29~ Gone

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~2 Weeks Later~

The sun is shining through the one window in the bungalows kitchen. Its casting a golden glow in the area and I look as it coats the counter top with its glory.

My hands are cupping the warm mug filled with coffee, steam rising out of it.

Judge and I are the only ones up at the moment. I woke early from a nightmare and decided to get up. I started laundry and cleaned the kitchen and living room. I planned out breakfast (waffles) and then read a little out on the Screened porch. It's around 7am now and I'm just waiting for Noah to get up and join me.

I'm not going to lie, the beach is nice. It's a great place, this little bungalow. But something about it keeps it from being homey. Maybe it's the fact that we're using it to Bunker down or maybe its the fact that I don't feel as safe as I should.

I try to take a deep breath and then take another sip of coffee. I just need to relax. Then maybe this place will be a good "home" until Noah and I figure things out.

I hear birds chirping outside so I get up off the barstool and head out onto the porch again. Judge gets up and happily follows me outside.

The morning sun is warm and there is a slight breeze to the air, making the trees shimmer and the wind chime sing.

My mind is blank for quite some time as I finish my coffee but it starts to wander the deeper my thoughts become....

~2 weeks earlier~

I find myself alone when I wake up. But immediately Judge jogs into the room and gets excited when he sees that I am awake. Noah walks in a few paces behind our dog.

"Morning darling" he says and kisses my forehead. I smile and rub my eyes. "So I found a place.... it's well hidden, you need a boat to get to the place. And I think it'll be good for us to lay low for a while until the smoke has cleared"

I blink at Noah's words, processing the sudden wake up call. "You want to hide? But Harley said we have a truce" I question. Noah shrugs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"There is still a lot of rancor targeted at us right now and I want to be safe and careful. It's just smarter to... 'take a vacation'"

I sigh and brush my hair from my face with my hand. "Alright well... if you think that's what's best..." I reply skeptically. Noah smiles and kisses me.

"Whenever you get up we'll start getting ready"

We packed that day all of our clothes, little food, blankets and Judge's stuff, and protection.

Then three days later we stood on the porch and faced the ocean. Our own private beach.

~Present Day~

Fingers brush my neck, moving my hair slightly, giving me Shivers.

"Hello sweetheart" Noah says in a dark, sleepy tone. I smile up at him and hand him my empty mug for coffee.

He disappears and then comes back a minute or so later. Noah sits next to me on the matching oak rocking chair I'm in.

We sit in silence for a while before getting up and making breakfast and then showering and getting dressed.

The day continues as normal. We sit in the living room, me reading while he keeps his eyes closed but squeezed slightly as if he's thinking.

At around early noon I get up and make us lunch, today was the local fish we're given at the market when we go in, and mashed potatoes. Then we do cleanup and take a walk on the beach.

Judge chases seagulls while we watch and laugh, his arm clutching my waist. On the way home, we see a boat sailing in to our small dock.

I take Judge and stand closer to the house while Noah confronts this person. It's a man, old and small. He has lots of gray hair and bright copper eyes. His skin is tanned and wrinkles, probably from years on the boat fishing or whatever.

He hand Noah a stack of envelopes and smiles before starting up his boat and sailing away, waving as he goes.

Noah walks up to me and frowns. I look at him in question before looking at the stack of cards in his hands.

"Mail?" I ask. "Special delivery" he mumbles.

We head inside and find a unfamiliar envelope. Ripping it open, Noah reads the note aloud.

Dear Noah and Cassidy.

Hello you two! We've heard quite a bit about you troublemakers. But let's be honest here, we've been following you for quite some time.

Noah Tuck. We've done research on you. Father blamed for the murder of your young sister. You became mean and quite the bully. Impressive how you made your way into the Slax company and took your revenge.

Cassidy Rose. Dear you are a special one! Noah has always worked alone really and to see you everywhere he goes is quite a surprise. Apparently you've had a younger sister too. Died of drowning... what a shame. But we've seen you've become quite a killer.

You two are quite the team and we've seen you take down almost two companies by yourselves! It's impressive and really intriguing.

So we'd like to offer you with something you both should consider.

Obviously you've both killed and done it well at that. So we'd like to offer you a place in our... "community"

We are a lot of things. Assassins, trained killers, contract killers, spies, hit men/hit woman, whatever. And we'd like you to be apart of that.

Obviously you'd be paid for and supplied with the use of weapons. We take things seriously here and the acquirements would be coming in once a week for training and keeping all assignments, whether yours or not, quiet.

Think about this and in a week's time, the same man who gave you the letter will be back to record your response for us.

We do sincerely hope you join us, but without further grief, thank you for the time. We're anxious to hear from you soon.

Sincerely, SKA- Skilled Kill Assignments

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