10~ Heaven

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I've changed into my own clothes, a hoodie and shorts because it's the only thing I have.

It's weird to have Noah in the house Luke and I lived in. But he seems respectful of the space and is relaxed.

Once we've both showered and eaten it gets quiet. Being in my apartment feels wrong. It feels like we're supposed to be at the restaurant. I sit on the counter and wait.

Noah stares at me from across the room. "What do you want to do?" I ask weakly. Noah shrugs. I think, panicking.

"How about a board game? Or a card game?" I ask. "What do you have?" Noah asks.

Turns out in the broom closet the only board game I have is fucking Hungry, Hungry Hippo.

We sit cross-legged across from each other on the coffee table with the game set out in the middle of us. Noah already knows how to play so we get to skip the pain of going over everything ago. I decide to go easy because it's cute watching Noah get so competitive and I let him win.

"Wow I thought you'd be better" he grins at me. I gasp, "I was going easy on you!" I admit. "Yea right" he rolls his eyes.

"Rematch" I demand.

As promised I win. I do a little dance in victory, totally rubbing it on Noah's face.  "I wiiiin" I grin, leaning over the table. Suddenly Noah leans in and kisses me, his hand clutching my hair gently, pulling me closer.

I shove the stupid Hungry, Hungry Hippo game aside and climb over the coffee table into his lap. Noah's free hand goes under my shirt, exploring my torso.

My mind starts overthinking though like always. He's hiding in my house after we covered up his murders. Noah is a murderer. But these thoughts dissipate when his fingers dip into my shorts, sliding on the top of my underwear. I gasp and wrap my arms around his neck.

"They say good boys go to heaven" I say through kisses.

I'm trying to imply that Noah could be 'good' and just fuck me finally but he catches me off guard when he says something that makes me think.

"But bad boys bring heaven to you" He says and slides his fingers into me.

I gasp and bury my face in his neck. He moves slowly but effectively and I swear I've never experienced better.

It doesn't take long for me to get off and after that Noah picks me up and walks us down the hall, kissing me. We don't make it to my bed though.

He sets me on my dresser and expertly takes off my clothes quickly. I unbuckle his belt and yank down his jeans. His shirt is already off from the living room.

Noah kisses my neck and then slowly moves down to my collarbone. "You alright?" He whispers against my chest. I nod quickly.

I gasp when he enters me and clutch his shoulders. "Oh Cassidy" Noah moans into my neck. He moves in and out slowly and deliberately. And all I can think is holy fuck.

"Oh god" I moan and lean my head against the wall.

Noah picks us up and turns around, putting us on my bed. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and kiss him roughly. Noah is all but gentle though, but in the best way possible. It's like he knows exactly what I want.

His hands then move to unwrap my hands and he moves them above my head, holding them there. Fighting to keep dominance over each other, I try to tug free but he doesn't allow me.

But then he let's go and his hands trail down in between my thighs were he traces his hand over my cuts. "Marked by me" he mumbles with a deep chuckle.

I nod slowly and I can feel us both tighten. "Almost there" I gasp. Noah takes my hand and our fingers entwine, his other hand wrapping around my body.

He holds me tightly as we both climax and then collapse on top of each other. He kisses my jaw and then buries his face in my neck. I entwin my legs with his and hug his waist.

I look out my window from over Noah's shoulder and see that the storm has stopped its raging wind, only letting heavy drops fall.

"I could have easily murdered you without hesitation" Noah mumbles. I feel a shock jolt through my body. Neither one of us moves. "But you made me weak"

I try to steady my breathing, letting Noah decide what to say next. He moves me to face him, my arms loosening around his body.

"I broke my rules for you"

I suck in a breath and close my eyes when Noah traces his hand down my face to my chest.

"No witnesses alowed" he says. Then Noah chuckles quietly. "And I've just fucked her"

I shiver at his words and open my eyes to stare into his green ones. "You aren't going to kill me though... right?" I whimper.

"Not if I can help it" Noah grins. "That's so reassuring" I roll my eyes and giggle.


The storm has darkened again and picked up, the wind howling and the thunder shakes the apartment.

Noah and I are dressed again (me in jeans and a tank top, him in a t-shirt and jeans) and we're watching the news for anything about the restaurant but all we're getting information on, is this storm.

And surprisingly I feel... happy. I haven't in a while and it worries me a little bit that this psychopath is causing my feelings.

I get up to go to the bathroom and when I'm washing my hands, I catch myself in the mirror.

My cheeks are flushed and my hair is slightly messy, but fluffy. My eyes are wide and alert, happy. I smile and wipe my hands on a towel, turning off the bathroom light when I'm done. I close the door shut and turn to walk down the hall when a hand clasps over my mouth.

"Don't scream"

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