noah" he says. Noah? I figured it would be something that would make you shit your pants type of name.

"Who named you that?" I ask. Noah gives me a dumbfounded look. "My mother dumbass" he says. I roll my eyes. "Obviously" I snap. Thunder cracks loudly and the walls shake. I shiver, my jaw scrapping against the knife.

"I was going to kill you..." he says. "But I think we could have some fun don't you?" Noah grins and stands up, the knife finally released from my skin.

"Sure we could play Uno" I mock. Noah holds out his hand and I grab it. He tugs me upward roughly. Before I can gain my balance I'm pushed against the wall again. Noah presses his body against mine and moves his head to the side of my head.

"Just remember though... I have the knife darling"

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