41~ It's A Game

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My head fucking hurts. Being held upside down isn't helping either. My head sways as Jet walks us up the sidewalk to the front door of a cabin.

He knows I'm awake and he still refuses to let me walk on my own. Even if I have repeatedly told him my head hurts.

"Well that's what you get for trying to escape me" he had told me.

"I don't understand why you didn't travel far" I sigh, watching the ground move underneath his feet.

"I still have some things I'd like to do before we go out of Hurricane" Noah tells me. I huff and shake my head, my hair swaying.

"Want to tell me what you're going to do?" I ask. Jet chuckles and stops, pulling my body off his shoulder and standing me in front of him. "Don't worry gorgeous, you'll find out"

I frown and Jet grins. He spins me around, gripping my arms gently but firm. "Welcome home for now" he says. I scoff and try to shrug off his hands but they only squeeze tighter. My body jolts when Jet leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Now listen if you try and escape I will make sure that you can't ever again. Do you understand me?" I nod slowly in answer, my body starts shaking.

"Tell me you understand" Jet brushes a piece of my hair aside and I close my eyes, trying to steady myself.

"I-I... I understand Jet" Jet leans back and laughs curtly. "Excellent. Now let's get settled in. I have a big night planned"

His words send a new fear in me. What does he mean big night planned? Is he going to... oh no. I told him I'd do anything... what if he uses it against me tonight!?

"What do you mean!?" I ask in a panic. Jet rolls his eyes and steps beside me to unlock the door. "Stop asking so many questions" he says and shoves me inside the cabin.


Noah's POV

I pace behind Harley as she works on the computer, trying to get information on Jet. Boss is behind us both, watching with his arms folded.

"I can't believe Jet" He sighs.

I ignore him and continue to pace. I'm so worried about Cassidy. She's tough and been through hell and back multiple times. But damn I wish I could have kept her safe. I never trusted Lasix. I shouldn't have let her be alone. I shouldn't have let Jet leave.

"Noah stop pacing" Harley pipes in. "I'll stop pacing when you find my girlfriend" I snap back at her. Harley rolls her eyes in return and huffs. "I'm trying as best as I can. Jet somehow disabled his cameras"

I huff and mumble before running my hands over my face.

"Why can't we just go to his house?" I ask. "Because he might have traps. It's not safe if we don't know. Hense the reason we're trying to hack into his cameras" Harley explains.

I huff and lean over the chair, looking at the codes on the computer. Harley is working hard to find any source of vulnerability to break into.

Dusk is quickly setting and I feel like we're only losing time. Like I'm losing her. If Jet even lays a hand on her... well... he's already a dead man walking anyways. Boss said he'd take care of Jet but I promised myself and Cassidy I'd kill him myself.

"OH MY! FUCK YES!" Harley shouts, leaping up from her chair. We all turn to her in surprise. I look at the computer to see the cameras view of the living room.

"You did it!" I yelp and run over to her. Harley laughs and punches my arm lightly. "Well duh. I'm the best hacker you know" she winks. I lift her up in a hug and I feel like crying of relief.

"I owe you my life!" I tell her, setting her back down. Harley laughs nervously. "It's far from over Noah. And besides I think after this we're even" she smiles up at me. I nod and relax myself. I need to calm down and focus.

Boss steps forward and smiles at us. "I'll look over for traps while you two get your team ready"

I nod and Harley salutes with a giggle. "Let's get this bastard"


The house is quiet but so are we. Harley is beside me as we move through the front door. The house is fairly similar to our own so we should move through this is in no time.

I turn and grip the basement door handle and check to see Harley at my side and ready to shoot her gun.


I open the door slowly and we move down the steps in silence. Suddenly I hear her.

"Noah!" She screams. "Cassidy!" I shout back. Harley grabs my arm before I can run down the steps. "Noah wait" she grunts. "She's here!" I hiss.

"Noah help me!" Cassidy sobs. My body shakes from the thought of her being there and me not moving to help. But I trust Harley. Cassidy is smarter than to yell with Jet nearby.

"Please! Noah he's got me chained up! I can't move!"

Harley grabs a flashlight and clicks it on. She shines it in front of us and we see a metal chair. An empty metal chair. A tape recorder is on the floor beside the chair.

"Save me Noah" Cassidy's voice pleads.

I huff and my shoulders sag. Jet is playing a game. Cassidy is a pawn. He's playing me. And right now, he's winning. Always a few steps ahead.

"Dammit" I say. "Noah we'll find her" Harley reassures me. I ignore her and walk forward, kicking the recorder. The recorder goes silent from the impact. I look around slowly. I can see the dried blood on the chair and cement floor. It's most likely hers. Then I see the desk.

I walk over and see a letter. A bloody handprint pressed like a stamp on it. I open it and pull out the letter.

Welcome to the game Noah.

I have Cassidy obviously. And I'm telling you she has been a riot to have around. It's amazing to see how she'll do anything for you... say anything for you. But of course I'm sure you already knew that. She fascinates me like I'm sure she fascinates you.

Listen all I want is to kill you. And I think you feel the same way. So come find me and let's get it over with. But time is ticking. You see you have until dawn tomorrow before I leave with Cassidy and then come back for you.

But let's play the game right, yes? Come find her and make it so much more interesting.

Good luck, Jet Lasix

I ripped the note up and kicked the desk, shouting in anger. "We need to fucking find her!" I shout. Harley talks into a walkie-talkie and then walks over to me. "Anything leading to where they are?" She asked me. I look around and try to find anything to help us out.

Then I see the recorder. I run over and pick it up. I hit play and thankfully it starts to play again. I guess I didn't kick it to hard.

"Noah! Noah! He's going to take me to a cabin! It's... it's somewhere in Hurricane still please come save me"

The tape cuts off and I turn to Harley. She smiles weakly and pats my arm. "Let's find Cassidy shall we?"

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