Chapter 41

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3 years later:

Cries rang out in the dark room.
Another set of cries started next.
I groaned tiredly and was about to get up when Katsuki pushed me back and kissed my forehead. 
"I got it, Blueberry." He muttered and stood up showing his bare back with little scars to me. 
He stretched his back and walked to the 2 cribs we have on the side of our room.
"Hey my little princess and prince. Are you guys hungry? Want to sleep with mama and papa?" I heard Katsuki coo.
I saw him lift my little princess in his arms then he lifted my little prince in his other arm.
He then walked towards the bed while cooing at them.
"Shh shh, papa got you." He muttered then carefully laid my little prince on my chest.
He laid down and laid my little princess on his chest.
He cuddled close to me and we both held our babies on our chests.
"I think they missed us." Katsuki smiled.
"I missed them too." I muttered and kissed my little babies heads. 

Naoko and Akiko Bakugou. We recently had these 2 little babies. They are 3 months old. Both of them have dark blue thick hair and bright red eyes. 
Katsuki proposed to me in my last year of school. He's a pro hero and started his own company. I play professional Volleyball but I stopped for now. 
When we heard we were having kids, everyone was excited besides Hitoshi. Sure he was excited but he got pissed at Katsuki.
Katsuki has been a great dad. He always takes care of them both and lets me rest. But they've been quiet babies only at night they cry a lot. 
I feel like Naoko is more of a mommy's boy while Akiko is a daddies girl.

"Katsuki! Wake up! You have work." I yelled out to him from the stairs. 
I had a double baby carrier on so it fit both my babies in it on my chest.
"I'm up." I heard a groan and saw Katsuki walking down the stairs barely awake.
"Hey baby." He mumbled and kissed my forehead then he leaned down and pecked the babies heads.
"Let me take them?"
"No, you eat breakfast and leave for work." I said walking to the kitchen where his plate and coffee were. 

"Alright, I'm off." Katsuki said walking downstairs in his hero suit. 
"Alright, here's lunch and have an amazing day!" I smiled at his handsome face while I was still a mess.
"You look beautiful baby. Don't forget it." He said taking the bag from my hand.
"Thank you." He muttered and leaned down to give me a deep kiss.
"I love you." He muttered against my lips.
"I love you too." I whispered staring into his red eyes.
"Wah~" We both looked down at our babies on my chest who started fussing.
"I love you both too my princess and prince. Don't worry." Katsuki cooed and kissed their heads.
"Don't give mama too much trouble alright?" He told them. 
"Alright. I'll call you at lunch. Love you." He pecked me one more time.
"Love you too." He then walked out of our house.
I sighed and looked down at the babies.
"Let's get to work."

I started my workout in our own gym while the babies laid in their jumpers close by

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I started my workout in our own gym while the babies laid in their jumpers close by.
I needed to get back in shape to play Volleyball. 
I looked at time and realized it was lunch. 
I picked up the phone.
"What's up, baby?" I heard his amazing voice.
"Good. I was just working out."
"Cool. The babies?"
"Watching their mama sweat." I chuckled waving at them.
"But you're still gorgeous when you sweat."
"How smooth."
"Whatever. I'll be home in a bit since I'm almost done here."
"Alright. I'll take a shower before you get here."
"Then nap time for you. I'll take care of the babies."
"Alright. I won't fight you on this one." I said and yawned already imagining my nap. 
"Alright, love you. Bye."
"Love you too." I said.

Katsuki's POV:
I walked into our home and threw my keys in the bowl along with my wallet.
I walked upstairs to our room and saw her sleeping with the babies in their crib.
I smiled and checked on the babies.
Still asleep.
But they'll wake up in a bit.
I walked to my wife and rubbed my thumb against her cheek.
She still looked amazing.
"Mm~" She moaned and sighed.
I kissed her forehead.
"Sleep tight, my wife." I muttered.
I grabbed the babies and closed the room door and walked downstairs to the living room.
I set the babies in the little beds we had down here and rested on the couch.
"God....I love you guys." I muttered. 



Hey everyone.
It's the end.
I hoped you liked the story.
Comment our favourite parts.
I will make a sequel later on.
I wanted to put the cover of the book here because I don't have special titles to make it stand out so you guys might get confused y'know?
So when I do get one I'll post it here.
Get ready for the next story. 

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