Chapter 6

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Please watch the video 👆 It is super cute xx

~The next day~

Finn's POV:

Russell hates me. It doesn't take a scientist to figure it out. Last night he practically screamed at me for going to the toilet. He said, 'What the hell do you think your doing at this time in the morning?' I just stood there shocked.
Mrs Fabray had to come up and calm him down. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and went straight back to bed.

Anyways, we've sorted out Sarah's funeral which will be held in 2 weeks, Quinn is currently asleep on my arm as I'm driving back home. I think she's slowly going back to normal, it will take time though.

-10 pm-

Once we finally get home, Quinn goes up to my bed. I go on my laptop and look online to search for a cheap holiday to New York.

After 45 minutes of looking, I finally find the perfect hotel and activities to do, for a reasonable price. $865 for both of us, I guess I'll just have to use the money I've been saving up. It's booked for December 28. It's now October 21 and I'm gonna make it a Christmas gift for her.

While I'm still online, I look for a holiday for my mom, me and Quinn next year. Disney. Yay. I really want to go there. I know Quinn does too.

Tiredly, I stand up from the couch and make my way upstairs to my room. I look towards my bed and see Quinn fast asleep, shivering. It's freezing when it's Autumn and Winter in Lima. I take a spare blanket from the cupboard and wrap myself and Quinn inside of it. She lays her head on my chest and snuggles right up to me, I hold her close and kiss her head. Then we both drift off into a peaceful slumber.

~The next day~

We wake up at 6am and get dressed for school. I go in the shower first and then Quinn.

She decided she just wants to stay at her house until her parents come home so she's going back tonight; they're coming back in 5 days anyway and they've been gone for a week.

Once we're ready, we make our way to my truck and head for school. Quinn has her own car but she doesn't like to drive in Winter and Autumn (because of the bad weather; icy, rainy, snowy etc) so I take her most places.

We finally arrive and head into school, making our way to my locker first.

"Do we have any classes together?" Quinn asks me quietly.

", why?" I respond, wanting to know her answer.

"Just in case Karofsky decides to show up during the day," she tells me while tearing up slightly.

I pull her into my embrace and sigh, I can't believe what that dick, Karofsky, put her through.

"It's okay baby, don't cry. I won't let him lay a finger on you. Okay?" I assure her.

She just nods and cries into my chest. I calm her down and the bell rings, signalling home room.

"I'll see you at lunch baby girl, ok?"

She nods her head and leaves. I go to my home room and get signed in on the register. Time for first period, maths. Great.

Since I sit at the back of the class, I get to go to sleep, the teacher can't see me.

I wake up 5 minutes before the bell rings. Perfect. I'm pretty sure we were learning about algebra or fractions or something but thank goodness the teacher didn't ask me anything.

The bell rings and I rush out of class to get to English, the other side of the school. Quinn passes me and I give her a long and passionate kiss, letting her know that I'll always protect her. We didn't speak because we were in a rush but it was a good kiss.

At least a few of my friends are in this class. Puck, Rachel, Artie, Brittney, Blaine and Jake. I also know who's in Quinn's class too, Mercedes, Kurt, Sam, Tina, Mike and Santana.

(Couples: Brittney + Artie, Santana + Puck, Tina + Mike, Kurt + Blaine, Rachel + Jake and Sam + Mercedes)

Quinn's POV:

As I'm on my way to Geography, Finn passes me and gives me a wonderful kiss. God I love him so much. He has English now. Our classes aren't too far apart but it's in the next hallway.

Halfway through my class, I'm desperate for the toilet so I raise my hand.

"Yes Miss Fabray?" The teacher asks me sweetly.

"Please may I go the the restroom?" I ask her politely.

"Of course but please be as quick as possible, we have something rather special planned." she tells me enthusiastically.

I give her a weird smile but quickly exit the classroom, close to peeing myself.

I run to the bathroom and quickly go to the toilet. Ahhhh. So much better. I go out of the cubicle and wash my hands; as I'm doing so, I hear the sound no one ever wants to hear. A gunshot.

Finn's POV:

I'm bored out of my mind and we aren't learning very much. There is still 35 minutes left of the lesson and I'm counting it down.

"So, over the next 5 weeks, we are going to be learning about the mind of Shakespeare and all of the plays he wrote." My teacher, Mr Robson, says in a very monotonous voice.
He's a great teacher and all but his voice just makes me want to go to sleep.

"Now, talk to your partners, discuss what you thought of the famous play- Romeo & Juliet" He barely finished his sentence before a blood curdling scream echoes down the halls of McKinley- followed by a gunshot. Oh God.

😂🙏😘👌🎤😅🙈❤️⭐️ Hope you liked this chapter and I am very sorry if it was confusing about the holiday and stuff xxxx I wrote this at 3am so... ❄️ Yup. Please comment what you think of my story and, I don't know if I mentioned this but, you can also comment what other GLEE stories you'd like me to write e.g. Finchel 😍 Klaine 😄 Brittana ✌️ Faberry ❤️ ANYTHING you want xxxx ✌️⭐️❤️🙈🎤😅❄️💙🙊💞💦😄👆💕

Did you watch the video xx I love it xx Found it. I'm not talented enough to make something like that 😂 oh and, I'm 13 so I apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes ✌️😘🙈⭐️

Shoutouts: 💦⭐️💦⭐️


I know that's not many Shoutouts but there will be more in the next chapter xxxx thanks guys xx ⭐️✌️💙💕🎤❤️🙈❄️😄😍😅😘💦🙏👆😱🙊😂👌💞💎

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