Chapter 3

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After showering at my Karate place and changing into my school uniform, I ran out after saying bye to my Sensei.

"Hey, Samantha!" I waved at one of my good friends from school.
"Hey, Mari! Ohh what happened to your face?"
"Got into a little fight. It was ok. It was a misunderstanding."
"Oh alright. You want ice for that?"
"No, it's alright. I have class right now, so bye!"

I skated down the hallway but jumped off the moment I made eye contact with the principal.
"Board in the air, Ms. Dupain-Cheng."
"Of course sir." I laughed nervously and walked away from him. 
"Hey everyone!" I screamed when I entered my classroom.
"Marinette!" Everyone screamed.
"I missed you!" I got tackled down.
"Reki!" Reki is one of my guy's friends. And the one that treats me like a human and not glass.
"I missed you too!" We were the kids in our friend group.
"Get off of her weirdo!"
"Hey!" Reki whined.
I giggled and got ready for class. 

"I'm late I'm late I'm late!" I muttered while running to change my Volleyball clothes into my school uniform.
"Hurry up Marinette! Or you'll be late! See you for tomorrow's game!"
"Bye!" I yelled out while grabbing my board and running off.
After Volleyball practice, I have Karate. 
No, my karate is this different.
It took so long to find it.
They give you lessons and such, but every week there's a competition.
You verse people from different levels and every time you win, you get money.
No quirks are allowed. 

"You are late." My Sensei said while standing there calmly.
"Sorry Sensei." I ran into the changing rooms and changed into my Karate clothes. 

After tying my black belt on and making sure my pigtails were tight, I left the room. 

"Alright Sensei

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"Alright Sensei. Ready." I bowed with my first against my palm.
"Kiba Daichi." He said and I immediately got into stance by spreading my feet. 
"Kokutsu Daichi." I stood on my tippytoes with my left foot and my right foot was spread out and tilted towards the right.
And that's how my lesson went. 

"I'm done Sensei!" I panted while laying on the floor.
He may be old but he's strong and fast.
"Good job, young one." He lent me his hand and pulled me up. 
"You have a competition on Friday."
"3 days from now." I hummed.
"Yes. Are you going?"
"Of course! I need all the money!"
"How is your mother by the way?"
"She's doing well." I smiled while packing my bag.
"Alright then. Have a good day and see you tomorrow."
"Bye Sensei!"

I walked out of my private room only to see Akira leaning against the wall with his phone.
"Hey, Sweetheart!"
"Hey, Akira! You just got done?"
"A while ago. Just decided to wait for you."
"Thanks!" We both grabbed our boards and walked out of the building.

"Where do you have to go now?" He asked while skating next to me.
"Home. Shower. Work."
"Cool. After?"
"After work, I'm going to practice Volleyball with my friend. Even though she doesn't exactly know how to play she's pretty good at it. And then after, I'm going to shower again then go to my last job."
"Nice. Want to hang out whenever you're free. Like, go to the skateboard park?"
"Sure! I'm free tonight. I have no homework."
"Really!? Sick! Alright! Tonight then!" He gave me a high five and then laughed while hugging me making us both lose balance and fall.
"My board!"
"Shit!" I ran after my board trying to catch it. 
"I'll see you tonight, Akira!"

Bakugou's POV:
"Ugh! Today's test was so hard!" Dunce Face groaned.
"If you studied except for playing video games this wouldn't have happened," I muttered while looking through my phone. 
"But sti-"
"Fuck!" I yelled out while gripping my ankle.
"Woah! It's a skateboard!"
"No shit sherlock!" I yelled out while grabbing the board.
"It looks familiar," I muttered while examining it. 

"Hey! That's-" I felt someone tap my shoulder

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"Hey! That's-" I felt someone tap my shoulder. 
"Oi! Watch your fucking bo-" I turned around to see Marinette.
"Pfft!" I heard Dunce face start to laugh.
"Sorry about that. My friend and I were goofing around and my board rolled away." She said while rubbing the back of her neck.
"Anyways I got to go." She said grabbing the board.
"Thank you! Hold guys are Mina's friends!" She said while smiling big.
"Is she here?" She asked while looking around.
"No, not right now. Her house-"
"Oh right. It's not this way." She chuckled.
"Nice board by the way. I skate a bit." Dunce Face said.
"Nice! Show me sometimes. I painted this myself."
"Cool! Here. Give me your number." He said while giving her his phone and him taking her phone.
"Text me if you ever want to skate! Now I got to go! Bye!" She threw her board and rolled off.
".....Woah," I muttered while staring at her roll away.
"Bro! What the heck was that? You shouted at her then froze!"
"I think Kachan's in love~"
"Shut the fuck up!"

After hanging out with the idiots, it was finally time I went home.
It was currently 1 in the morning.
Way too late for me.

As I was walking home with my headphone in and listening to pop music I heard laughter.
I paused and looked at the skate park across from me.
"C'mon Akira! Stop being a baby!" I heard a familiar voice.
"Shut up, Sweetheart!" I saw 2 people doing dips in these big bowls laughing and screaming. 
Something else caught my eye.
I saw a man creeping around the park while stalking low.
I immediately realized he was a villain. 
I ran towards the park.
"What!?" She fell off her board while groaning.
"Ahh!" A girly scream was what I heard.
But who it came from wasn't Marinette.
It was the guy.
"Sorry. That was fake." He coughed.
"But Marinette! Get the fuck up!" he grabbed her arm and pulled her up and behind him.
I jumped in front of them while blocking them from the villain.
"Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled out while holding my hand in front of me with an explosion ready to power.
"Bakugou! Leave this to the pro heroes!" I heard Marinette shout.
I ignored her and shot out an explosion when he came closer.
"Stay the fuck down!"
"Get her the fuck out of here!" I yelled out and immediately blocked the villain from going after them.

A few minutes later, I had the villain pinned under me when Mr. Aizawa and a few cops came.
"You are under" Before the police could finish his line of me using my quirk without permission I showed him my license.
"He's with me. My student." Mr. Aizawa said while coming towards me.
"You ok, Bakugou?"
"What'd ya think Mr. Aizawa? Ask this guy." I said while patting the villain's head.
"Whatever. Take him."
"I got to go."
"Alright. I'll take your statement at school then." He pushed me off.
I walked away whistling when I got tackled down in a hug. 
"Oh thank you! Are you ok!?" angel she was.
Wrapping her arms around my waist and barely meeting my chest with blurry torn bluebell crystal eyes was Marinette.
"I'm fine, Blueberry," I muttered while patting her head.
"Are you sure? I saw him throw you against the wall."
"I'm fine. Promise."
"See? Told you Marinette! Now let's go! I'll drop you home!"
"Ok! Wait! Where do you live?"

Well now after I told her where I live, I figured out her house is a few houses from mine, so she said she'll walk with me.
And her friend too. 
Are they friends? Or a couple?
"This is me," I muttered.
"Oh alright! I'll see you around I guess! Thank you again for saving us!"
"No problem," I muttered while covering my face.
"Hey, Marinette?"
"Yes, Akira?"
"I'll watch you walk home, ok? I just need to talk to your.....friend her."
"Oh! Alright! Good night! See you tomorrow Akira!" She hugged him and kissed his cheek making my blood boil.
"Yea yea whatever," he muttered and wiped her kiss away making Marinette giggle.
So not a couple. 
After watching her walk away for a few minutes he turned towards me but still kept an eye on her.
"I don't know who you are....or how you two met....but stay the fuck away from her. She already has enough trouble. She doesn't need you. You have a quirk. She doesn't. You stay with your group....and she'll stay with hers. I saw you. During the Sports Festival. And I know you think you're superior because you have a quirk. I don't want her to be upset when you don't act like a friend to her. So stay the fuck away! Got i-"
"Good night Akira!"
"Good night Sweat Heart!" he yelled out and waved while smiling.
After she walked into her house he glared at me.
I glared back.
"I don't care who the fuck YOU are.....but you stay the fuck out of my business." I snapped and walked up the stairs and into my house. 

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