Chapter 32

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"Marinette! Are-"
"I'm ready!" I exclaimed popping out of my room. 

Today was the Sport's Festival. And obviously I was rooting for Katsuki. So I was wearing blue jeans with a black top. I had a white button up shirt with Katsuki's hero name on it. Ground Zero. And a cap with his hero name on it. I got them custom made. 

"Let's go!" I screamed jumping down the last step

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"Let's go!" I screamed jumping down the last step.
Mr. Aizawa and Hizashi already were gone so it was just Eri, me, and Hitoshi. 

Eri was wearing light green hoodie with jeans. She was also wearing an orange cap. 

Hitoshi just wore his school uniform

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Hitoshi just wore his school uniform. 
"Let's go." He grabbed Eri's hand and grabbed the bag I was taking filled with snacks and water bottles.
"I'll lock the door." I grabbed my board, locked the door, and skated beside them.
"So do you feel?"
"Good. I've been training with dad a lot. I think I can go a few rounds but that boyfriend of yours! Ugh!" He groaned in frustration and I laughed.
"That's my Katsuki." I smirked and did a flip. 
"Whatever." He chuckled.
"Come on Eri. Hop on." 
"Yay!" She squealed and ran to me.
I was pushing myself slowly so she hopped on carefully.
I held her her hands and outstretched our arms so we have balance.

"Woah!" I stared astonished at the huge building infront of me. 

"So cool!" I squealed jumping around

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"So cool!" I squealed jumping around.
"Whatever. Let's go." Hitoshi said grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him with my board in my hand. 
" both go through there. Up the stairs. Dad and pops should be up there. For now you'll stay there until everything's ready then you'll go sit with the audiences."
"Alright." I took the school bag with our snacks from him and threw it over my shoulder and grabbed Eri's hand.
"Let's go."

We were walking down the long hall passing by a few students who we didn't recognize. 
"Hey Eri!"
"Deku-San!" Eri ran to this boy with green curly hair and bright green eyes and freckles. 
They were both hugging each other.
"Hi! I'm Deku." He shook hands with me.
"She's my Ane!" Eri said smiling.
"Oh! You're Mr. Aizawa's new daughter! He talks about you a lot! And Present Mic!"
"That's cool. I haven't heard of you before."
"Do you not have a quirk?"
"Yea...I'm quirkless."
"Awesome! What do you do for fun then? What school do you go to? You have to be doing something that you have muscles." He said while holding my arm.
"Yea, I play V-"
"She plays Volleyball and does Karate! And she skateboards! She's so awesome at them!"
"Wow really?" His eyes were twinkling while he was still holding my arm.

"Oi! You damn Deku get your fucking hands off of my girlfriend!"
"Aha! Kachaan! I-It's-She-She's your girlfriend!?" He jumped away from me and Katsuki came and pushed me behind him.
"Yes! Now what the fuck were you doing fucking touching her!? Hah!?"
"Kat-Katsu." I cooed while rubbing his shoulders.
"It's alright. We were just talking." He glared at Deku and then turned towards me.
"Tch...I know...but you look damn hot." He muttered while looking down at me. 
He had his hands on my arms and mine were on his sides.
"I know." I smiled cheekily at him.
"Woah..." He muttered then pulled my button up shirt together and saw the writing.
"Ground Zero...." He muttered then looked up at my cap.
"You're so fucking amazing!" He laughed and hugged me to his chest.
"You look fucking awesome! Better then me." He pulled me away and gave my cheek a big kiss. 
"Katsuki!" I giggled and kissed his lips.

"Woah...." We both looked to the side to see Deku staring at us.
"What the fuck do you want damn Deku!?"
"Stop it Katsu." I slapped his arm.
"Wait...Kachan you're dating Mr. Aizawa's daughter!?"
"Yes! Way before damnit!"
"Marinette and Eri Aizawa....please come to the monitor room. If you are lost please someone show them the way." We heard Mr. Aizawa's voice on the speakers.
"Mr. Aizawa is looking for you two."
"I mean Hitoshi did tell us the way a while ago so Mr. Aizawa is probably expecting us."
"Alright. Go down there."
"Thank you. I'll be cheering for you." I kissed his cheek then grabbed Eri's hand and walked off.
"That's my fucking girlfriend so don't you dare talk to her."
"Su-Sure Kach-Kachan!" I chuckled. 

"There you two are."
"Pappa! Poppa!" Eri ran in and hugged them two.
"Hello Mari." Mr. Aizawa said and hugged me.
"Give me a hug too!" Hizashi whined making Eri giggle.
I went to him and gave him a hug also with a smile.
"Woah!" Eri and I looked out the big glass window seeing a bunch of people sitting in the audiences.
"So cool!"
"You guys can stay up here all you want...go down to the audiences...back and fourth. Just stay together. Please."
"I want to go down there later! I want to see the action!"

"Alright...I got to send an announcement to Class let them know to come out." Mr. Aizawa said getting ready to speak.
"Can I do it?"
"....Sure." He told me what to say and got off of the seat for me to sit.
I pressed the button for the Class 2-A speaker.

Katsuki's POV:
We were all chilling in the classroom waiting for Mr. Aizawa to announce for us to leave. 
"Ahem....Good morning Class 2-A. Please stand in a single file line and walk out to the entrance of the games. Please be respectful as their will be pro heroes in the audiences. That means you Katsuki. Thank you." Everyone stared at me confused while the squad laughed.
"Oh and good luck Bubs! And I love you!" She screamed then the speaker cut off.
"Bakugou! Your girlfriend said to be respectful!" Four eyes said.
"Fuck that!"
"Katsuki!" She screamed in the speaker making me stop, spotting the camera in the corner.
"Be respectful....or I'll be rooting for Deku then......Love you." She cooed then cut the speaker back off.
"Ugh!" I groaned and covered my pink cheeks. 

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