Chapter 11

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This chapter will mainly be Flashbacks from the past. Just pretend that Young Quinn and Finn in the pic are in 7th grade.💕😂💎💭😘⭐️🙈💙 (they also seem very grown up in this scene considering their ages but just go with it 😂🙈 they are both very mature when they need to be)

Finn's POV:

Oh God. This is probably just as worse as her dying. How can she not remember me? I know we've only been together for about 4 weeks but we've been best friends ever since 7th grade when she transferred to our school. I remember that day so clearly. We became inseparable since then.

~Flashback 1~

Finn's POV:

I had to rush into school this morning, my mom let me sleep in late, now I'm late for class and I have the worst teacher in the whole history of the world. Rushing to my locker, I accidentally bump into someone while turning a corner. My books fly all over the place as well as the other persons'.

"I am so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going, let me help you." I say as I'm collecting both of our books from the floor. I look up to find a beautiful,young, blue-eyed girl with golden blonde hair.

"No no, I'm sorry, I'm new here and I was too busy looking at my schedule." She says quietly.

"I'm Finn Hudson, nice to meet you." I say politely while shaking her hand. She gives me a million dollar smile.

"Hi I'm Quinn Fabray, the new girl." She says with a slight chuckle.

"Do you want me to help you find your class and locker?" I ask her.

"Yes please, if you don't mind?" She asks me shyly. Awww she's so cute.

"No, of course not, it was my fault," I tell her again, hinting the fact that I'm apologising.

She gives me a cute smirk and blushes when I give her one in return.

"Do you know what your locker number is?" I ask her.

"Um...264," she says with a confused look spread on her face.

"That's super close to mine, my locker is 272, it's on the same block but opposite to yours," I say, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Thank goodness for that, at least I know someone now." she says while smiling brightly.

"I was just on my way to Geography, what about you?" I ask her. She takes a look at her schedule and smiles.

"I have Geography too." she tells me, a short, yet, comfortable silence fills the halls.

I notice a small cross placed on her chest, then I look closer and realise that it's a necklace.

"I take it you're quite the religious type?" I ask more than state.

"Um, yeah, I'm a very strong Christian." she says while looking down and fumbling with the necklace.

"Me too. I go to church every Sunday." I tell her, it's the truth, I've always been the one to ask God for help in times of need.

She looks up shocked and her mouth parted slightly because she was so stunned.

"What?" I ask while chuckling at her expression.

"Nothing. I just wouldn't expect you to be the religious sorta person," she tells me with a smile playing on her small pink lips.

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