44~ The End Of All The Endings

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Out of the corner of my eye I see my gun lying on the floor.

"Oh no you don't" Jet spits and lurches forward at me. I quickly slide out of the way and run to the gun. My feet are swiped out from under me and I crash to the ground.

I slip the gun into my pants before turning onto my back. Jet pounces on me and cocks his fist back. I raise my knee right into his crotch. He groans, curling up as he slides off me. I roll on top of him and pound my fist down on his face.


And... again.

Blood oozed out of his face. New gashes form and his lip busts open. Each hit is its own justice.

I don't hear it when the door breaks down and I barely feel when arms are wrapped around me and pulling me off of Jet.

"Knock it off! Pull it together!"

Turning, I meet Harley's eyes. Her hair is dripping wet on the floor and her expression is determined. Kadence walks up behind her, talking through her walkie-talkie.

"I need to find her." I snap, shrugging out of the guards grip. Harley nods and turns to look at her sister. "Don't kill him." Kadence sighs as she steps out of the way.

I stomp forward, reaching down and wrapping my hands around Jet's neck. He gasps as I raise him and throw him up against the wall.

"Where is she Jet?" I ask, my voice deep in a growl. He coughs, spitting blood on my face. I grimace in annoyance and press my thumbs into his throat. "Where!?" I shout, banging his body against the wall again. His head snaps back and hits the wall.

"Go look." He wheezes. I snarl and let go of Jet. He crumples to the floor, gasping for air. I crouch down and grab his hand, twisting his fingers back until they snap.

Jet screams in pain, yanking his hand back and cradling it against his chest. "Asshole!" He screams, tears mixing with the blood on his face. I grab his chin roughly and meet his eyes.

"Tell me where she is before I break more of your fingers. And if you still won't comply, I'll chop off your dick." I snap. Jet glares at me before muttering, "Cellar."

"Where?" I squeeze his chin harder. He motions to the stairs, his body slumping in exhaustion. "There is a door under the stairs." He huffs.

I shove his head to the side and take a gun from Harley, headed towards the door in the corner. The light flicks on when the door opens and I listen for anything.

"Cassidy?" I call, clicking the safety off the gun. Immediately, strained cries peirce the air. I bolt down the stairs, gun at the ready. Jet could have set anything up down here.

I look around, finding barrels lined up against every wall. Cassidy is nowhere. I hear her scream again and I turn. She's cuffed to the stairs.

Tears are streaming down her face and her hair is a disaster. Her clothes are dirty and ripped and her eyes are bloodshot.

She's never looked more beautiful.

I crouch in front of her and set the gun on the floor before cupping her face. "Oh, Darling. It's okay, I'm here. Baby, I'm here." I tell her, caressing her face.

She tries to speak but the words are muffled against her tape. I rip it off, immediately kissing her. She hesitates, processing. Then she kissing me back, leaning into me.

Finally, I pull away. Pressing my forehead to hers, I breathe in her smell. This is still Cassidy. I saved my girl.

"I love you." I tell her, planting a quick kiss on her nose. "Noah, I love you." She wheezes, her voice scratchy and weak. She probably hasn't had food or water since before the mission. My heart aches for her condition. "I'm tired... of being... tied... up." She chokes out, coughing a weak laugh.

"Don't worry, you'll never be tied up anywhere other than our bedroom after this. I promise."


The next few days are boring.

The Walks took care of Jet for us. The SKA helped Cassidy and I get back on our feet by paying for her Hospital bills and rehoming fees. While she's been at the hospital, I've been spending my time between packing our house and visiting her.

Judge has clearly missed Cassidy and I feel the same way. It feels like she's been gone for weeks and I feel so helpless.

It's late and I'm finishing packing up the kitchen, moving boxes to the front door. Jet is laying in front of the fireplace, sleeping peacefully. Cassidy is still at the Hospital but she's coming home tomorrow. I usually spend the night with her but she told me I had to be at home to get everything ready for her return.

I walk into the living room, sighing heavily. A light knocking jolts Jet awake and spooks me. But when I look through the window, I see its just Harley.

"What are you doing here?" I ask after I open the door. She holds up Tequila and Rum. "I figured I'd help you pack. Since your bride-to-be will come home tomorrow." She says, squeezing past me.

I roll my eyes and close the door, turning to see Judge sniffing her pants. "Off," I snap my fingers and the dog trots off. "Cute." She says. I shrug and take the Tequila from her, walking into the kitchen. "She isn't my bride yet." I remark.

Harley follows me and heads straight for the fridge, rummaging through it. "But you're going to propose soon?" She asks, pulling out old takeout. I pour the alcohol into mugs and roll my eyes.

"Doesn't it bother you to talk about this?" I ask. "Why? Cause we had a thing? Get over yourself." Harley laughs.

I watch as she loads the Chinese food onto a plate and stuff it into the microwave. Then she hits a few buttons before grabbing a mug from me.

"I love Cassidy. She's brave and kind and ruthless. And you and I are very much done. So... I do want to talk about it. Because I've grown to adore both of you."

Silence passes between us but I smile. The microwave beeps loudly and Harley turns to grab her food. She takes a bite and gags. "I'm ordering food." She says, dumping the food in the trash. I laugh and walk back into the living room.

"Wait! I wanted to know where you were going to move to!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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