34~ Impulsive

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People have told me I have been prone to do impulse things.

But by people I mean my coworkers and by things I mean not buying a random plant just because. I mean using the plants pot to smash a man's head in.

I've been sent to therapy, rage rooms, even mental hospitals but I always come out just as bad. Maybe even worse.

I could blame it on my mother. She killed my father for cheating on her in bed with her best friend. Oh yeah she killed Becky too.

I could blame her for taking me across the country to the US to hide from her problems.

I could blame her for drinking her thoughts into nothing and leaving me to fend for myself.

But I don't. I learned many things from the experiences she dragged me through. I learned how to hide from the government. I learned how to lie when the teacher asked what the bruise on my arm was from and I said because I had fallen off my bike and not because my mother gripped it too tight the night before. I learned to pretend I had a loving family at home and not an abusive bitch who seemed to forget she had me along with her.

Secretly I called her the Black Widow. Not because of Marvel but because  she lured thirsty men into her trap of loud and quick fucking only then to be killed and used of their money to support her child.

My mother taught me how to manipulate and trick clueless and greedy people into giving us what we wanted. She taught me how to kill skillfully and then to hide the body afterwards.

We never moved because she could hide them well enough to keep the police off her tail. She even slept with a few married grumps who she charmed into innocence.

As I grew I drifted from adoration of my mother to admiration. She was so wicked in her way and knew exactly what she did. Which is why I never questioned the day she left me.

I was 16 and close to dropping out of school anyways. When she didn't return after days I knew she had left me like animals did in the wild.

I could pass for being older so I tricked older woman into thinking I was better than the Junior twats they hung out with.

I fucked and fucked and fucked some more simply because I could. It thrilled me I, a 16 year old chap, could take a 20 year olds virginity like it was nothing.

I used sex to bring feelings into my life. But when that became dull I took a turn to obsession. Oh how I loved seeing a woman who had such a fucked up life that thought I could fix it for her. But I only made it better because I knew her toxicity. I would remove that toxicity from her life and whoa its like being with me made her life turn around for the best.

Call it mommy issues or psycho behavior. I loved finding a woman to obsess over and fix her pathetic life and fill it with such beauty... only to then kill her slowly with my own... bare... hands.

I had been in the SKA for about four years now and I had walked into work that day ready for a change. It had been a while since I had met a challenging victim for me to play with. And then I saw her.

She was young and looked to be about 5'5 in height. Her long blonde hair reached down to her middle back and her eyes were a dark ocean blue. She was curvy but tight in all the right places. And damn she was perfect. And what made her even better is she was here. Only damaged goods work in a joint like this. It was like she was carved just for me to destroy.

I could see her tied up in my basement. Fear and panic in her wide eyes as she was staring and sobbing at me. Begging me with her motions to let her go. And I would indulge her. I'd kiss her and treat her with care. Brush her hair away from her tear-dried face only to wrap my fingers around her neck. Watching her helpless life fade to nothing but a unused body.

Another one bites the dust.

Then of course I saw him. He was as tall as me with vibrant green eyes and swoonworthy muscular arms and torso. His arm was wrapped around her waist as he held her close. Together they talked to Boss.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists at my side before relaxing. Sure I usually go for the single no bodies who just want to fulfill some pathetic dream but hey... she was perfect.

I watched and waited. The man let go of her after a while and turned so his back was to her. He talked intently to Felix, Boss's right hand man, and paid no attention to the beauty standing behind him.

I made my move.

"Hello gorgeous" I greeted with a smile. She seemed shocked at my sudden presence before relaxing and shaking my hand. I quickly moved our gesture to kiss her hand.

"Oh" she flushed lightly.

"What is a beauty like you doing in hell?" I question with a smirk. Her face flashes quickly and I think I register pride.

"A job why else?"

I chuckle and nod before rubbing my small stuble. "Say... I never caught your name" I smile.

"Cassidy" she shrugs and smiles. I smile wider and step forward slightly, looking down farther at her intimidated stare.

"Well Cassidy welcome to the show"

She glares for a moment before sucking in a breath and glancing back at the man. He has turned to the side so he can watch over Cassidy. They lock eyes for a moment before she turns to me again.

"I never got your name" she says playfully with a small smile.

"Oh... that" I smile.

"I'm Jet"

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