Chapter 19

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A/N get read for a cute Pucktana moment!!!! 🎶😱😍💫🍒🍉

Finn's POV

We had  a few days left until we had to go back to school which I was calm about, unlike Quinn. She was freaking out about the shooting still and had small panic attacks if someone mentions going back to school. Today was going to be a fun day, I was taking her ice skating to calm her nerves and make her more relaxed. Right now we were getting ready; she had no idea where we're going which is great, Santana and Puck decided to meet up with us since it's Sunday and they'll surely make it more fun.

"You ready princess?" I called to her as she was in the bathroom.

"Yeah, just give me a sec to brush my teeth." She softly called back to me.

"That's fine. Do you wanna have a guess at where we're going?"

"Umm....The movies?"



"Have you packed your swim suit?"


"Then I guess we're not going there," I smirked as I teased her.

"The beach?"

"Nah, want a clue?" I laughed when she muttered a 'yup' from the other room.
"It's cold,"

"The North Pole!" She squealed and giggled. That was adorable, I have to admit.


"Ugh, um, Ice skating?" She huffed frustratedly when she couldn't get it, but she did.


"We're going to bingo? I know you said a relaxing day but I didn't know you had that planned."

"No, no no we're going ice skating!" I laughed. I heard her laugh and squeal in excitement.


Once she was ready we got into the car and drove off to the ice rink. Quinn immediately saw Santana hop out of the car and crashed into a hug, their friendship really is amazing.

Puck came out of the car before grabbing their jackets and locking up. "San, I know you're excited about this but is it really safe for you to be skating? I don't want anything to happen to either of you," he said and referred to the baby.

"It'll be fine, I don't think anything bad really can happen at this stage anyway." She smirked and we all walked into the paying lot.

"Four skating please, shoe sizes are: 8, 5, 6 and another 5 please," I told the lady after taking in all sizes.

"Okay, that'll be $24 please," she said and flashed Puck a smile flirtatiously. Santana took note of that and glared at her the whole time I payed and when she got our skates.

"Puta!" San muttered as we walked away (that means whore in Spanish). We all laughed at her and I was just wondering if that's the pregnancy hormones or just Santana.

We slipped out skates on and were steadily walking to the rink. What the girls didn't know was that I had this planned out for a month, before the shooting, and took 2 sessions (with Puck) of learning how to skate.

So Quinn and Santana were gripping onto the edge of the rink for dear life while we stepped on and held onto their hands.

"Let go." I whispered into Quinn's ear.

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