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"Hey Eli, Billie- are you guys ok in there? We heard some...things," Finneas says, his smile evident in his words. Bil opens her eyes and sits up, I move aside to give her room and she swings her legs off the side of the bed. I sit up straight to just get a better view of her.

"Yah, yeah we're good," she says frantically getting up to get her clothes but fails as her legs are too weak and her core is sore, falling onto the brown carpet. "Fuck that hurt," she mumbles on the floor. I laugh aloud but stop abruptly when Claudia starts talking.

"You sure? It sounded like one of you guys just fell." Bil rolls on the floor, clutching her legs to her chest in slight pain.

"Yah, that was just bil, she's just...struggling," i say, smirking at Billie's sudden scowl on how i just emphasized* on the word 'struggling'.

"Oh my god, do you guys need help or anything?'' Claudia starts to worry. I hear a little beep and my head snaps to the door as I realize what she's doing-''I'm coming in," she says as the nob begins to turn. I run past the bathroom and to the door and press my back against it, flinching at the cold temperature of the medal exit map attached to it.

"Claudia, Finneas we're good-we really don't need your help."

"Ok, just make sure not to be late-well, you're already 15 minutes late for soundcheck, so i guess don't be later than late," she chuckles.

"Yup, we'll be out in a minute," I look down at bil, who is on her stomach on the floor and looking up at me with a frustrated and confused look. "What?" i say once i know Finneas and Claudia are gone-finally, a bitch couldn't take a hint, like god damn.

"How the sfuck are you standing?!"

"Well, bil-i wasn't the one who decided to shove a whole 8 inch dick-

"HAHA-HAHA-HAHA-WHAT," she cuts me off, not wanting me to finish. I laugh as she gets on her elbows and crawls army style. I cringe and run to her side.

"Billie, why the fuck are you doing that? Aren't you burning from rug burn or something?" she turns to look me in the eyes.

"No, I'm flying from rug burn, totally not burning from rug burn," and she rolls her eyes as if she just made a joke. I don't laugh and I put out my hands so if she wants, she could use me as support to get back up on the bed and if she wants, I could help her dress.

"Nah, i'm good-we're gonna be late, remember?" I throw my hands up in the air.

"That's what I was saying before we did it all," I waved my hand around, gesturing to the fun we just had, "this."

"Ok so, now I'm saying it-we're gonna be late." she repeats. I shake my head and just watch her move to her clothes.

"And then shane dawson comes in after us, just with a black light, looking for clues on a forgoten and forbidden murder mystery, but finds this," i gesture to her ass, "a long cum stain in a line across the floor." i paused for a moment, "i bet you her gonna be wondering what bitches be doing in here, dragging their asses across the floor like we snails-just leave a trail of juice everywhere." She reaches the rack and turns her head around to me-giving me a 'what the fuck is wrong with you' look. I look up at her with innocence coloring my facial features and ask, "what?". She sits still as she looks confused and flustered.

"I'm just...why...," she sighs and goes for a second attempt at standing up. I get up and wrap my arms around her, coming in from behind, and picking her up to put her on the bed. "Hey!" she pouts as I turn around, grabbing her performance outfit.

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