bratz doll - gxg

535 9 2

???? x billie

for yall who like 👀...n e ways

God, I'm so sick and tired of people. It's not that I feel smarter than everyone else, it's that I just am, I swear people seriously don't have a brain sometimes. I throw my keys down into our bowl by the door, take off my shoes, and get ready to unwind from this long and stressful day.

"I'm home, my love," I called out to my girlfriend. Hopefully, she's home- God, she's the only person I want to see right now, "Billie?"

No response. Damn.

I undress on my way up the stairs, getting ready to plop into bed, and will my problems away with the only solution I have, sleep. My bra, socks, rings, and anything else that I know will be a pain in the ass to try to relax in.

I head into our room, put away my clothes, and get ready to knock out. Out of the corner of my eye, I see something swaying in the air and I take a quick glance, seeing Billie on her phone, headphones in while on all fours, her butt stuck up high. She was wearing those cute biker shorts and they were seriously doing her ass wonders, fitting in all the right places, her curves filling out every line of fabric.

"Hey baby," I bite my lip, calling out to her in hopes that she can hear me now with the close proximity. She smiles, laughing at whatever video was playing. I walk up to her, and she sees me out of the corner of her eye, watching me in the side mirror, letting me pull away her listening devices while she smiles. She looks up at me, leaning in to kiss me.

"God, I missed you all fucken day dude," she pressed her forehead against mine.

"I know, today was so stupid for no reason...I almost thought you weren't here and I got sad," i whisper against her lips. I kiss her again and her body slides down my own, stretching in her prior position, in an exaggerated child's pose. "Baby, you look so sexy right now," I watched her muscles flex, her shirt sliding up her back and her tattoo making an infamous reappearance from last night. "God, I want you so bad," I mumble to myself, thinking of the only way I want to unwind.

She rolls over with a big yawn, her eyes lazy and tired, "ya?" she smiles. She lifts her shirt up and over her head, revealing nothing underneath, fresh and ready to be fucked.

"Yes baby, get back on your knees," I pull myself closer to her, fiddling with the drawers on my side of the bed, already conjuring up ways I could fuck her. She stretches one last time, arching her back and yawning with a deep yearning sound, like a low moan, her face creasing in ways that I know it wasn't out of full fatigue but out of tease. Fuck you.

She pulls up, folding her small frame under herself, looking up at me, fiddling with the buttons on my shirt, unbuttoning them one. By. One.

When she sees my stomach she smiles, "god..." she groans in a low raspy voice, skating her hands over my skin, my flesh reddening to the feeling of her relaxingly cold hands. She admires the way my eyes close in a moment of pleasure, and drags her lips up and down the space between my belly button and my leather belt, kissing me softly and silently begging for me to give it to her.

"I'm ready for you," her hot breath fans against my soft hairs.

"Mm," I grabbed her face, "you know I don't want you like that. Get back on your hands and knees just how you know I like it-I...uhh," I sigh, her hands working their way with me, her small fingers wiggling around to undo my belt, her eyes teasing me again. I grab her hands tightly within my own, "Billie..." I warn.

"No." she takes me by surprise. Oh, god, I can see where this is gonna go.

"I'm not taking no for an answer," I grab her face again, her lips puckering with my grip, her cheeks soft between my fingers. I had a stressful fucking day, if she's gonna give me a hard time I'm not gonna be putting up with her shit.

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