Chapter 21

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"Camie." Katsuki said.
She was wearing a tight light blue crop top showing her cleavage.
Damn...she got bigger boobs than me.....
And she was wearing black shorts. 

How does Katsuki know her?
"It's been like forever, right Bakugou?" She asked leaning forward and putting her arms on the table.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He growled. 
"I was just here for some brunch but saw you. Ooh! Milkshake." She grabbed the glass and was about to take a sip but Katsuki grabbed it.
"Not yours." He said and gave it to me so I took some sips. 
"Ooh! And who are you?"
"My fucking girlfriend. Now you're ruining our date. Now fucking leave."
"I don't fucking care. Just fucking leave!" He growled lowly making me even more scared.
"You better be gone when I come back." He said then stood up and went to the bathroom. 

I kept taking sips out of the milkshake while looking around.
"'re his girlfriend?"
"Yep." I nodded.
"Huh...never knew he was into girls with blue hair. Is that even real?" She asked trying to touch my hair.
I slapped her hand away and glared.
"Yes, it is. Now leave us alone. You made him upset."
"C'mon, sweetie. We all know he's just using you. He's into brown-haired girls. Y'know? Normal hair colours. Brown, fawn, dark brown. Like Ochaco. I heard he was interested in her too. And she has brown hair and brown eyes. Even a little meat in her. Unlike your stick figure."
"How about you shut up?"
"Oh, now I know where I recognize you from! You play Volleyball and do Karate! You're the girl who beat a guy with a quirk. Wow! He even went to date a quirkless girl. You know he hates people with quirks. If I heard correctly, he used to bully his childhood friend because he was quirkless."
"......Shut up. He's not like that!"
"You never know. I'm just trying to protect you. Y'know? Girls gotta stick together." She shrugged innocently. 
I stared at her with hard eyes.
I stood up and leaned over the table with my hand on the table.
"Get up....and leave." I ordered silently making her freeze.
She immediately stood up and walked away.

"Hey, I'm back. She left?" Katsuki said and sat next to me.
"Mhm." I hummed and sipped the milkshake.
"You ok?"
"You gonna share?"
".....What happened? Tell me."
"Nothing." I mumbled and got out the booth and walked out.
"Oi! Wait!" He had to stay in for a few seconds to pay but then he ran after me. 
"Where are you going? What's wrong? Are we playing Volleyball?"
"Nope. I'm tired. I'm going home."
"See? If you slept in like me you wouldn't be tired, right now."
"But...I'm tired too so we can cuddle." He said and stretched his back muscles.
"Nope! You go to your house."
"Why? I like sleeping with you." He said quietly.
"But I need some alone time."
"Why? Did I do something wrong? I can't help you if you don't tell me."
"Nothing." I huffed.
He stared at my face for a while then sighed.
"Whatever. Tell me when you're ready." He shrugged.
"But I'm still sleeping with you. I'm exhausted!" He yawned. 
"No, you're not."

Once we got to my house, I ran ahead and slammed the door shut before he could come in.
"Oi! The fuck you playing at!? Open the damn door!"
"Leave me alone, Bakugou! I'm sure there are plenty of brown haired girls with actual quirks you could date! I'm pretty sure there our plenty of them waiting for you!" 
"What the fuck are you talking about!? I don't want anyone else! I fucking told you I wanted you and you only!" 
"Well I don't want you!"
"Don't fucking say that!"
I walked away from the door and left him banging on the door.
I went up to my room, shut the door, and laid down in bed. 
I was mad and stressed.
My first time dating.
What if I messed it up?
What if he really is into only me?

I fell asleep on my bed  but woke up to rustling.
I froze when I felt my bed dip behind me. 
I felt arms wrap around me and then warm breath was hitting the back of my neck.
My heart was beating so fast.
"Stop fucking worrying, it's me." Katsuki mumbled.
"Oh....leave me alone." I struggled to get out of grip.
"Shut up! Go back to sleep!"
"Fuck this." He muttered and then gripped my wrists and pinned me down to the bed and climbed onto me.
"It's Katsuki! And second of all! I don't want any other girl! No brown haired girl has my attention besides you, my beautiful dark midnight blue haired girl! I want you and only you!"
"You'll get tired of me! I don't have a quirk! You'll be embarrassed!" I yelled out and turned my face the other way. 
"I don't care if you don't have a quirk! If I did care, I would've never dated you in the first place! I love how you don't have a quirk! But you're still bad ass! You're super cool! The way you stay strong and fight through everything! I love that about you! I feel fucking proud to call you my girlfriend!" I stared up at him with teary eyes.
He leaned down and rubbed his nose against mine gently closing his eyes. 
"I fucking love you....and I don't want you to say it....say it when you're ready." He mumbled and then pecked my lips. 
"Forgive me?" He whispered looking into my eyes.
"...." I pulled my wrists from his hold and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him down to my neck.
"I forgive you." I mumbled and held him tightly.

"Let's go sleep.." He mumbled and yawned.
"Ok." I sighed and pulled him closer. 


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Bakugou x MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now