28~ The End

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Noah shouts and I feel a yank from my hip. Another gun shot and Andrea tumbles back, clutching her ribs. Blood creepy across her abdomen and she gasps out choked breaths. Moments later she collapses.

Noah then turns to me and hurriedly pulls off the sweater. He stops and looks at my torso. "Cass..." his voice shakes. I hum in response.

"Did you put on a bulletproof vest?"

I nod and touch my chest, feeling the heavy box beneath my tank top. Noah cries out and hugs me. "Jesus I thought you were going to bleed out in my arms"

"Pay for your sins" I tease and take off the tank top to rip the vest off. I put my clothes back on and pull out my other gun.

"I thought I was about to love" Noah tells me. His eyes close and he takes a deep breath. "Jesus Cassidy" he opens his eyes and looks at me. I smile weakly and reach out to take his hand to give it a short squeeze.

We turn to Andrea who lays dead on the floor, blood pooling around underneath her body. I wince and turn away, remebering the scent of blood. Her image reminding me of when I found that room with the bodies. The feelings of their cold blood on my skin...

"What are we going to do with her?" I ask. "I'm not sure. I don't want to leave her here though..."

We stare at her a little longer before turning to each other. "They'll find her eventually" Noah says.

"Let's just get the fuck out of here"


We finally make it outside without running into anyone. We don't talk about Andrea or the other sisters. We just scurry around until I see where I entered the building.

I whistle for Judge but hear a loud click. We whip our heads around to see two guards and Harley and Heather standing between them.

"Andrea was right. You need to die" Heather remarks. "Sorry loves" Harley smiles at Noah.

"C'mon you guys" Noah shrugs his arms. I hear a rustle behind me and I hold a hand out? Readying for a command.

"You guys are fucking psychotic" I mumble. Harley laughs and lowers her gun slightly. "The Walks family quote"

We stand there for a moment longer. "I don't get how two of you took down Slax and almost us" Heather shakes her head. Noah looks at me swiftly before stepping forward. I shift farther from him and wiggle my fingers, flexing them.

"Almost?" Noah steps foreward and tackles Heather while I shoot Harley, waving my hand forward at the same time. Judge jumps out of the bushes and lands on a guard. I shoot the other guard in the knee next.

Everyone is subdued and panting from the sudden action. "Let us leave Heather" Noah growls at her. Harley is gasping, leaning against the cement wall and clutching her shoulder, her gun at her feet.

"F-fuck you Noah!" Heather grits her teeth. Noah glares down at her, still holding her wrists to the ground as he looms over her.

"Heather Jesus! Look around you! We just want to leave!" Noah shouts. Heather sheds a tear and grunts as she tries to break free. "You killed William" she wailed. It clicks then. Andrea was afraid of losing her power. Kadence wanted revenge on her sister for being so hateful. Heather loved William and Harley is her other half, the person to support and help whenever. What Sarah and Alexa might have against us beats me. Maybe they just want to stand by their sisters. But the rest of the sisters have their reasons to want us dead.

Noah softens towards Heather. "He tried to kill us." He tries to reason. "YOU’VE KILLED MORE THAN HE EVER HAS" Heather shouts in his face.

"Heather" Harley gasps. We all turn to her. "It's over"

Heather cries out and kicks Noah in the gut with her knee. He yelps and quickly scrambles off her. I step forward and point my gun at her.

"Stop" I warn. Heather glares at me. "I hate you" she spits. I shrug and grip the gun tighter, my finger moving closer to the trigger.

Noah walks over and lowers my gun, glaring at Heather. "We don't want to fight Heather. We just want to get home safely"

Heather is starting to really cry now. The overwhelming drama of her company slipping out from her, her sisters death that she may or may not already know about, and having her lover killed by us is finally at her feet. She's grieving.

"Wha-what about William! Huh? You just wanted to GO HOME SO YOU KILLED HIM!" She screams. I think for a moment she's lost her mind. But to be fucking honest everyone on this premises is crazy in their own ways.


Everyone seems shocked at their screaming match. Even the guards are looking up in confusion and anxiety. Harley only sighs and presses her back against the wall, still holding her shoulder. Blood is running through her fingers and soaking her clothes. There's even blood on the cement wall.

Heather sniffs and wipes her eyes. "Just fucking leave!" She whimpers. Harley finally pushes off of the wall and tumbles over to us and lands in her twin sisters arms.

"We need to know you'll leave us alone" Noah says. Judge walks over to our side and huffs. Harley speaks instead of Heather.

"Andrea played the truce as a lure to get you to trust us. I think we should enforce the truce. Leave each other alone except for when we need the other. Unexpected partners in crime?"

"Deal" Noah shakes her hand. And with that is the end of us and the Walks war. We're able to walk out of the gate without trouble. And we walk home.

And when we get home we immediately fall asleep. And it feels peaceful knowing we made it out alive.

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