Chapter 9

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Quinn's POV:

My body doesn't function properly? Actually it does. Well my hearing does, I don't have a clue about anything else. I heard what the nurse told Finn about me, he's gonna be crushed. Surely he'll stay in my room tonight, won't he? 48 hours. 2 days until they've cut off my life support and I'm gone. They didn't mention that to Finn though. Wonder why?

Finn's POV:

2 days. 48 hours until my soul mate is a goner. No, it won't happen, this is Quinn Fabray we're talking about. I am currently sitting outside of Quinn's room, the nurse told me I could go see her; I'm too scared. I've already had 3 breakdowns in 2 hours. The Glee club are sitting in the waiting room; I'm here, on the floor, next to Quinn's room, staring into blank space. Santana then walks around the corner and sits down next to me.

"What did the nurse tell you?" She says softly.

"Um... th-that Quinn's n-not gonna make it p-past 48 hours." I stutter, my voice cracking at the end.

"Oh God." She mutters quietly.

"Yeah." I reply, thinking she's shocked about Quinn.

"No. Finn, can you keep a secret?" She asks me.

"Of course." I say nervously.

"Okay, um... I had a pregnancy scare yesterday and... I haven't taken a test yet. All I know is, I was sick in the morning and realised that my period was late." She says, going into a huge meltdown.

I stand up, pulling her with me and embrace her into one of my famous 'bear hugs'. Then, I pull Santana to the front reception desk (sneaking past the glee club) and talk to the lady.

"Hi, um, do you have any space for a sonogram appointment?" I ask the lady politely.

She looks at her computer, then at Santana, giving her a judging look. My blood is boiling after that, she has no right to judge my friend. I stay quiet though and force a smile.

"We have a slot available now if you can make it." She says rudely.

"Yes we can." I say with a hint of rudeness in my voice.

I look over at Santana and see small tears roll down her cheeks. I bring her into a hug and let her cry.

"Room 386. Go down the hall, turn right then right again. It's in the double doors on the left." She says precisely.

"Thank you." Santana says while looking down.

This might take my mind off all of the drama for an hour or two.

I take her hand and guide her down the hall, following the receptionists directions exactly. When we find it, we walk through the double doors and go to another little desk.

"Hi. I'm Ally and I'll be examining you today." A very friendly nurse appears and tells us.

"Hi, I'm Santana Marie Lopez. This is my friend Finn Hudson." She tells the nurse nervously.

"Follow me." She says.

We follow her and are lead into a smaller room with a bed, a chair, a computer and other technical stuff.

"Okay sweetie, I'm gonna need you to change into this gown for me. Just behind them curtains there." She says pointing towards some sliding curtains.

Santana goes to change and I chat to the nurse.

"So, are you the one who knocked her up?" She asks me jokingly which makes me chuckle.

"Erm... no... we're like siblings. Her boyfriend is actually here to support me since my girlfriend is basically dying. He doesn't know about this." I tell her, tears threatening to spill.

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