Chapter 36

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"Aizawa! I'm late for my game! The bus already left! And I'm so doomed! My coach is going to kill me! And the game is an hour away! Please help me!" I screamed entering Class 2-A's classroom. 

Everyone was staring at me. Aizawa wasn't even here. 

"Girl! What are you doing here!?" Mina asked standing up excitedly

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"Girl! What are you doing here!?" Mina asked standing up excitedly.
"Excuse me miss! If you aren't a U.A stu-"
"Oh shut it four eyes. She's teachers daughter." Katsuki said from his desk while standing up.
"And where are you going, Bakugou?" Four eyes asked while Katsuki walked towards me with his hands in his pockets. 
"In the hall. I'll be back." He muttered then pushed me out the classroom.
"Hey!" I yelped when he slammed the classroom door shut and pinned me against the wall next to it. 

"What do you think you're wearing?" He growled at me.
"What?" I looked down at my clothing.
I was wearing my number 4 Volleyball uniform with my short black spandex shorts. 
I guess the shorts were really short and tight. 
"My uniform?" I looked back up at him with pouty eyes.
"sigh Idiot." He flicked my forehead making me groan and whine.
"You're such an idiot! There are so many pervs around here! Anyone! They could've cornered you and fucking hurt you and no one would know because no one knew you were here!" He scolded me.
"....Stop~" I whined pouting with tears in my eyes.
I was stressed.
My game starts in 2 hours.
I still need someone to drop me there.
My coach will be pissed. 
And now Katsuki scolding me isn't helping.

He stared at my face then sighed.
He grabbed the back of my head and pulled it to my chest.
"It's going to be ok, Blueberry." He rubbed my head.
"Where is it? The game?"
"Chiba.." I muttered.
"An hour away....Have you never taken the train?"
"Not alone...not that far away.." I pouted. 
"Bakugou-Marinette!? What happened? Are you hurt? You're supposed to be at your game." Aizawa came to us with a worried face.
"I woke up late! And missed the bus with my team! I need-"
"I'm taking her on the train. It's one hour away." Katsuki said behind me.
He then walked up to me and grabbed my head and pulled it for a forehead kiss.
"Go beat them." He muttered against my forehead then ruffled my hair.
"Thank you." I smiled at him. 

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we ran out the school.
This game....was the last game for the year. The biggest game. We were going against the biggest, best school ever. 
The biggest amount of money is the prize.
You get famous and get well known.
Meaning I can get into an amazing University with a sports scholarship if I get well known. 
After this game, I'm done till next year when school opens up again. 

"I'm so late! What if we don't get there on time?" I whined on the train. 
"You'll be fine. I'll get you there on time. I promise."
"...." I looked around anxiously. 
"Hey hey look at me." He grabbed my face and made me look at him.
"You'll be fine. I promise. Have I ever broke a promise?"
"Good." He pecked my forehead then wrapped an arm around me.

"Girl! You made it!" My captain cheered. 
"Oh! And you brought boyfriend as well~" She teased.
"Sorry again! I'll go warm up!"
"No worries. We have time."
I ran to the side and started warming up by stretching.
"Here." Katsuki threw the ball around and I would dig it or something. 

"Alright, girls, huddle up!" The coach said.
"Good luck." Katsuki ruffled my hair and went to sit on the bench with the subs.
"This is an important game. Do your best. Go strong. Focus. And have fun."
"Right!" We all yelled. 
"Now go get them Ace!" She yelled and slapped our backs.

"Now welcoming! Team Ace from Horikoshi High School!" We walked onto our side waving at the audiences noticing our school was here.
I turned around and waved at Katsuki and he gave me thumbs up. 
"And on the other side....the best team.....the most scariest school....the toughest of them all! Avalanche! Because they knock you down just like an avalanche!" The other team walked out and boy! Were they intimidating.
They were way taller then me.
The girls in my team were already taller but these girls...whoa!
They all had set stone faces. 
"Woah..." I muttered.
I looked back to see Katsuki looking at the other team with a frown.
His eyes met mine and he smiled.
"You got this." He mouthed making me smile.
"Ready girls!?"

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