titty f*ck - g!p

902 9 3

cameron x billie 

Blue is the warmest color. A great, lesbian, french movie Billie suggested we watch. And so that's what we're doing, watching this movie. She made it a rule that I can't touch her during the movie, which I thought was strange till we got through the first quarter of the movie to discover a great sex scene. No, not discover. I discovered it, she already knew about it, that's why she didn't want me touching her.

So now I'm sitting here, squirming on my side of the couch, away from her. She knows what she's doing, touching herself and looking at me, the moans from the screen and the way shes eating her out....fuck.

"Billie, please..." she shakes her head no.

"Man, is it getting hot in here?"

"No, Billie, you're fine, put your clothes back on," and she laughs at my quick eagerness for clothes.

"I haven't even taken them off yet," she continues laughing. I tighten my legs to focus on something else and to fix myself from watching the damn movie. Blood rushes through my body and a warm not twists between my thighs. And I can't resolve it.

Out of the corner of my eye, she fiddles around, playing with herself, her clothes and sighing in such a way that I would normally think is a yawn, but given the moment, is a moaning tease. My pants tighten and her yawns turn into slight chuckles and she rolls her eyes



"Can't you behave yourself?" she says elegantly between strained teeth. Her words curl like a python, twisting to a seductive smile.

She leans over to my side, poise over my body, watching her shadow draw over my skin, following every trace of it. She watches my every move, the creases to my jeans constricting and flattening to a point. My point. Fuck.



"I know you can take it," she slips her hands over my thighs, undoing the tight boundaries of my buttons and zippers. She strokes and fondles me through the cloth of my underwear, gripping every now and then when she reaches my tip. She smiles, admiring the silhouette through my tight boxers. My head falls back, still knowing the rule-no touching her. God, how long is that going to last?

Her carasses get harder and tighter, grasping more at my black clothes than at me, pulling them down to let myself slip out and point directly up at me.

"Oo, you're so eager, aren't you?" she smiles, kissing up and down the delicate, soft skin. She traces lines along the faint veins and slight curves of skin.

"Ugh, mmm," I moan under my breath, my head naturally falling back onto the couch cushions, allowing her to do her thing. I know she's still teasing me.

She kisses more and more around the tip, watching my every move and sigh of contempt and content. They get wetter and wetter every time she touches the little slit at the top, her tongue slipping out and over the fragile skin, where her lips spread to a smile.

She slips down onto the floor, her legs swinging over my own, and she grips me, keeping me in her mouth and downing me farther with her tongue.

"Ughhh," I breathe in a heavenly sigh.

"Actually...," she stops for a moment, thinking to herself whilst holding me, stroking me and looking to her side of the couch. Oh no, please don't let this stop now.

She gets up and lies down to her side of the couch, her fingers curling in a 'come hither' towards me, to which I abide, climbing on top and on either side of her. She grabs my hand to touch her up her thighs, to which I replace with kisses and loving sentiments.

I touch her clit, rubbing it in circles and on occasion, do I stick the tip of my finger between her lips, feeling the sweet wetness. I dip into her and her eyes close lightly each time I get near. I play with her some more, measuring my temptations with the depths of each knuckle, going farther and farther in.

She distracts herself with her shirt, pulling it up over her head, but leaving me to taste her rouge skin. I close my eyes, enjoying her soulful flesh, softened and waxed with lotion, her vanilla aroma enveloping me as a whole, and I am drunk off of her.

This woman.

I hear her soft giggles, the lithe affection of my lips tickling her delicately, to which I beg to admire, opening my eyes. Her smile is prominent and she looks from my eyes and down to my lips, and then just a bit further. I catch them to look at me, pointing to her. She smiles and blushes in the dull light. I continue with my fingering for once more a moment.

I pull off the rest of my clothes, shaming them to the side, and I crawl atop her. She wears a simple sports bra, keeping her breasts tight and pressed to her chest, unkempt from me. She slides her hands up my firm thighs and resumes her play with me, stroking and loving my piece.

Her fingers slip over every groove and vein, like before, keeping to her kisses and mouth-play. She spits into her hands and slides them down for coverage.

I lean down to connect our lips, loving her simply, holding the back of the couch above her head for balance. She's so perfect, looking pretty.

She pulls me up, smiling like she has a new idea, and she lifts the elastic hem to her sports bra, fitting me between her breasts. She presses them together and I am surrounded by her soft, ceraceous skin. Her hand grasps at my upper hip, pushing and pulling me closer to slide between her, I finish her sentence by rolling my hips into her.

My fingers curl inside her and her strokes slow, her eyes fluttering closed and her lips mouthing oblivious words. She strokes again and again, reminding herself that I'm here too, focusing on something other than the pleasure.

I pull my hand closer and closer to her, in and out where her eyes open to whites, and her eyebrows crease.

"You getting close?"

"Ye-yeah," she tries to compose herself, her eyes opening to focus on my own but melting into a moaning mess beneath me. She deflects her thoughts and strokes me harder, her near orgasm causing her to grip me tighter, fitting me in her mouth.

She plays with me, her tongue savoring me completely. She drags the underside onto my tip, swallowing my length and kissing lovingly.

"Oooh ya, yes," I groan, holding my breath and feeling my body blush and burn to see her eyes and boobs bouncing with my every jult and thrust. The couch squeals under our heavy bodies, the sweat increasing from the two of us and naturally sliding easier against one another, gaining speed.

"Baby, ugh, bab-y-

She stops for a moment, fitting herself farther between her legs for a better reach between me and her mouth, her tits touching my inner thighs. She crosses her arms, pulling off her bra, hesitant for my slowing clit strokes.

"Please, baby..." and I smirk, going faster when she grabs me. She presses her boobs together, jerking me with her gentle and tight hands. Her tits ripple and bounce between her arms and I speed up my play with her.

"Ooo-gah- fuck," her eyes scrunch and she creases her skin and forehead, breathing hard and heavy on me and releasing along my fingers.

My thighs grip in her hands, and she taps my stomach to tell me she's finishing.

"Ahhh-uOOo," she moans against the cushions.

After a moment, she keeps, and tastes me with her lips and tongue, again, jerking me to completion.

"Baby, cum on my face, all over m-my big tits," she slurs. I do.

"God, you're so hot--you-uh," my head falls back and I release into her mouth, dripping down her chin and chest.

"Bil-ee ugh...ooahh," I sigh loudly, collapsing over her, my face aside her breasts. My body elevated with pleasure and hard gasps.

I bring my fingers to my mouth, tasting her, during which she brings her hands across her chest, smearing my mess and licking me up.

Fucken, shit. This movie was hell.

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