Chapter 1

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Eren's eyes flicker open to an unfamiliar sight. He finds himself trapped within the mysterious paths, witnessing the enigmatic figure of Ymir, the Founder, piecing together his shattered form. Confusion and disbelief cloud his thoughts as he grapples with the reality of his situation. The memory of Mikasa's decisive act, severing his head to halt the cataclysmic Rumbling, lingers in his mind.

"Ymir... why am I still here?" Eren's voice trembles with uncertainty. "Mikasa freed you, didn't she?"

Ymir meets his gaze, her first utterances reverberating through the space. "Yes, I owe my freedom to you and Mikasa. Before my rebirth, I wish to repay you by granting you a new life."

Eren's eyes widen in disbelief at the unexpected offer. The weight of recent events presses heavily upon him. The echoes of innocent lives lost beneath the destructive march of the Rumbling haunt his thoughts. "Even if you grant me life anew, where could I possibly belong? The Rumbling stains my hands with unforgivable sins... Can I bear to live with that burden?"

"Despite the darkness that clouds your past, you must find the strength to move forward," Ymir implores, her voice holding an ethereal wisdom that pierces Eren's doubts. "Isn't this the path you've chosen for yourself? To sacrifice your own humanity for the sake of our people?"

Eren casts a troubled gaze upon his nearly reconstructed form, grappling with conflicting emotions. "But those countless lives... they didn't deserve such a fate. Can I ever find absolution for their suffering?"

Ymir remains silent, diligently completing the formation of Eren's body. Once finished, she speaks again, her tone enigmatic yet purposeful. "The choice to reveal yourself to your comrades will be yours. Now, you must return to a world free from the Titans."

"A world without Titans..." Eren's voice trails off as he contemplates his impending fate. "Will I become an ordinary human, stripped of the ability to transform into Titans?"

"You will no longer wield that power. However, before reconstructing your form, I've fashioned five others. The six of you will possess unique abilities," Ymir reveals cryptically.

"Unique abilities?" Eren's curiosity piques. "What do you mean by that?"

"Patience. The answers will reveal themselves in time. The others will seek you out once you've established your new existence," Ymir replies, leaving Eren bewildered. Suddenly, he's engulfed in a blinding light, his senses overwhelmed as Ymir fades along with the paths.

In the serene setting of the Reiss Farm, Historia tends to her newborn daughter in the absence of her husband. The tranquility is disrupted by a sudden, jarring noise. With the assistance of soldiers, they rush outside to discover Eren Yeager lying on the ground.

"Eren?!" Historia swiftly passes her baby to a nun's care and hurries to his side. Eren stirs, groaning faintly as he begins to regain consciousness. At the sight of Historia, he expresses surprise. "Historia..."

"Eren, what brings you here? I thought you departed the island with the Rumbling," Historia inquires, her concern evident.

Taking in his surroundings at the Reiss Farm, Eren lets out a sigh. "Where's Mikasa and the others?"

"They haven't returned yet. But you haven't answered my question," Historia presses, seeking clarity.

Eren proceeds to recount the tumultuous events, detailing how Mikasa took his life to safeguard what remained of humanity. Historia listens, her emotions a whirlwind of shock, horror, agony, and eventual relief upon grasping the gravity of what occurred.

"And somehow, the Founder Ymir allowed me to persist, but I can't help feeling undeserving of it all," Eren confesses, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Eren..." Historia embraces him in a sisterly manner. "I won't claim that your choices were entirely wrong. I stand with you in this plan. We've become adversaries to humanity."

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