Chapter 10

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I walked out of the bathroom with Bakugou after he cleaned me up and tried cheering me up. 
I sighed and gripped the handle of my bag.
We walked a little and I looked up when I heard a noise.
It was the hitter from the other team.
The main hitter who was targeting me.
She smirked at me.
I sighed and was about to walk past her.
"Oh no no no. I think we need to talk." She said.
"Oi! You back-"
"Bakugou. Take my bag and go sit over there." I dropped my bag but he caught it and stared at me.
"Go on," I muttered.
"Tch....don't tell me what to do." He said and walked off towards the bench a few feet away. 

"What?" I asked while crossing my arms.
She pushed me back and pinned me against the wall.
"You think you're all that, huh? I destroyed you." She was way taller than me so I had to stare up at her.
"You were cheating by targeting me and physically hurting me. You guys were just basically aiming for me to get rid of me to win." I muttered while glaring up at her.

I'm glad Bakugou didn't interfere yet. I could handle this. 
I pushed her by the shoulders and pushed her back into the wall and pushed her down to her butt.
"Now listen here. I won't tolerate this. My team can easily beat you guys." I said glaring down at her.
"Oi! Get your fucking hands off of my girl!" A guy taller than me came running to me. 

"Baby! This girl was hitting me!""I was not!" I glared down at her and moved away to let her stand

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"Baby! This girl was hitting me!"
"I was not!" I glared down at her and moved away to let her stand.
"We were talking. And YOU were the one who pinned me first."
"Just get your hands off of her! Or I'll fucking hurt you-"
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" A deep scary voice said from behind me.
I looked back to see Bakugou standing there with a scowl and his arms crossed showing his muscles. 

"I didn't interfere because I knew my girl could handle it. But now that you're here, I'll come to handle you."
"....Uhh you-you see I was just ummm-" He started sweating and fidgeting.
"Baby!" The girl whined and stomped away with her boyfriend running after her.
"Thank you Bakugou. But I could've handled him too. And I'm not your girlfriend."
"I know...I just-"
"Marinette! Come on! The bus is leaving! The coach wants to take us out for dinner!"

"I got to go. I'll see you later." I smiled and hugged him before walking away. 

"Girls...I know you girls are upset....devastated...even maybe hopeless....but right now...we got to focus. We have the whole Summer to practice and train. We have a Summer camp for Volleyball players too. And you guys did well enough in this game that you guys will be going to the Spring Nationals. Now eat up, and stop crying." The coach said then let us eat.
We each grabbed our bowls of rice and used our chopsticks to grab everything else.
We all had tears running down our faces but my face was empty. I was empty.
I need that money. Karate is off during the whole Summer. My job won't pay enough for hospital bills and treatments. 

"Thank you, Coach. I'll try harder during Summer."
"I know you will Marinette." My coach said and patted my head.
I walked off down the street.

Bakugou's POV:
I sighed and walked home before it got too dark. 
I was kicking rocks when I heard a door jingle and laughter.
I looked up to see teenagers coming out of a store with boards while talking and laughing.
I walked to the store and realized it was a skateboarding store. 
I sighed and looked down.

"Hey welcome!"
I nodded at the front desk guy.
I looked around. 

"What can I help you with?" The front desk dude came and said with a huge smile

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"What can I help you with?" The front desk dude came and said with a huge smile.
"I'm looking for a board for my...."
"......Girlfriend.....soon to be," I muttered feeling my cheeks heat up.
"Awesome! Does she love skating? Did she get it from you?" He asked while looking through some boards.
"No...I don't skate." I muttered while looking at a few.
"Got it. Skater girlfriend. Your thing?"
"Nope. She's my only thing." I muttered.
"Aww, you're whipped."
"Oi! Shut the fuck up and get me a fucking board or else I'm leaving!"
"Alright alright sorry. Ok, tell me what her thing is."

Once I found a board I thought she might like, I showed it to the guy

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Once I found a board I thought she might like, I showed it to the guy.
"Looking nice! C'mon! I'll fix it up for ya!" He took the board and went behind the counter.
"Now we're going to add wheels and grip and such." He said while picking out a few wheels.
"Which wheel?"
"Uhh..." I just showed him a pic of her old skateboard.
"OOh, that was sick." He said then zoomed in on the wheels.
"Alright, these." He started screwing on the wheels and doing other stuff, I had no idea of.
"All done!" He exclaimed while lifting the board. 
"Thanks," I muttered and held it.
It looked and felt nice.
"That will be $65!"
"Why so cheap? She said they are usually $100."
"It's a discount. For being such a great boyfriend to be!"
"Shut up!"
"Haruto." He said giving me his hand.
I stared at his hand and slowly shook his hand with mine.


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When I got close to my house, I saw Marinette walking up her driveway.
She just walked home?
"Oi! Marinette!" I yelled out and walked faster.
She looked back and then met me halfway.

"Hey, Bakugou." She nodded.
"Ummm he-here. For you." I muttered and gave her the skateboard.
"Y-Yea. Hope...hope you like it." I muttered and scratched the back of my neck. 
"I love it! Thank you so much Bakugou!" She yelled while gripping the board to her chest.
She then put the board down and threw her arms around my neck.
I almost fell so I grabbed onto her thighs.
"Thank you. You're amazing." She muttered against my neck making my face heat up. 

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