Dick Appointment - g!p(p2)

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soriya x billie

"So, you're not gonna tell me?" I ask innocently, "who made you cum this hard," I slide a finger up and down. She looks at me, not willing to answer-she's a brat. I slipped in a finger, a quick gasp sucked between her teeth. I pull it out and do another, her pussy already really wet and making it easier for me. I go slow, teasing her, and myself, just how she needs it-i won't be treating her till she tells me what I want to hear.

I bring my eyes down her body, away from her eyes, and watch how she squirms, her little heart beating softly within her ribs, her skin throbbing. I smile, dragging my lips and kissing along her dragon tattoo and hip bone.

She bucks herself off the bed, soundlessly asking for me, for more. I give her more, just not of what she needs. And I move my kisses around in circles, my finger pulling in and out, curling every 6th or 7th pull.

"Please," she mourns, her hand wrapping around the back of my neck and pushing me where she wants me most. I stick another finger in and her whimpering turns into a soft moan with a smile. "More."

"Not until you tell me what I want to hear," I whisper into my kisses, my warm breath emollients her perfect skin.

"You, you, it's all for you," she hurriedly tells me, lying. I'm not satisfied with the answer but I proceed anyway. I lick up the rest of her cum, pointing my tongue and swirling it around the entrance, up and down, and under the little fold to her hood. It felt hard on my tongue, like a little bundle of uncooked rice but softer on the taste. The tips of my fingers skim along her skin, going up and down her thigh, tracing the black inked lines of her dragon tattoo. I never got to see it till now, and it's beautiful. With the way my fingers twirl around the antennas, dragon's mane, and wispy whiskers, I find my tongue doing the same to her clit. The way the dragon's claws curl down in a spiral, I'll let my fingers follow, and my tongue rounds in light circles.

I begin to tattoo the image to my mind, as it is to her body, finding it easier to keep track of which part of the wisps are where and just how the mane flows along her skin. Not needing to use my eyes to her skin, I look at her face. Her eyes closing tighter every time I go down her dragon's tail, long swirls in semi-circles.

I do this again and again, her lips whispering nonsense. "Please, oh fuck, sss..please.." her back arches off the sheets. I curl my tongue, flicking it like I said I would, and do the same with my fingers inside her. I roll my fingers up, and up and up, each time gaining a greater reaction. Her mouth opening, heavy sighs getting louder, and her nipples, hardening.

"Yes baby, yes tell me who makes you feel this way," she shakes her head.

"You, you!" i stop my finger tracing and bring it to her hood, gently pulling it back and getting right to her clit, pointing my tongue and drawing little 'x's.

"Mhm, you know that's right," I hum, slowing my fingering. Her eyes open and her heavy breaths slow. I wrap my lips around her, sucking and spitting her out repeatedly, continuing to draw the little minuscule again and again. I slide my fingers in and out of her, her cum collecting on my knuckle, and the feeling soft and smooth.

"Ugh...ugh good god, fuck," she moans, combing her hand through her hair and grabbing at the soft parts of her boob, her other hand intertwining with my own scalp. "Mm...yes, yes-fuck, don't stop," she curses when i go back to my curling fingers. I start up slow but pick up speed, back to when she liked it best before. My lips work their magic, kissing and humming, as does my tongue, swirling and writing pretty x's and ∞ symbols. And because she already had a good run, she came just as fast, if not faster this time.

"Oh-fuck, fuck, fuck, ugh-" her hands grasp tirelessly at my hair, her back arching off the bed, her boobs sliding to the sides of her chest. I keep my steady, quick pace with her and gain her every feeling-the electricity running through her body runs through mine and i feel connected to her, with her. She brings my face closer to her, rolling her hips into my lips, elongating the moment.

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