Chapter 25

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"I'm late, I'm late!" I mumbled grabbing my bag trying to get ready as fast as possible to get to school.
Since I moved here, the school is further away. 
I grabbed my bag, my board, and fixed my school uniforms skirt in the mirror then opened my door and ran out, only to bump into a hard chest. 
"Huh?" I looked up only to see Samuel staring down at me. 
"O-oh...sorry. I got to go. I'm late." I mumbled and tried walking away but he grabbed my arm.
"...." He just stared at me with a straight face then looked me up and down.
"Creep." I muttered and pulled my arm out of his hold and ran out.

"I'm here!" I screamed entering the classroom as soon as the bell rang.
"Right on time, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." The teacher said shaking her head with a smile.
"Yea!" Akira yelled from our seats.
"Sup?" He asked while leaning back in his seat.
I sat down next to him and dropped my bag beside me.
"Nothing much." I chuckled and got ready for class.

Katsuki's POV:
"Alright class. The Sport's festival is coming up in a month. I want you all to work your hardest. This is your 2nd year here. And then you'll have your last. hard."
While everyone was doing whatever, I went up to Mr. Aizawa.
"Yes, Bakugou?"
"I need to leave a few minutes early."
"Marinette moved so I want to pick her up from school and walk her home since the place she's now living isn't very safe."
"Why did she move to somewhere not safe?"
"Since the police figured out she lives alone since her Ma died she was forced to move into the adoption Centre. So yea..."
"Thanks." I nodded and walked back to my seat.

"Katsuki!" Marinette yelled when she saw me outside her school.
She jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist.
"Marinette! You're wearing a fucking skirt! Stop fucking looking at her you fucking pervert!" Akira yelled from behind her.
I instantly put my hands under her ass and held her skirt to cover her up.
"Hi, baby." I murmured in her ear.
"Hi!" She sighed and snuggled into my neck.
"You good?" I asked rubbing her back gently.
"Tired." She sighed and held onto me tighter.
"Let's go." I mumbled and started walking with her in my arms.

"Sorry you had to carry me all the way. I was really tired." She said when I put her down infront of the adoption building. 
"Whatever." I muttered and pulled her head to my chest. 
"Go take a shower and change...wear something cute and meet me outside?" I whispered down to her.
"We'll go hang out. Just me and you." I winked making her blush slightly.
"O-Ok...Katsu." She whispered and fidgeted with my collar. 
I chuckled and rubbed her head making her lean into my hand like a little cat.
"So fucking cute." I muttered and pecked her forehead.
"Give me kiss?" I asked against her forehead.
She leaned up on her tippy toes and I leaned down so she could put her lips on mine. 
"Mmmm~" She moans in my mouth when I grip her neck tightly but not too tight to lose air.
"Now go." I muttered and pushed her away.
"See you in 10 minutes." She waved shyly and walked into the building. 

I then saw that guy from this morning walking to the building with a school bag on his back.
He saw me and walked over to me.
"Samuel." He brought out his hand.
"Marinette's friend."
"You're not her friend. I know that much." I chuckled. 
"Whatever....who are you?"
"Her fucking boyfriend. Now listen here." I walked closer to him and put my mouth near his ear.
"If I ever find out you hurt or made my girlfriend cry.....I will kill you." I threatened silently.
"What are you going to do?" He whispered to me.
"I could beat your ass.....or burn it." I smirked.

Marinette's POV:
After taking a shower, I changed into this nice outfit.

A nice white Nike hoodie and light blue jeans. 

I grabbed a black purse then walked outside

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I grabbed a black purse then walked outside.
I saw Katsuki and Samuel talking and it looked pretty intense.

He looked down at me and changed his face to a smile. 
"Hey Blueberry. Look at you~" He grabbed my hand and twirled me around a little.
"Katsu.." I blushed bright red. 
"We done?" He asked glaring at Samuel.
He looked at me with a weird face then walked away.
"Weird.." I muttered.
"If....he ever does anything to you....makes you scared or touches you anything....I want you to tell me right away. If it's late at night or whatever. Call me. Ok?"
He gripped my chin and made me look up at him.
"Mhm." I hummed.
"Say yes."
"Yes sir." I teased with a wink.
"....." He stared at my with a straight face.

Bakugou's POV:
I acted like it didn't bother me but fuck!

"Hag! I'm home!"
"Brat! What took you so lo-Oh Marinette! What are you doing here? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
"No hag- ow!" She just slapped me.
"Hey Mrs. Bakugou. Yep, I'm great! Katsuki and I are going to hang out so he came to get ready." Marinette said innocently like she didn't just slap me.
"Oh alright then. You can sit with me while the brat gets ready." She grabbed Marinette and lead her away from me.
"Ugh." I groaned and walked upstairs to get ready. 

I was in the shower washing my body when I remembered what she said.
"Yes sir." She teased with a wink.
"Ugh." I groaned and dropped my head against the shower wall. 
"That was so hot." I groaned and felt my dick hardening. 
I looked down and saw it already standing high up in the air. 
I sighed and put my hand around the tip and squeezed gently.
"Fuck." I muttered.
I started pushing my hand up and down letting out small moans and groans.
"Yes sir."

Marinette's POV:
"And then I went bam! And the ball flew into the air and the setter set it and we won the game!"
"Oh my! I should totally come watch one of your games next time!"
"You should!"
"I just.....I just can't believe you're actually dating my son." She said with a small smile. 
I chuckled lightly and went and sat next to her on the sofa.
"He's just.....rude and loud and mean and straight forward. Everyone always hated him. They always told their kids to stay away from him. It's just.....when he told me he's staying at someone house I thought it was a boy, not a young beautiful kind girl." She stared at me with a smile and tears in her eyes.
"Katsuki...he's different, y'know? Sure he's loud and rude and sometimes annoying but....he was there for me. He was there for me when I needed someone and he never forced me to talk. He was patient. He keeps me alive. He's possessive and protective. And he knows I can handle anything. He's not sexist and says you're a girl. But when he knows I need help he'll come. He's amazing. And I honestly love him a lot..."
I heard a gasp.
" love him?"
"Yea, I guess." I smiled slightly.
"He loves you too. A lot."
"I know. He told me. Now I got to tell him." I said determined.
"Aww I love you so much! I always wanted a daughter!" She squealed and hugged me to her chest.

"Oi! Hag! Let her go! You're suffocating her!"
"Oh shut up you!" She slapped Katsuki's arm. 

Katsuki was wearing brown hoodie with a black puffer jacket and a brown cap. 

"Ready?" He asked giving me his hand

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"Ready?" He asked giving me his hand.
"Yep." I nodded and smiled. 

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