23~ Talk

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"Why is she so important?" I hear. I try and stay as quiet as possible as I listen. The voices get louder and I eventually find the door that has the people talking in.

"I don't know... Noah likes her though"

"I know! Noah has never dated anyone for crying out loud" I recognize Harley say this.

"So what do we do?"

"I'm not sure. I'll talk to Cassidy separately tomorrow and see what she's all about" I recognize Andrea.

"Are you sure Andrea?" Kadence asks, her voice nervous.


I creep away from the door and hurry back to the room. It's hard for me to sleep.


In the morning Heather comes and gets us for breakfast. Noah and I don't eat much and frankly I'm stressing too much on what I heard last night, my talk with Andrea today, and my dog. So I decide to bring up the last one for now.

"I want to see my dog" I say when everyone is quiet. Harley looks up from her fruit bowl and smiles. The blonde one, who I assume is Sarah, looks at Andrea and then back down at her egg on toast.

"We sent Cortez to check on him" Kadence informs me.

"This time with proper gear" Harley giggles. Kadence smiles and so does Heather. Sarah and Alexa giggle.

I slouch in my chair having not gotten a solid answer. Just a he's fine don't worry.

Noah pats my thigh but doesn't look at me. Andrea clears her throat after a few moments of utensils clattering on bowls and plates.

"Cassidy" she speaks. I look up at her and so does everyone else. "I'd like to have a little talk with you after breakfast if that's all right"

I swallow a lump in my throat and find myself whimper. She asked if it's alright but I know that I'm not allowed to say no.

"Um yeah okay" I say. Noah is staring intensely at Andrea and Kadence, switching between them.

"Yeah! And then Noah we can show you the new arena!" Harley says. Heather smiles in excitement.

After breakfast I follow Andrea down the hall. She's quiet and I follow awkwardly beside her.

"So Cassidy, tell me how you met Noah" she begins. I rub my arm and let out a slight laugh.

"Oh well... at the very beginning of that storm we had my car broke down so I ran to that stupid restaurant for shelter. And he was just there" I say.

Andrea nods and smiles slightly. "I can't believe Noah has settled down for someone. He used to fu- I mean um he used to get with Harley. And they never did anything serious. It's weird to see him act so caring towards a person"

I try to ignore the Harley part. Especially since they were together now. She was showing him the recently upgraded training room where they practiced shooting, defense, etc.

"Oh" is all I say. "Have you two...?" Andrea asa. I blush harshly and turn my face away so she can't see. Andrea clicks her tongue and chuckles softly. "I see"

After a few more minutes of silence she asks another question. "So do you know about his past?" She asked me. "I know about Elizabeth and how Jack killed her and other children" I say.

Andrea nods again and sighs. "We never got to know why Slax killed those kids in the first place. His whole family tree was always fucked up. Which is why we were never really stable together and we fell in the first place" she tells me.

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