Chapter 37

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"Alright. so her shoulder is sprained....not broken...but I think she should stay out the game." Coach said.
"No! I can play! I barely feel pain!" I said standing up and lifting my right arm.
"Ow ow ow ow ow!" I groaned and put my arm down slowly.
"Fuck no! Your shoulder is basically broken! Stay the fuck down!" Katsuki said pushing me back onto the bench.
"I don't fucking care! You-"
"The game is about to start. Hoshi. You'll be subbing Marinette." Hoshi is the other libero. She's a 1st year and just started recently because she was inspired by me. Sure she was amazing....but not ready yet. She still needs training which I have been giving her. 
"No!" Katsuki said sitting down on my lap stubbornly.
"Hey! Get off of me!" I tried pushing him off but it's hard with one hand. 
"No no no no no!" I mumbled watching my team get into positions.
"Just chill. You're hurt." Katsuki said while resting his head on my shoulder.
I pouted and watched the game. 

We were losing!
"No no! Go! Fuck! Get the damn ball!" I yelled frustrated while bending my knees.
"If you don't fucking sit down I'll fucking grab you." Katsuki threatened from the bench. 
"Shut up!" I whined and continued watching from the sidelines.
"Fuck!" He yelled.
"Coach please put me in! Please please please!"
"Don't you dare woman." Katsuki threatened. 
"I...." She looked back at the game and sighed.
"How's your shoulder feeling?" She asked quietly.
"It feels good! I'll go easy on it!"
"Don't you dare!" Katsuki stood up to pull me back.
"Fine." She sighed and asked for a switch.
"Yes!" I cheered.
"Fuck. Don't you dare use your right arm! Be safe please!" He kissed my cheeks.
"You got that!?"
"Yes, Katsu." I pecked his lips.
"Then I'll take care of you at home. Promise." He pecked my nose then slapped my ass making me yelp.
"Katsuki!" I slapped his hand.

I gave Hoshi a high-five.
"I'll train with you later. Great job." I winked at her and walked forward.
"Ai Marinette!" I clapped hands with my girls next to me.
"Let's do this!" We yelled.
"Oh look what we got here! Their libero~" The other team taunted.
"This libero is gonna beat your ass!" My captain said smiling at me.
"Go girls!"

We need one more.
One more.
I got this.

I jumped into the air once the ball came towards me and set it towards the setter. 

The setter set it towards the hitter who smacked the ball onto the other side

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The setter set it towards the hitter who smacked the ball onto the other side. 


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