Chapter 31

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"Yes! We're finished!" I cheered with my friends.
We just finished our last exams and are done and it's finally Summer break! (Imagine the last summer break was spring break. sorry) 

"I think I failed...." Reki pouted.
"Don't worry about that! It's Summer break now! We have one more year then we graduate!"
"We're going to hang out all break!"
"The Sport's festival is coming up. Are any of you guys going? Or watching it live?"
"I'm going with my new family." I said while skating around. 
"Cool." We all started making plans for the break while I was waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up. Or my brother. 

"Hey baby." An arm was thrown over my shoulder and I felt lips against my cheek.
"Katsu." I whispered and smiled leaning against him. 
"Hi." He smiled down at me giving me those amazing smiles only I get to see.
"Hi." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"How were your exams?" He asked petting my head.
"Good. I'm tired and ready to rest. Ready for the Sports Festival?" I asked putting my chin on his chest.
"Yea! I'm going to kick ass!" He laughed.
"And I'll be there cheering you on!"

Turns out, Hitoshi was training with Mr. Aizawa so he couldn't come pick me up. 
And he also told me that Eri was at a friends house and that Hizashi will go pick her up at 6 after he's done at U.A. Meaning no one was at home right now.

"Are you sure, no one's home?" Katsuki asked me when we got inside my house.
"I'm sure."
"Nothing...I just want to be alone with you." He shrugged.
"How much time do we have alone?"
"3 hours."
"That's enough time...for us to lay down and cuddle." He said and dropped himself down on my bed. 

He pulled me to him and we cuddled.
I moved around a bit so he stopped me by holding my hips.
"Don't....try teasing me. I hated it when you did that last time. I hated it!" He groaned.
I turned over and laid down while he spooned me.
"We're just cuddling. Nothing suspicious. No teasing. Just cuddling."
We laid there quietly enjoying the peace and quiet.
I moved a bit making his breath hitch.
"Stop....stop.." He whispered quietly.
"Hey...oi." He whispered again when I started moving more.
"Your....shorts are every thin...and my sweats are very thin....I can feel everything..." He said quietly.
"Do you feel that? You're making me throb." He said pushing his hips against my ass. 
"Do you even feel comfortable in this?" He asked playing with my shorts.
"I ones here. We're alone. Just cuddling. Let me take this off." He whispered.
"Alright." I whispered back and wiggled my hips making him chuckle and pull my shorts off. 

I laid back down next to him and he grazed my stomach with his hand.
"Stop that." It tickled and made my stomach feel fluttery.
"What? I can't touch your tummy?" 
"Can't you take off your shirt?" He asked playing around with my shirt.
"Why?" I asked closing my eyes.
"Because...we're in bed....cuddling....get more comfortable."
"Fine." I giggled when he pulled it off and tickled my stomach a bit.
"Mhm." I had on my lacy black bra.

"Hey...turn over a little bit." He turned me over and pulled my face for a kiss.
"Mmmm~" I moaned in his mouth and we started making out.
He pulled me over him making me straddle him. 
I could feel his dick under his thin sweatpants.
I roamed my hands all over his bare chest  feeling his hard warm chest and his pecks. 
I started grinding against him making him moan.
"Mm~ Fuck~ U-Ugh~" He moaned and whimpered in my mouth, his breathing going crazy.
"I love it when you rub against me like that." He whispered and continued kissing me.
"Fuck....I need you~"
"Then take me." I whispered.
He stared at me for a while then turned around and pinned me down on the bed.
"I'm going to take you alright." He smirked and pulled off his sweats.

He leaned down and started kissing my neck making me moan and clench his hair tightly. 
He was in between my thighs with my legs wrapped around his waist.
He was grinding down on me making me moan harder and grind back. 
"Fuck....I'm going to fuck you so hard." He groaned against my neck.
He pulled off my bra and sucked on my nipples making me close my eyes tightly. 
He kissed down my body gently leaving marks on the way.
He pushed my thighs apart and ripped off my underwear. 
"Fuck..." He whispered looking down at my bare pussy that was really wet.
"I'm going to eat you up that you'll be screaming my name." He smirked and winked at me then dived right in making me arch my back and tighten my thighs around his head. 
"Katsuki! Ahh! Ngh~" I moaned and twisted my head side to side.
He was sucking and licking me up so fast. He was slurping my juices like it was ramen. 
"Kat-Katsu-oh god!" I pulled his hair harder making him groan making me moan from the vibrations.
"Ahh~ Katsuki! Please!" I begged.
"What do you want, Blueberry?" He muttered and kissed my thigh while looking up at me.
"Ple-Please....make me cum..." I muttered while staring into his eyes.
"Fine....since you said please." He winked then dived back in.

"Ahh!" He bit my clit gently then sucked on it hard making me groan and moan loudly.
"Ahh! Ngh! Kat-Mm~"
"Fuck." He muttered then I felt him push in a finger making me gasp and tense. 
"That's it Blueberry." He said and pushed his finger in and out. 
"Cum for me, Blueberry. Cum." He said then bit my clit one more time making me explode. 

I was panting hard, with my eyes closed.
"Hey.." He cooed and rubbed my face.
"You ok, baby?"
"Mhm. Yea." I nodded and hugged him.
"Let's get some rest."
"No...I-I wanna finish. I want to go to the end. We still have time."
"You sure?"
"Alright." He pushed me back down and pulled off his boxers.
".....U-Uh..." I stared down at his dick.
It was long, and thick, with veins showing. The tip was an angry red. 
"I-Is it-"
"It will...I'll make it fit." He smirked and winked at me making me blush and feel a thousand butterflies in my stomach. 
He rubbed his tip against my slit making it wet while kissing my neck.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for weeks." He muttered in my ear then bit my lobe making me let out a moan.
"Fuck..." He muttered.

"Words, Blueberry."
"Good girl." He pecked my forehead then pushed himself inside making me tense up and clench around him. 
"Fuck...babygirl...don't-" He groaned against my neck and pushed himself inside more.
"Kat-" I groaned and scratched his back.
"Shit~" He hissed. 
"Relax, baby." He muttered and put his lips against my forehead.
"Relax..." I breathed in and out trying to relax so he can push the rest in.
"Good girl." He cooed and pushed himself in the rest of the way making me moan. 
"That's it....that's it, good girl. Good fucking girl." He muttered and slowly started going faster, pounding into me. 

" fucking tight." He said and pushed harder.
He leaned up with his hands holding him up.
I put my arms around his back scratching him.
My legs were around his waist while he pounds into me.
"Fuck fuck....moan for me. Moan louder. Say my name. Say my fucking name."
"Katsuki! Mmm~ Kat-ugh! Katsu!" He kept pounding inside of me making me moan. 
" like that? You like that yea?"
He lifted my thigh up top of his shoulder making him go deeper.
"Fuck..." He groaned and I could feel his dick twitching inside of me.
He got his thumb and rubbed my clit making me clench around him.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." He muttered and went faster.
"Come on baby...cum for me...cum for me baby."
"Katsuki!" I screamed and gripped his hair tightly letting myself let loose.
"Good girl, good girl." He cooed and rubbed my clit while moving inside of me still.
He pulled out of me and came on my stomach.

We were both panting and shaking.
He fell on top of me making me groan.
" were so good, baby girl." He muttered and kissed my chest.
A few minutes later, he stood up and carried me to my bathroom. 

"Alright, nap time." Katsuki said resting me on the now clean bed.
"Alright." I yawned and stretched.
He got in the bed after putting on sweats. 
"I'm so tired." He muttered and pulled me closer to him.
He put his face in my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I whispered closing my eyes.
I felt lips on my forehead which made a smile form on my lips. 

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