Chapter 6

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"I can't believe.....pant you made me pant run with you pant," Akira said while panting next to me.
Since the Volleyball team had no morning practice today, I wanted to get out to work out. 
I jogged to Akira's house and forced him out so he can run with me.
It was 6 in the morning and no one was out. 
"Shut up, Akira." I groaned and continued running. 
"How could you do this?"
"Y'know? I'll tell your sensei that you are unfit. We'll see what he says about that."
"No! Don't you dare!"
"Aren't you supposed to have good stamina while doing Karate?"
"Yea.... fuck." He cursed when he almost tripped.
"Well then work harder in Karate to get a-woah!"

Bakugou's POV:
I was just out for my morning workout, going on a jog when I crashed into someone when turning the corner.
"Fuck!" I cursed when my back hit the hard sidewalk.
I rubbed my head and looked up to see an angel leaning over me.
Messy dark midnight hair fell over both her shoulders creating a curtain around us. Crystal bluebell eyes look down at me with worry in them. Pink soft plump-looking lips in an O shape just begging me to kiss them. Her cleavage showing-wait what!?
I blushed bright red and looked behind her to see her friend glaring at me.
"Marinette! Get up." He gripped her arm and pulled her up.
"Sorry, I didn't see you." She said giving me her hand.
"It's fine...whatever," I muttered while rubbing the back of my head.
"Yea whatever. Let's go." He gripped her arm and pulled her.
"Oh alright. See ya Bakugou!" She waved and ran next to the guy.
"Fuck." I muttered while looking down at my pants. 

Marinette's POV:
"See you at school!" I yelled and went into my house to shower.
After showering, I changed into my uniform and went back down to make breakfast.
"Morning Ma."
"Morning sweetheart."
After I gave Ma her breakfast and cleaned up around the house.
"Ok, Mrs. Ashido should be here in a bit. I have to go to school. Bye. Love you, Ma." I kissed her cheek and ran out with my board. 


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"Hey, Akira!" I yelled while jumping on him.
"What the heck! You have a skirt on! Everyone can see!" He yelled while pushing me off and fixing my skirt while glaring at other guys.
"Sheesh," I muttered. 
"Reki!" I squealed while hugging him tightly and pushing my legs up.
"Marinette! Oi! Remove your fucking eyes from her or I'll remove them from your face!" He yelled at a random guy who ran away.
"Hey, guys."
"Samantha! Fix your shirt! Why do guys here have no respect!" Akira yelled out while blocking Samantha's body from wandering eyes.
"Jeez." She sighed and pushed him away.
See? Protective.

"And that is why..." I was sitting here in history class bored out of my mind.
"Ms. Dupain-Cheng?"
"Huh!?" I stood up alert.
"What is the answer to this question on the board?"
"......Uh you see-"
The wall with the windows exploded and everyone fell to the ground.
"Stay down! Villains!"
"Ahhhh!" I peeked out from under my table to see Samantha getting lifted by some power.
"Samantha!" Reki, Akira, and I yelled out.
I ran towards her.
"Marinette, don't!" Akira yelled.
I grabbed a table and threw it at the villain who dropped Samantha. 
"Saman-Woah!" I yelped when the villain grabbed me with his quirk.
"Marinette!" Reki shouted and was about to grab my leg when the villain threw me out into the air.
"Marinette!" They screamed.
I screamed because I was never in this situation before.
Once I was done flying in the air, I was about to fall.
"Got you!" I felt arms wrap around my body and hold me tightly.

Bakugou's POV:
"There's a villain out. Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Iida, Ochaco, and Tsu, come with me, Now!" We all changed into our suits and ran out with Mr. Aizawa. 
"It's Horikoshi High School! There are quirkless students there! Get out!"
Horikoshi High School

I ran out with the rest and used my explosions to get there faster.
Once I saw the school, one part of the building was destroyed and the villain was holding a student.
I saw the villain fling the student out into the air.
"Marinette!" I heard yells.
That's Marinette.
"Got you!" I saw Deku already there grabbing onto her and gently landing on the floor.
I jumped onto the floor and ran to her.

She was shaking and not letting go of Deku.
"Bakugou!" She gasped and threw her arms around my neck.
I bent down to let her reach me.
"I got her," I said and watched Deku run towards the villain.
"I got you." I rubbed her back feeling her shake and sob.
"I-I...I got yeeted into the air!"
"I know...It's ok though. I'm here." I lifted her with her thighs around my waist making sure everything is covered then walked her to a table outside.
She sat down on the table while shaking and sobbing with snot.
"Here." I gave her my hanker chief.
"I'm going to go handle that. You stay here.....ok?" I patted her head.
"Ok.." She mumbled. I sighed and used my explosions to push myself into the air.

Marinette's POV:
"Woah.." I sat there shocked at Bakugou flying into the air.
He looked so cool and brave. 
I sat there for a while watching the scene.
A few minutes later, the villain was arrested.
"Hey, Marinette!" 
"Reki!" I jumped off the table and hugged him.
"Are you ok? You're not-Ah!"
"Get off her idiot! Mari. You ok, sweetheart?" Akira asked while checking my whole body.
"I'm fine. Is-"
"Samantha is fine too! Just got cut from when she fell after you saved her."
"Ok. Where is she?"
"Is helping the other students evacuate the school to go home."
"Ahh, ok." I sighed.

"Uhh hi, excuse me. I'm Deku!" The green-haired pro hero in training came to me with a smile.
"I was just making sure you were ok." He said while rubbing the back of his head.
"Yea, I'm fine! Thank you!"
"No problem. Everyone else is alright, right?"
"We're good."
"Oh...ummm I think Kachaan wants to talk to you."
"Oh! Where is he?"
"Giving his statement to the police. Over there." He pointed back and I saw Bakugou standing straight with his thumbs inside the belt of his suit with a frown on his face.
Why do I see that as hot?
Ugh. I groaned inside my mind.

I stood up and walked towards Bakugou.
"I told you that's it! What do you mean?! I needed to help a civilian that's why you fucking moron!"
"Hm? Look. She's the girl who got fucking yeeted. I had to comfort her damnit!"
"That's true sir," I said quietly.
"Fine, then. Thank you for your statement." He bowed and walked off. 
"Fucking idiot," Bakugou muttered then kicked a rock.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yea everything's fine. He was just being fucking suspicious that I wasn't here in the beginning. Fucking dumbass."
"Oh alright then. Did you need me for something?"
" alright now? Scared? Want some water? I got this bottle but forgot to give it 'cuz the officer stopped me."
"Oh thank you." I smiled and drank a long sip.

"Reki! What's up?" I asked when Reki stopped in front of us.
"So ummm the officers were taking the damaged stuff out of the building and umm here.." He gave me my broken board.
"No! Why!?" I started at my broken board.
"Hey, no worries, sweetheart!" Akira said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 
"We'll go shopping to buy another one! I need a new one anyways!"
"I got to go now. See ya."
"Thank you again!" I yelled at him while he walked away.
"Whatever," he said. 

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