25~ Rescue

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I step away from the soldiers and stumble into a counter. My breath is shaky but then I hear radio static coming from his vest.

"Sloane and Eaten come in we heard screams"

Static silence.

"Sloane and Eaton come in immediately"

I know they'll be on their way so I step back to the guy and search for his key card. I find it and then move to grab the still alive man's card. I hesitate though. What's Noah's rule? No witnesses allowed?

I raise my arms so I can bring down the hammer but I freeze. I was a witness but Noah kept me alive. Instead of killing the other soldier I grab his gun and leave the hammer, running out of the room.

I quickly duck behind the wall leading into another hall and I hear footsteps thud into the room.

"What the fuck!" I hear a soldier shout.

I slip into the hallway and find the door Noah is in. Swiping the key card, it flashes green and I hear a loud click and then the door opens a crack.

I push it open and squint my eyes, trying to see through the dark. "Did you find her?" Noah asks with a mock tone.

"Yep" I smile and flick on the light and close the door behind me. "Cass" he breathes. Noah is sitting in a high metal chair, his hands and ankles tied with handcuffs. I walk over and drop the hammer. Noah sees this and frowns slightly.

"Is that... blood?" He asks. I shrug, feeling the imagines trying to creep into my head. I don't answer him but instead walk behind him. And touch the handcuffs. "Is there a key somewhere?" I ask.

Noah shakes his head. "Not that I know of. I think if anyone has the key it's Kadence"

I sigh and tap my chin before walking back in front of him. "I can try to... break... it off?" I question. Noah shakes his head, not breaking eye contact with me.

I sigh and shrug my arms slightly. "Where would Kadence be?" I ask. "The bar" Noah says without hesitation. I give him a quick nod and turn to look at the door.


I turn back to Noah in question. "Yes?" I ask. "Did you... kill anyone?" He asks. I suck in a breath and glance quickly at the bloodied hammer on the floor before looking back at Noah.

"I did what I had to" I squeak. Noah stiffens and makes a face. I feel a shock run through me and I step back in surprise.

Is Noah.... disgusted with me?

This thought breaks my heart and I find myself clutching my chest as if to hold back the pain. But then I get angry. He's killed so many and I go and kill one person for him and I become the monster.

"Y-you..." is all he says. I force myself to look away and step for the door. And next to it I see a long handle axe in a box next to the door. Most likely for fires so whoever can chop their way to safety through these metal doors and concrete floors. Why it's in here I have no clue.

I reach and grab the hammer once again and smash the glass, taking the axe off its hanger.

"Cassidy" Noah calls behind me. "What" I snap. "Come here" he says softly. I freeze, my hands on the axe and ready to lift it over my shoulder. When I don't move he speaks again to me.

"Come here darling"

I leave the axe leaned up against the wall. And then I find my limbs moving automatically towards Noah. I stand in front of him, my thighs touching his knees. I know if his hands were free he would grip my hips and pull me onto his lap. So I climb on top of his lap and stradle his legs with my thighs.

Noah buried his face in my neck and I pushed my body closer to his. "I'm sorry" he says. I close my eyes and lean my head against his. "It was going to happen one day" I say. Noah shakes his head and sighs.

"I'm going to go find those keys and get you out. Then we'll leave and take Judge and move somewhere else" I promise. "Okay" Noah says.

I kiss him quickly but he deepens the kiss when I try to pull away. His tongue dominates mine and I wish so badly he wasnt tied up so he could claim me as his again. In the end I'm gasping for air.

"I'm going to get us out" I breathe, pressing my forehead against his. Noah nods, moving our heads together.

"I'll be waiting" he promises me. I climb off his lap and turn quickly, grabbing the axe and flinging the door open. The shuts the door behind me solidly and I try and direct my brain to focus.

I try and remember their facility map and direct myself to the bar room, dragging the axe behind me.

Eventually I find it. And just like Noah said, Kadence is there drinking a dark amber liquid from a crystal glass. She doesn't look up at me when I bang open the door and storm in.

"Want a whisky? Or do you like Vodka? Nah you seem like a Tequila person" Kadence says.

I against there breathing in and out, clutching the axe. "Give me the keys to his handcuffs before I kill you and find them myself" I warn.

Kadence chuckles. "So were you the one who killed Eaton?" She asks. "Yes" I confess. "I slept with him once... he definitely was Eaton me if you know what I'm saying" she winks at me and takes a last swig of her drink.

"Alright let's go" she says. I raise the axe when she steps forward. "Whoa chill fucking Johnny. Im helping you out" she claims. "Why" I pester.

"Because I'm tired of being treated like shit by Andrea. I've always waited for her to accept me but she never has. So I counted on you finding out about Noah so you would get these damn keys" she pulls them out of her pocket and wiggles them in front of my face.

"So let me help you escape. I have no desire following you forever"

I lower the axe and glare. "Fine" I say. We quickly jog back to Noah's quarter's and I open the door, Kadence beside me.

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