Chapter 8

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(Guys...I don't know anything about karate either so I'll be skipping a lot of stuff lol.)

"Here." I gave my hand to Akira.
"Congrats Marinette!" He said and wrapped me in a hug.
"Thank you," I mumbled and smiled at him. 

"And Marinette Dupain-Cheng wins! With $800!" I got the money in an envelope and my medal around my neck from my Sensei.
"You have come a long child. Congratulations." He said then bowed with his fist into his palm.
I smile with tears in my eyes. 
My sensei always treated me like his daughter. He was always there for me.
"Thank you...Sensei." I smiled with tears falling down my cheeks and bowed the same. 
"Woo hoo! You did it!"
"Thanks, guys." I smiled at my friends from Karate. 
I saw Bakugou standing with the audience so I excused myself and went to him.

"Hey, Bakugou."
"Hey, Blueberry." He muttered.
"I don't know why you came.....But I'm glad you did." I smiled.
"Whatever." He muttered and then bent down to look at the medal.
"Fucking shiny. Is it real?"
"'s plastic. It's metal you dufus." I smacked the back of his head.
"Oi! The fuck!" I giggled and hugged him making him freeze.
"Thank you." I snuggled into his chest.
"Whatever, Blueberry." He muttered and wrapped his arms around my neck and head. 

"So you didn't get a new board yet?" Bakugou asked me while we walked home together.
"Nope! I'm going to go with Akira sometime probably....dunno....but boards are expensive. Close to $100."
"You just got 800 fucking dollars!"
"I need that for something else." I shrugged while jumping on a bench and pretending to do a skateboarding trick. 
"I see......when did you move here?"
"For a while. Since I was younger."
"How about you?"
"Born and raised here."
"How are your parents?"
"My mom's a hag and my dad's a fucking simp for her."
"What! Bakugou! Don't be rude!"
"I'm serious. The hag keeps yelling for no reason, slaps the back of my head and keeps yapping. Fucking annoying." He muttered while kicking a rock.
"Bakugou.....You never know.....when they could leave...."
"They could leave. You might say they're annoying, you hate them, or they don't love you.....but they do. They gave you a roof up top of your don't be mean to them. They might leave and you won't even know what to do." I said thinking about my whole life so far.
"Anyways! You're here. I'll see you sometimes!" I waved and walked ahead toward my house a few houses down.

Bakugou's POV:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.... a much strong girl than I am.
Mentally and physically. 
I don't know anyone who went through so much.....who is going through so much.....but keeps smiling.
I don't know anyone who is quirkless, who is considered weak, who defeats a person with a quirk. 

As I watched her walk home I realized she has something going on. She has so much on her shoulders and chest.
I want to be there for her. I want her. I need her. She needs someone to love her and help her. She needs someone who will take some of those things off of her shoulders and chest.
And I want to be that person. 

I walked inside my house and before slamming the door shut, I stopped and gently shut it.
"You br-"
"Hey, Mom," I said while staring into her eyes.
"......Katsuki." She nodded and stared at me.
I walked passed her and to the steps.
I stopped on the first one.
"When's dinner? I'll eat with you and dad today."
"......In an hour."
"Alright." I nodded and walked up the stairs and to my room.

"I got this, I got this," I muttered while running my hands through my hair.
The biggest competition. The last competition before Summer Break.
I felt nauseous so I left for the bathroom.
Now here I was standing in the hallway.
"You do got this, idiot." I felt a light slap at the back of my head.
"Hey!" I looked behind me and up and saw Bakugou.
Bakugou and I have gotten closer.
I got closer to his friend group also.
Now they hang with me whenever Mina wants to hang out. 

"What are you doing out here?" He asked leaning against the wall next to me.
"Nothing..." I muttered and he glared at me.
"This is the last competition! I'm nervous!"
"It'll be fine. You're an amazing player. And here." He grabbed something from his pocket.
"Knee pads?"
"Yep. You haven't been wearing them for your last 2 games. You're going to ruin your knees." He muttered then bent down on one knee and put my knee pads on. 
He was blushing.
"Thank you," I muttered and petted his hair. 
"Whatever." He muttered and stood back up.
"And now calling in Team Ace from Horikoshi High School!"
"You got this." He patted my head making me blush.
"Thanks, Bakugou." I smiled and ran off towards the entrance of the court seeing my team already walking in. 

I waved at the audience and Mina.
I saw Bakugou walking up there and sitting down next to Kirishima. 
"Where were you, girl?" My teammate asked while warming up with me.
"Bathroom." I shrugged. 

Once we were all ready and in place the game started.
The other team, The Lioness, is very tough. Always beating their opponents. And the other thing is.....the opposite team the Lioness goes against always comes out with either bruises or a bloody nose. 

"Mine!" I yelled out and separated my knees, bent them, and put my hands together in between my legs and saved the ball coming at full speed, pushing me back onto my back. 
"Great job!" The setter yelled out and set the ball and the hitter jumped up so high and hit the ball with full strength.
But the other libero saved the ball and the setter set it and the hitter hit it, directly at my face.
"Marinette!" It was aimed at my face so before I could move back a bit and save it with my hands it slammed into my face.
I fell onto the floor and held onto my face.
Now I've been hit in the face before, all the time, but this.....this hurt...a lot.
"Marinette!" I heard shouts but everything was cloudy and buzzing.
I heard the whistle blow and my teammates came up to me.

"Marinette are you alright?" My coach asked.
"Grab her ice!" Two of my teammates picked me up with my arms over their shoulders and walked with me slowly to the bench.
"Marinette!" I heard Mina shout.
I got sat down with ice on my face and my water bottle was given to me.
"That was lame! They specifically have been aiming at her!"
"The other teams always have bruises and bloody it is true!"
"I am so going to kill them!"
"And the ref didn't say anything!"
"I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind!" Sally, one of my seniors and the rebellious one of the group said while marching towards the ref.
"Sally!" I shouted but then held my head.
"Chill...Sam, go get her." The captain said while holding my head.

"Marinette!" I felt arms around me.
"Bakugou?" I asked sniffing his amazing scent.
"Yea...Are you ok?" He asked while looking at my face.
"'re going to get a bruise..." He muttered while rubbing his thumb across my cheek.
"I'm fine," I muttered while staring into his eyes.
It seemed like it was only us two here, alone. 
"Hey! You can't be here!" A panting security guard ran up to us.
"He's fine," I said so the guard sighed and walked away.
"Here, drink." He grabbed my bottle and gave me sips of it slowly. 

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