Saga of loneliness begins (Prologue)

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I don't know why, loneliness has come

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I don't know why, loneliness has come

to meet me again..

At what turn has love brought me..

Is my fight against myself,

or against God Himself,

At what turn has love brought me

Yet again!


Surrounded by a few kids Reena sat in the centre of bed narrating them about various stories . It's been a week since she arrived in the city of gold KGF drastic changes took place in her life after she became a part of this universe
"One more story please, Reena!" Shiva a 10 year old boy with skinny body and ruffled hairs looked towards the beautiful lady sitting opposite to him with her palm over chin .

"Yes , Reena please!!You are our best friend na?" Ansh an eleven year old boy with dark brown orbs pleaded nudging her arm .

A small chuckle left Reena ' s lips as they continued to plead she couldn't believe that people here were giving so much love to a girl whom them met just a few days ago . The word love never existed in the dictionary of her lonely life but now everything was changing . On the other hand where some changes were delightful a few of them just left her disheartened .

"Reena!" All the kids screamed together pulling her away from her land of thoughts .

She looked at the boys with a smile lingering her face and spoke up "Its really late now ..Your mothers must be waiting for you all.."
The cute little faces fell down hearing her sighing a bit Reena stretched her hands embracing them with pure affection .

"Okay! I promise to narrate you all 3 stories tomorrow..Is that fine now..?" sad faces bloomed in happiness as they embraced her back tightly .

"Pakka?(sure?)" All of them asked in monotone pointing their fingers at her. Eyes twinkling with a glint of joy .


After those little chatter boxes left Reena got up from the king size bed trying her best to not to trip in that heavy embroided lehenga as she closed the door and stepped towards balcony .

The night sky always gave her the peace she craved for she loved to see that how perfectly moon makes the darkness of night fade away lighting the world with it's rays giving a silence assurance to her that their is always a ray of hope even in the darkest times .

A sound of car halting infront of the mansion was heard from her balcony making her curiously look down . Its been almost an hour since she is standing here too busy in her thoughts to have a check on the time but when she looked at the clock it was almost 12 in the night.

Obviously its him!

Her lips pressed together tightly in a huge grin as he looked up towards her even after everything that happened few days before she still feels the same butterflies fluttering their wings in her stomach by his very presence but all the faint sound of her happiness shattering like a palace of glass went unheard by Rocky who made his way inside the mansion without sparing a single glance to the girl whose all hopes crumpled down . Her eyebrows raised in a kind of shock .

Maybe he was tired! She tried to console herself but the damage was already done to her heart .


"Fatima ma!" Reena rushed down early in the morning making all workers surprised because she never got off the bed before 8 A.M. but today it was just 6 and here she stood all ready for the day in a navy blue lehenga paired with pink dupatta and a set of shining pearl earrings .

"My goodness! It seems as if the sun has risen from west today ..You got up so early!" The old lady remarked seeing the unbelievable scenario as Reena kept drying her long wet tresses with a light cotton cloth in her jeweled palms .

Swatting back her hairs Reena ' s eyes held desperation in them while she scanned the entire mansion with her brown orbs searching for someone she bit her lower lip in anticipation trying to find him .

A sudden glow radiated over her face finally finding Rocky who was stepping down the stairs busy in talking with Vanaram accompanied by a few guards .
Don't act too desperate! She chanted in her mind with an accelerating heartbeat standing near the dinning table .

"Rocky!" Calling his name Reena puts up a mask of plain face observing his every move when he looked towards her direction .

"Actually I wanted to.." She began but before more words could come out he cuts her off .

"I am busy right now we'll talk later.." Thats it and he moved ahead without sparing a second look to her .

People who stood their witnessing the scene looked towards their queen in pity . Mallama came near her patting her shoulder in assurance she could observe the invisible tears as Reena bowed down her head due to the shame as well as embarrassment that's she faced right now infront of all workers and staff .

It seemed that the kids understood seriousness of situation and tried to cheer up their bestie ' s mood . "Reena!" She heard a few voices calling her out .

"Come lets play!" Shaurya a boy most probably of 9 years came near her with his group as they held her palms taking her to the ground .

Even though Reena managed to put up a grin in all the mess that was going on now she made a mental note to not to interfere in his life anymore .

It was enough for her after being addressed as entertainment infront of all the men she knew her entire life to being ignored and embarrassed infront of all those workers .

lets just say that we aren't meant for each other , Rocky ...


This is gonna be a short series most probably related to what I have observed in the film and do let me know whether you guys too think that Rocky was quite different towards Reena in KGF chapter - 2 .

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