Chapter Seven: Trust and Love

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Twelve years ago, Nick was living a rough life. He knew that if he was caught by the police, he would be dragged back to his father where he would have to endure the verbal berating and occasional slap. Even without his father around, he already criticized himself too much; he already assumed the worst out of people and himself.

The only person he allowed himself to trust was Vincent.

But he was walking to his favorite bus stop- public transportation was his only method of travel- when his arm was grabbed roughly from the nearest alley. At first, of course, he thought he was in danger; he had angered a lot of people during that time from stealing, mostly, but also by being Vincent's friend. Vincent made a lot of enemies from his gambling winnings.

But then he was faced with a handsome man with nice blue eyes and dark hair. He looked older than Nick, but Nick was only eighteen years old. 

"I want to make a deal," this man said, "I'm having trouble at home. I will give you the best life money can buy, if you just hear me out."

Nick thought it was a scam. He examined this stranger- nice shoes, button up shirt, and pristine hair. The fabrics of his clothes looked soft and tailored to his figure. He didn't dress outrightly so, but Nick could tell the guy was rich, and not in the fake scammy way. He wasn't from around Nick's area.

"I'll hear you, but that doesn't mean I will agree," Nick said, his arms crossed to show he wasn't afraid.

"Okay," the man nodded, his eyes lighting up. He was handsome, Nick decided. "My name is Xavier, and my deal is pretty simple. Basically, Im gay, and my mother has threatened to find me a girl if I don't get married soon. You see, my father died, and his company runs like a monarchy of sorts." The man sighed. "I can go over more of the details, if you agree. But anyway, I've been watching you for a while. Nicholas Catteneo, right?"

Nick's jaw clenched. He was on guard now. He didn't like people knowing his full name.

"My name is Nick. No last name. I don't go by Catteneo anymore," Nick sneered, his eyes narrowing. He was sure he looked like a cornered wild animal, and he felt like running. "What the f**k do you want? I know it isn't money."

"Well, I think you're too handsome to be living on the streets," Xavier admitted with a soft smile, "And I need someone to marry me before my mother decides to betroth me to a woman. So, here's the deal: You marry me, and I will make sure you live a comfortable life. You will never have to work a day. I have enough money to buy you whatever you want. And..." Xavier took a step forward, "Maybe we will even become an actual item some day."

Nick snorted and took a step back.

"You're crazy," he shook his head. Nick thought it was too good of a deal. Nothing that pleasant could ever happen to him. There had to be some downside.

"I'm not," Xavier shrugged, "Let me take you out on a date to prove it to you. I'll take you somewhere nice. We can go on as many dates as you want. I'll do anything. I know you're gay too."

"How?" Nick asked, taking another step back. If one more creepy thing came out of Xavier's mouth, he was going to run.

"You have a rainbow pin on your shirt," the man replied, deadpan. Nick quickly glanced at his pin, his cheeks now burning red from embarrassment. He had forgotten about that. "Please, just give me a chance. I'll do anything."

"Why me?" Nick continued to question. He was wary and very suspicious.

"Because you're handsome," he replied, "And you need this more than any other rich guy. And it has to be you to make this work."

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