2~ First Game

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Noah backs off my body and grins again. I brush my hands against my shorts in annoyance. Dick I think to myself.

"So" he starts. "Where's your shirt?" Noah grins at me. Only then do I remember I'm just in my sports bra. I blush harshly and turn away. "I got wet" I mumble and head into the kitchen.

Noah follows behind me and it makes me uncomfortable to have this man behind me with my knife. I quickly grab my sweater and tug it on. Surprisingly it's dry. Noah leans against the counter and just stares at me. "What" I snap.

"Just thinking..." he smiles at me. I glare at him and cross my arms over my chest. "About?" I ask. "Our game of course" Noah chuckles.

"I'm sorry so you were going to kill me but decided I'd be better off as a hide-and-seek playmate?" I ask, my tone harsh. Noah walks over to me slowly, his hands trapping me in between the counter and him.

"Everything here can kill you... but I can do it the most efficiently" he says. Shivers run down my spine at his words. Noah notices this and grins down at me, obviously happy I have a fear of him.

"And yet you haven't" I said, lifting my chin higher at him. Noah glares down at me. And then after a moment he grins again. "Maybe you're not worth killing" And then the bastard winked at me.

Noah moved his hand behind him "Let's make a deal" he says. "This storm is supposed to last from now until midnight tomorrow..." Noah informs with a sly grin. "So you have until then to kill me. And if you don't..." suddenly his hand moves back out and the knife accompanies it. He presses it against my throat once more. He trails the blade slowly down my throat. "It's not going to end well for you sweetheart"

I gulp and move my hand to push his away. "Okay hot shot cool it" I tell him. Noah glares at me. "That's your deal but what's your game?" I ask, my hand pushing gently at his chest. He backs up an inch, putting the knife back in his pocket. I breath again knowing where it is.

"Well I liked your suggestion... however maybe I'll save that for later" he says, his voice low. Hide-and-seek really? I think and try not to roll my eyes, not wanting to piss this dick off.

"I know. Let's play a game of tag" Noah says. This time I can't help but roll my eyes. "But there's a catch" he ignores my annoyance.

"What's that" I ask. "You get a headstart and if I catch you in under 5 minutes... you get a cut for every minute" he says.

"Great and if I catch you.... you tell me something about you. More depending on the minute I catch you" I decide to play along with his rules.

"If I told you my secrets you'd never look at me the same" Noah said, his face blank of expression.

"You're already a psychopath" I sigh. "I prefer creative" Noah winks. I roll my eyes again.

"You go get your headstart" I say. Noah walks out of the room, cocky bastard. After 30 seconds or so I reach into the drawer and grab another knife.

After a minute I go after Noah, wondering where I could find him. I move quietly around the restaurant, knife held tightly in my right hand. But I hear something. I turn quickly to see that the bastard has been following me. I chuck the knife swiftly and it cuts Noah on the shoulder, ripping through his shirt and sticking into the wall.

"Damn you can throw" Noah grinned at me. "I'll count that as a tag" he says and yanks the knife from the wall. "3 minutes 3 secrets" I say, proud of myself.

"Fine. But first you have to tell me where you learned that from" Noah shakes his head in disbelief as he walks over to me, holding the knife out to me. I reach to take it but he swipes it out of my reach.

"You have to tell me first" Noah grins down at me. I glare up at him and huff. Then I had a thought. "If I told you my secrets, you'll never look at me the same again" I mock, quoting him from earlier.

Noah's grin fades and he glares down at me. Then his face softens before smiling. "Touche"

We walk back to the kitchen in silence. I jump onto the counter and turn to Noah. "Okay hit me 3 things" I say.

Noah sighs and pulls up a chair that was folded in a corner. He sits in it and pulls out my original knife. The one he stole.

I wait for him to tell me something. It could all be lies but hey he promised. But then again, promises make the sweetest lies.

"My dad used to own this restaurant" he says. I raised my eyebrows at him. He nods and then looks down.

"And my sister... she died here. Someone killed her" Noah tenses, anger clear in his tone.

I suck in a breath, my body going limp. "What was her name" I ask breathlessly.


I nod slowly and wait. Noah can speak when he's ready. But he stands before he does speak.

"And lastly I was here tonight to kill that man. He was supposed to be here quite awhile ago. No worries however, the man sent me a message saying there was an hour delay" Noah grins.

Maybe that's why he didn't kill me. I'm not really what he's after. But he is preparing to kill someone. I could be practice in the end I think to myself. I hop off the counter and walk over to Noah.

"Well Noah I appreciate you following my rules but now however I think it's my turn to follow yours" I look up at him, tilting my head to the side slightly as to egg him on.

Noah slowly draws a wicked smile on his face before moving to grab my knife again. "Already then. You have a minute. Run Cassidy"

I lightly skip out of the room and jog down the hall. I walk quickly through the hallway and find a little room. It looks like an office. I peek inside and catch a large vent above the desk. I grin and climb quickly and quietly up the desk and open the vent. I crawl inside, very careful to put the vent back.

I slowly crawl, as if not to draw noise to myself, through the vent. I don't know how long I crawl for, but I find myself looking through another vent into a room I haven't seen or noticed before. Inside there is a table in the middle and a bunch of shelves against the walls. Noah is inside, knife clutched at his side, walking around carefully.

I stiffle a giggle knowing I might have won his silly little game. He moves out of the room and I move on. I find fun in peeking into rooms and finding something new. However one room I peek in, I notice I'm lower to the ground. I freeze when I see Noah walk past. I clutch my hand over my mouth to silence a scream. I quiet my breathing and wait. It appears we're in an arcade room.

Huh, didn't realize this restaurant was a kids place or something.

Noah walks out of my view and I hear the door click shut. I sigh and turn around, desperate to get higher above so Noah won't see me.

But again. Fuck me and fuck my life. Because as I'm crawling away, I feel a hand wrap around my ankle.

"Oh love" I hear a dark chuckle. "You had 30 seconds left"

Suddenly I'm being pulled out and I scream, my hands trying desperately to latch onto something. But only the smooth vent walls are there. I'm tugged out of the vent and land on the floor harshly. Noah stands over me, the knife loose in his hand, daunting me.

He clicks his tongue in disappointment. "Oh darling look at you" Noah grins.

"That's 4 minutes, 4 cuts"

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