43~ Save Me

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I miss home. I miss my apartment and Judge and Noah. I wish I was sitting with a book on the couch with Judge in his dog bed in the corner. I wish that while I was sitting there, Noah walked into the room and sat beside me before taking the book from me and kissing me before he made me forget about all the world's problems in the way he always seems to be able to do.

God I miss him.

But I can't lose hope that he won't come save me. But dusk has just fallen and I can see the stars outside of the window. However a small storm has been building in the distance and its looming dauntingly.

Jet has become fully prepared in getting weapons and hide outs for himself. He's letting me hang out in the living room for a bit before night falls completely.

Jet keeps mumbling to himself which is strange but he's done it before. Noah is really bothering him and it gives me quite pleasure actually.

But even so, there is a voice in my head telling me that everything could go wrong. Jet could kill Noah and take me. And then eventually kill me. I shudder and a tear slips down my face. Jet catches this and grins. He walks over and crouches down to me. He uses his thumb to wipe the tear away and pats my cheek softly.

"Oh don't worry Cassy. Everything will work out in the end"

I glare at him and Jet shrugs before reaching over to the coffee table and grabbing duck tape.

"Look I know you have the bandana but I trust you won't get this off" he tells me as he rips a piece of tape off and presses it to my mouth, silencing me.

"Noah should be here soon. So let's get you to the cellar" Jet yanks me off the armchair and pushes me forward. I had perked up at his words. There's a cellar here?

He guides me to a door that under the stairs. After opening it and turning the light on I can see barrels and barrels lined up on walls.

He helps me down the steps before shoving me down into a corner. Jet handcuffs me to the staircase and pats my head.

"Now be a good and don't try to escape. I'll come get you when it's all over, don't worry" With that, Jet walked back up the steps and left me in the dark.

I was alone and scared and frankly I began to lose hope that Noah wouldn't make it in time... God, I hope he would.

Noah's POV

The house is in sight. I don't see movement or lights but I know he's in there. I know Cassidy is in there.

Harley and Kadence have sent their guards to try and find Jet before we walk in blind. If we're lucky then this will be quick and easy. But I know that isn't going to be the case. And besides... Jet doesn't like it easy. So fine, I'll play the game. Hell, if Cassidy's life wasn't on the line then I'd be enjoying this just as much as Jet. But that's not the case.

I shift and Harley shoots a sharp look at me.  "This is taking too long" I whisper. "Noah don't act like a child" she warns. I roll my eyes and sigh.

Kadence's walkie-talkie statics and a voice talks through it.

"Kade, we got a problem."

"What's going on Officer Eddie?" Kadence questions. I move closer to Harley who is staring intensely at her sister.

"Well we split up to surround the house and were going to meet at the back so we could get on the roof to get through the chimney... but uh... the other team isn't around the house anymore..."

Kadence pinches the bridge of her nose and Harley let's out a shaky breath. I feel anger and stress growing in my gut. Oh how I want to rip out Jet's intestines and hang him with them...

"Okay send half of remaining team into the house and the rest wait for us. Keep your walkie-talkies on so you can hear what's going on inside"

"Copy that"

The walkie-talkie goes silent and I groan quietly. Cassidy is in that house and I'm sitting and waiting like a fucking chair.

I want to go in there and get my girl back.

A few minutes go by and the walkie-talkie glitches static again before Officer Eddie speaks again.

"It's getting quiet. Lots of static and then nothing. I think-"

He cuts out and Kadence gives me sister a look of concern. Then I hear a familiar voice.

"Hello. Sorry I had to interrupt that conversation but I figured I'd warn you. Noah if you're listening, this is for you. I'm telling you that time is ticking. The longer you wait the harder it will be. So... stop being a fucking bitch and come find Ms. Rose. She's waiting. And the longer shes with me the more opportunities I have to claim her as mine. Hurry up lover boy... I'm getting really impatient"

Jet's voice clicks off and I freeze. Harley turns to me and grabs my arm but I've already started walking down the hill and to the cabin.

"Noah stop! You can't do it alone!" Kadence shouts desperately.

I turn and stop for a moment. "I will get Cassidy out. If it's just her then take her home. Get the dog and get the fuck out. Keep her safe Harley. Please."

I turn and continue to walk towards the house, reaching for my hip holster and yanking out my gun.

"Noah!" Kadence calls to me. I ignore her.

The clouds that have been building up has finally decided to break and I can feel fat raindrops falling. One splashes on my face and more break on the ground.

I approach the house and kick open the front door without hesitation. It's quiet. The Walks' guards are on the floor and blood is splashed on the walls. The house is dim with the only light being the moon and small lightning flashes in the distance. But I can feel this storm will be here soon.

"Come out you son of a bitch" I mumble and look around.

I feel a presence step towards me and I turn around only to have the gun knocked out of my hands and a punch thrown. I lean back, barely missing his hit. I step back before launching forward, hugging Jet's waist and knocking him into the wall. He grunts and I throw a punch, hitting him in the jaw. Jet chuckles evilly and kicks me right in the shin. I stumble back and groan.

Then I laugh... a memory reminding me. "Cassidy did that too... when we first met" I chuckle. Jet spits blood onto the floor and crouches in a stance.

"I like the way she thinks. Now fight me and may the best man win"

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