Chapter ~ 7

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Heabom and Teasung spent the next few weeks recovering from the wounds they had sustained in the violent confrontation with their enemies. They had come out victorious, but the cost had been high.

During their recovery, they spent a lot of time talking and reflecting on their experiences. They knew that they had both been changed by what had happened, and they were determined to move forward together, no matter what the future held.

One afternoon, as they sat on Heabom's couch, Teasung turned to him with a serious expression.

"Heabom, I've been thinking," he said. "I want us to leave this life behind. All of it. The fighting, the violence, everything."

Heabom looked at him, surprised. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, let's start fresh. Somewhere new. Somewhere we can be ourselves and live our lives without fear," Teasung said, his voice firm.

Heabom thought about it for a moment, considering the possibilities. He knew that the life they had been living was dangerous and unsustainable. And the thought of being able to live openly with Teasung, without the constant threat of violence, was appealing.

"I think you're right," he said, taking Teasung's hand. "Let's do it. Let's start over somewhere new."

And so, they made a plan. They sold off their belongings, packed what they could carry, and set out to find a new home. They traveled for weeks, visiting different cities and towns, trying to find a place where they could be safe and happy.

Finally, they found it. A small town nestled in the mountains, far from the violence and danger of their old life. They rented a small cabin, and for the first time in years, they felt truly at peace.

As they settled into their new life, they discovered a new sense of freedom and happiness. They spent their days exploring the mountains and valleys around them, and their nights cuddled up together by the fire.

And though they knew that they would always carry the scars of their past with them, they also knew that they had each other. And with that, they could face anything.

*********************Thank You **********************


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