Chapter 23

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"Hey Blueberry. I won't be able to pick you up but I'll be at your place a little after you get home. Love you." I put my phone down after hearing his voicemail.
I just finished work and it was late and dark and he was supposed to pick me up like usual.
No biggie.
I've walked home alone plenty of times. 

I slowly skated home, looking up at the bright moon. 

I sighed and skated a little faster wanting to get home and into the comfort of my bed

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I sighed and skated a little faster wanting to get home and into the comfort of my bed. 
I skidded to a stop infront of my house when I saw a car in the drive way. 
I thought no one was inside the car but the moment I passed it someone opened the door and jumped out.
"Hey Marinette." They smiled.


"What are you doing here!?"
"I told you I would come visit you and that's not the way to talk to your father."
"I don't fucking care! Get off my fucking property!"
"Language! And I came here to talk. Not to argue."
"I don't care. I don't want you here!"
"You ruined my life!"
"How could I!? I wasn't even there!" 
"Exactly! You weren't! You left Mom and me! You left us! When I was a baby! You left mom sick!"
"I changed!" 
"So what? You got a wife and a few children!"
"Yes! See? I changed!"
"That's it? What about us? If you can change for them! Why couldn't you change for us? For me! For your first daughter! I was left alone thinking about what I did wrong for you to leave us! I wanted a dad! I wanted a dad to take me and pick me up from school! I wanted a dad to protect me from boys! I wanted a dad to help me with my math homework! But no! I was here! Left alone! Working so many jobs and trying my hardest to get money to keep my Mother alive! Your first lover! While you were out there living the best life with a new wife and children! And now you come back!? For what! To say you're fucking sorry!? I hate you! And I don't need you! Not before! Not now! Not ever!"
"Well I'm here now so you better accept that!"
"I don't want you here!" I shouted frustrated.
I was panting and breathing hard.
I turned around and faced the door. 
"You know.....I grew up thinking.....what was wrong with me? What did I do that you had to leave....Why was I not perfect? I mean obviously a girl would think that if her dad left abandoned her with her mom the moment she was born. I mean good for you. You changed...but so what? Why couldn't you change for us? For me!? I wanted a dad. I wanted someone to look up to!"
"Well I'm sorry I wasn't there before. But I'm here now!"
"It doesn't matter! I don't need you now....or ever! I had....16 amazing birthdays without you! I earned money without you! I made friends without you! I learned how to fix the sinks and the toilets with you! I became a damn man to make sure mom and I survived! So no! I don't need you! Now or ever!" I yelled out.

"Marinette!" I saw Katsuki running towards us.
"What's wrong? Who the fuck is this? Did he fucking hurt you?" He asked while examining me. 
"Who are you?"
"That doesn't concern you! Let's go." I grabbed Katsuki's hand wanting to go inside.
"No! I think I have the right to know who my daughter brings inside of my house!"
"You aint my fucking father! And this aint your fucking house either! I'm the one who had to fucking pay to keep it!"
"This is your scum bag of a father?" Katsuki asked me while glaring at him.
"Yes." I said while wiping my face to get rid of the tears.
"You better fucking go!"
"You watch your mouth boy! I don't who the fuck you think you're hanging out with but you better stop being a bitch and let's talk!"
Katsuki went and threw a punch at him knowing him down.
"Don't you dare fucking talk like that to her!"
"Katsuki." I pulled him back.
Red and blue lights came flashing towards my house.
"Katsuki!?" A lady and a man who looked just like Katsuki came running to us.
Oh boy....

"Alright miss. Since you are under 18......and don't have any legal guardians'll have to be put in an adoption Centre." The cop told me.
"What!? Why!? I've been taking care of myself since I was little! I just need 2 more years anyways then I'll be a legal adult!"
"It won't work like that. Unless you have need to stay at the adoption Centre." 
My dad got taken away from me and was told to never bother me again. 
And now the cops know I'm living alone.
"You can still go to work, school and whatever you do. But now you got to sleep and eat with the social workers."
"....Ok.." I sighed. 
"Great! You have till tomorrow morning to pack whatever and empty up the house. Then tomorrow morning a social worker will come pick you up."
"Ok." I nodded.
"Great. Nice have business with you." We shook hands and then he left the room. 

"Thank you again Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou for helping out." I smiled at the couple. 
"Anytime. I'm so glad to finally meet my son's girlfriend. You are so beautiful!"
"Thank you." I blushed.
"Hey. You're done?"
"Yep." He sighed.
He had to sign some papers as a pro hero in training. 
"Thank you." I smiled up at him and pecked his cheek.
"Whatever. So now what?" He asked looking down at me.
"I have till tomorrow morning to get everything and then a social worker will come pick me up."
"Oh sweetheart. I wish we could help. But it'll be weird if we adopted you." She chuckled and Katsuki and I made gagging noises.
"Anyways. We'll drop you two off. Let's go."

"I'm done!"
"Same here!"
We were both done packing up all my stuff.
"Thanks again." I smiled while shaking my hands. 
We both took a shower separately and changed into pj's.
We hopped onto my bed and laid down together, ready to sleep.
" ok?"
"....." I immediately let everything out.
All my tiredness and frustrations.
"I got you, Blueberry. I got you." He wrapped his arms around me and let me cry it all out. 

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