Part-14 ~ feelings

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The night sky appeared brighter today with many stars twinkling and the moon shining in its full glory . The palace of KGF had a deep silence as almost everyone were asleep despite the two souls that were wandering trying to put their train of thoughts on a break. 

"Why is everything  so complicated?" Reena questioned herself settling on the grass in garden palms resting over her chin as she glanced at the sky .

"I wish of you both were here , Mumma  Papa .." She whispered in a barely audible tone eyes brimming with hot liquid that fought to stream down on her cheeks .

Relationship without equal efforts is like a human without soul , my child .. Anamika , her late mother ' s words rang in her ears something  that she was told to her years back .

"You are awake?!" A voice came from behind and its then Reena  discovered that she was not alone to wander like a ghost in the middle of night . He was sailing in the same boat too with a big bottle of alcohol in his palms .

Rocky blinked as he stumbled on his way towards her until she watched him settling beside her still chugging the bottle as if it was the very thing he needed.

"Yes.." She answered back with a plain face .

For a minute no one spoke as quietness lingered the atmosphere . Rocky didn't knew from where to start  the conversation and Reena couldn't figure out where to end this awkwardness  both of them were just too lost in their own dilemma until she finally decided to speak .

"You should sleep , its quite late.." She said looking down not meeting his gaze that was fixed on her. 

Reena waited for a few more minutes for him to leave but it seemed as if he was in an adamant mood tonight . At last sighing under her breath she got up deciding to mercy on her tired mind by giving it a little amount of rest which she wasn't sure whether she will give or not still going to her room seemed the best option right now .

"Goodnight.." Turning her back towards him Reena stepped ahead only to be stopped by a hold on her hand .

No,no,no! Not now! She prayed mentally to let the grip get loose by any miracle because right now dealing with him was the last thing she would dare to do but wait why was he stopping her now?

Will he yell at her , the way  her dad used to  yell at her mom?!

Or has he decided to abandon her now after all these years?!

Weird thoughts creeped up her mind as her a knot formed in her stomach having an alien feeling.  She turned back biting her inner cheek harshly to suppress whatever reaction her face was going to show and glanced at him with questioning eyes.

"You want something?" Reena asked too  formally trying to suppress the storm swirling inside her .

Rocky didn't said anything  for a moment but just kept looking  at her as if trying to recognise the lady standing infront of him . Was she really Reena Desai? The spoiled , angry bird and not to forget pampered princess of Banglore. Really?!

"I do.." He mouthed almost drowning in those dark brown orbs of hers .

"What?" Her eyebrows knitted together.

"You!" And that was it. Reena ' s lips parted away in an unaudubible  gasp . Shock , surprise , astonishment all the words seemed very less to describe her mental state at that moment .

 Shock , surprise , astonishment all the words seemed very less to describe her mental state at that moment

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And it was for the first time in life Raja krishnappa  bairya  looked nervous , very much . He didn't felt this nervousness anytime before not even when he legit proposed her on their very first encounter because at that time he could clearly read that anger on her face. Everytime they met she used to get annoyed irritated and what not..but today her face was totally blank .

That mouth which always challenged him was shut Reena clutched on to the edge of her navy blue dupatta and closed her eyes for a second he's drunk! The thought crossed her mind .

" are not in the right state to talk , we'll discuss this later , go and sleep now.." She stated holding herself together with some courage .

"No! I want to talk , now!" He demanded like the adamant  man he was .

Having no other option Reena shushed   his mouth with her palm because if he speaks the same way one more time the entire mansion will be awake and facing embarrassment infront of them was not something  that she wished for right now

"Slow down your voice for god sake!" She pleaded dragging him with her towards his room .

He needs to go on dieting! Reena thought struggling  with his heavy mass as she made him walk despite of all the words he was blabbering.

Finally after millions of efforts the lady succeeded in making him sleep after almost an hour. She adjusted the duvet properly over his huge figure before going back to her own chamber.

Alas! that sleep was no longer ready to engulf her and the rest few hours before sunrise she carried on with her overthinking. 

All hail to the one and only , bearded idiot!


"Are you serious!" Reena exclaimed shocked nearly choking on air as Anand Ingalgi told her about Rocky shooting down the whole police station for a single gold biscuit .

"He's impossible!" She huffed settling down on the dinning table while Anand continued to narrate her  about various deeds of hee... don't know what ...

"I agree!" The journalist remarked .

It was huge coincidence for Anand to find his college friend Reena here in KGF , the world is really very small. Both of them have shared a great bond  of friendship  since the day they met till now and it was a sigh of relief for Reena to have atleast one person here in this place with whom she can share about her daily stuff.

"By the way , Ree..Can I ask you something?" He questioned .

"Go ahead.." She answered back nodding her head positively.

"What are your feelings for him?"

And by chance Rocky was passing from the same side busy  in discussing some security issues with Khasim and Vanaram when he heard this and halted at a place curious of what the answer was going to be.

Reena ' s face expressions changed suddenly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear . "Well...


So how was it ? What do you think will be Reena ' s answer ?

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