When You're Mad-Ne-Yo - g!p(p2)

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cameron x billie 

She leans towards me and wraps her velvet lips around my earlobe, and sucks, teasing me, further proving my point. I lean down towards her neck, and her lips slip, losing grip as I kiss her jawline ever so gently. I lead my other hand around her throat and tilt her head away from me, giving me better access. I lead my lips up and down the small, sharp crease under her chin. I can feel her clench and unclench her jaw in nervous tension. My kisses go softer down, where I can feel her throb lightly, beating rapidly, against my lips, a muffled groan; a cheeky remark.

"Don't worry baby, it's just me, you don't have to be nervous," I whisper a kiss into the dip of her collarbone. She chuckles and tries to move her head to kiss my lips instead, wanting to feed into her own temptation. I push her away with the pad of my thumb and kiss deeper down, sucking at her feeble, pale skin, her chuckles turning into moans. I suck just hard enough to leave fresh, messy red spots, attaching a tame nibble. My grip on her pinned wrists loosens and she wiggles herself out of it, combing her hands through my hair, her sighs become heavier and vibrate harder against my harsh kisses. My cock gets harder by the second and creates a tent, ironed down by her pelvic bone, her breasts pressing against my own, a thin cloth, a substitute for a divider between us.

I move my hand away from her throat and I wrap it around her breast, letting my fingers glide, simply, over her gentle form, and fiddle with the tips of her hard nipples, and around the softened warmth of her side boob. My lips find their way back up to her own and we pursue a heavy makeout, her eyes closed and her kiss is smooth and slippery, and she tastes amazing, despite the lack of food we had today. My hips grind into hers, feeling her thighs and her stomach, her boobs, and her lips press roughly against me, with me. Her breasts spill over my own and my chest heats up, my heart beating faster.

I grab her breasts tighter and massage them, rewarded with a sigh, like smoke, traveling from her to me. She lifts her leg and hooks it up on the bone of my hip and when she feels that it's secure in place, she lifts the other one. My lower abdomen flushes and a rush of blood pulsates my dick against her, and I can feel how wet she is between her thighs. Our breathing and sloppy kisses are a hot mess, but God does this feel good. I let go of her other wrist and cup her face, licking her lips, her mouth opening so my tongue slips in. She slings her arms around my neck, sitting them atop my shoulders and pulling me closer-as if that were even possible. Our tongues fight for dominance, gliding passionately against one another and my head goes light and fuzzy. I win in seconds and bite the tip of her tongue and the bit of her lip to tease her, and she smiles into the kiss. My hands melt away from her breasts curl and face and I wrap them under her thighs.

I grab the parts under her leg and lift her from the wall, keeping our heavy kisses until I pull back and throw her on our messy bed. She falls back, leaning away from me and her face is flushed, her neck covered in hickeys and her legs lay lopsided and wide, giving me a full view of her panties, dark where she was wet with arousal. I pull off my shirt, revealing a sports bra. I pull that off too, watching her eyes drag down my every groove, curve, and imperfection. Billie leans up and kisses me deeply, reconnecting her lips to mine, allowing myself to crawl onto the bed, on top of her, and slip my hand into her hair. I grab a fist full of it, her vanilla scent wafting up to my nose.

I grab Billie's hips, hooking my fingers in her panties, and drag them down her thighs, kissing her skin, slowly skimming my lips lithely. Her chest, her stomach, her perfect thighs, leaning towards her crotch and farther down to her calves, and flinging the flimsy clothing across the room. I pull her closer and kiss her pelvic and her hip bones, running circles with my lips around her flawless skin, letting my tongue go over the small creases and crevices and the little dimples peeking out of the top of her legs. I kiss the tail and feet of her dragon tattoo, prolonging my way with her.

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