Chapter 4

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Finn's POV:

It's been 1 hour since Quinn received that horrible phone call. She's been crying nonstop and it's slowly breaking my heart. My lover is crying and I can't physically do anything to help her. I've been sitting up, holding her in my long arms, for 1 hour. I will never let go.

"Baby, please stop crying, it hurts to see you like this." I say to her, my voice breaking at the end, I wasn't lying, it really does hurt my heart watching her cry.

She doesn't say anything which is kind of a relief; I thought she was gonna shout at me for saying that. Instead she just buries her face in the crook of my neck and continues to sob.

I had an idea. I'm gonna take her on holiday to take her mind off everything. The night soon passed and we didn't get any more sleep. We've been in the same position for another 2 hours. It's now 6:45 am and we need to get ready for school- if we're going anyway.

"Hey baby girl? Do you wanna go to school today?" I ask her gently.

She shakes her head 'no' and starts to hiccup. I slowly rub her back in circular motions in attempt to calm her down. Quinn then starts to rub her eyes and lay her head on my chest, slightly falling asleep.

Oh my god. Her parents. They'll be devastated. I guess we'll be taking a trip up the mountains to their cabin. I'll pack us a suitcase.

My mom called last night at 9 pm saying she had to work the night shift. I should probably call her now.

-Phone call-

Carole- Hello, Carole Hudson speaking.

Finn- Hey mom, it's Finn.

Carole- Oh Finn. How are you honey? Sorry I had to stay at work.

Finn- It's fine mom. Um.... Is it ok if I stay the night at Quinn's Parents' house, it's just, her sister died in a car accident last night so we were gonna head up the mountains and see Judy and Russell and check up on them.

Carole- Oh god. How is Quinn? Is she okay?

Finn- Um... No. We stayed up all night, Quinn sobbing and Me comforting her.

Carole- Poor girl. I know how close she was with her sister. Just out of curiosity, why didn't Quinn stay at her house?

Finn- 1) Because her parents are away on a business trip for a week up in the mountains and 2) She was threatened to be raped yesterday at school.

Carole- *sniffs* oh.

Finn- Mom are you okay? It sounds like your crying.

Carole- Well you know I love Quinn as a daughter so if someone threatened her like that... Just... *sighs*

Finn- Ya. I know what you mean. I have to go know, I'll call you when we get there okay?

Carole- Okay sweetheart. Send my love to Quinn and her family.

Finn- Okay mom. I love you, bye.

Carole- Love you too.

-End of call-

I love how close my mom and my girlfriend are. It makes things so much better. I go back into my room and see Quinn lightly sleeping on my bed, surrounded by my cowboy walls. In the suitcase I packed,
'For Quinn: 2 tank tops, 2 pairs of jeans, 1 of my jerseys for her to wear, a pair of winter boots, a bra and 2 pairs of underwear.'
'For me: 2 short sleeved tops, 1 pair of jeans, a pair of converse and a jumper.'
Even though its summer, It'll be cold and probably snowing up by the mountains.

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