42~ Choke

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I'm getting really sick of being tied up.

I mean holy shit first Jack and William and then the Walks sisters and now Lasix. I'm so done.

Well at least this time Jet hasn't bolted me to a chair. Only my hands are tied and I have a bandana in my mouth to keep quiet. But hes taken that off for now. He set me on the couch to watch TV but the show isn't interesting me. Instead I've been watching him.

Jet is on the right side of the couch in a chair with a laptop. He's been murmering quietly to himself and its been strange. I've tried to put together what he's saying with no absolute luck.

Suddenly he slams the laptop lid down and groans, rubbing his face. He looks over at me and squints his eyes, rubbing his jaw.

"What" I ask meakly. He hesitates before answering. "Your... partner is extremely frustrating" I snort in response and look away. A few moments of silence passes before I finally speak again.

"Can I ask a question"

Jet looks over at me again and raises an eyebrow in response. "Go ahead. Doesn't mean I'll answer" he grins at me. I take a deep breath before saying, "What are you planning on doing with me?"

Jets grin softens but he has this evil look in his features. He stands from the armchair and walks over to me. I squirm under his gaze uncomfortably. He leans down, trapping me between his arms.

"Oh Cassy..." he brushes a piece of hair behind my ear and run his fingers down my jaw. I shiver under his cold touch. Jet must think it's out of pleasure because he leans down further and moves his hand to my neck, stroking my jawline. Then his hand wraps around the back of my neck and then his other hand cups the side of my neck. Suddenly he squeezes and I gasp for air.

"I have so muched planned for you and I... you'll be filled in a world of pain and pleasure. And then... once you love me... I'm going to do what I always do..." he squeezes harder, completely choking me.


I take my rope tied hands and grasp his button up shirt collar. I plead with my eyes for him to let me go. I beg. And finally he does.

I gasp and fill my lungs with air, coughing and crying. It takes me a minute before I can respond to him.

"I'm not some toy" I spit. Jet laughs and crouches down to me. "But of course not. You're my toy"

He grabs my arm and yanks me up to stand before leading me into a room. It's a small bedroom with a bed and a desk. Jet takes off the ropes on my wrists and pulls out handcuffs. He shoves me onto the carpet floor and crouches down and handcuffs me to the desk.

"Stay here. I'm taking a nap" And with that he walks out of the room, I hear the click of the door locking.

But it's oh so totally fine. Yep no problems for me. This is so normal.



I open my eyes to see Cassidy standing in front of me. She's uncuffed and has her bandana in her hand. She looks shy and sweet.

"Cassidy how'd you get ou-"

She shifts closer and sits beside me on the couch, curled up really close. "I just... I felt alone" she shrugs and blushes.

I raise my arm over her head on the couch and look down confused. She seems so... willing. It's making me suspicious.

"Answer my question" I say. Cassidy shifts closer to where our bodies are pressed together and it brings my old friend awake. My arm wraps around her and I brush my thumb across her cheek softly. Her eyes close at my touch and for a moment I lose my breath. Because for a moment I have hope that one day, maybe soon, she'll love me.

Then her eyes open and she sits up slightly to whisper in my ear. "Wake up and find out"


My body jerks awake and I have to take a moment to slow my breathing. I look around to see no Cassidy, no evidence of her even by me. So I decide to go check on her.

I stand up and shuffle to the room she's currently in, grabbing my keys to unlock the door. When I swing the door open she flinched and scoots away from the desk, making it shriek and groan at the movement.

She seemed suspicious. I didn't like that. I storm over to her and grab her harm harshly, making her help.

"Ow! Jet!" She cries and tries to jerk her arm away. I yank her closer and get in her face. "What the fuck are you doing?" I spit. Cassidy looks scared out of her mind. It brings me pleasure.

"What? Nothing! Please let go of me"

She whimpers when I let go and tries to scoot away but the handcuffs keep her there.  I stand straight and shake my head. My dream must have shaken me up.

I give her a warning glare before walking back out of the room and slamming the door. I speed walk back into the living room and grab my laptop before heading out onto the porch.


Noah's POV

Boss has looked through Jets files and tracked everything he's done. Apparently, he bought a cabin when he first moved to America. We've learned he used it as a ploy to bring his lovers to a quiet and anonymous place to kill them.

We believe that's where Cassidy is being held. I wish I could just see her. I feel touch starved of her. I just... I need her.

"Noah" Harley calls me over. I turn to see she's standing next to Kadence. I shake my head in suprise. "W-what. When did you show up?" I chuckle lightly.

Kadence smiles and leans on her right side. "Well I heard Cassidy got kidnapped and I figured... we did that once so let's apologize correctly by getting her back"

I smile and shake her hand. "Thank you. So much" Kadence smiles and shrugs. "Oh but of course"

Boss calls out to us. "Are we ready?" He hollers. "Yes sir" we all say. "Great. Let's move out. The drive will take us about an hour and a half or so. We need to get there as soon as possible"

"Don't worry darling I'm coming" I mumble under my breath as we load inside the trucks.

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