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It was 9PM when Wooyoung was in bed on his phone. San was out with his friends. But only with Yunho and Seonghwa for some reason, but that didn't matter. It was soon 11:15 when Wooyoung's eyes were going heavy and he felt really tired. Non stop yawning and nearly nodding off. He promised to stay awake when San comes back. He needed a shower badly, and showers always wake him up even when extremely exhausted. He got out bed, putting his phone down and grabbing a towel. He went to the bathroom, opening the door and turning the light on. He went to go inside when suddenly the dorm room door unlocked and opened. The two meeting eyes, and smiled at each other.



They said to each other.

San walked in as he shut the door and locked it again. Putting everything on the table as he takes his jacket off, placing it on the coat hook thing. He took his shoes off placing it and the end of his bed.

"I'm..gonna take a shower. If you don't mind me!" Woo smiled.

"Wait!" San says. Woo turns back to him.


"I wanna shower with you!"

Wooyoung widened his eyes in shock and nearly fainted. His heart stopped beating for sure.

"Sure.." Woo says. Blushing.

San smiled as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, revealing his muscles. He put his shirt on the bed.

"Wait for me in the shower!" San says. Woo nods as he walks in the bathroom, shutting the door and takes a deep breath. Then jumping up and down and silent screaming. He wants this.

Wooyoung puts his towel to the side as he turns the hot water on, getting fully undressed and gets in. Washing himself before San comes.

After a while San came inside, shutting the door and putting his towel on top of Woo's. They blushed at each other.

San got in behind Wooyoung and snaked his hand's round to the front, washing Wooyoung's body for him. With soap.

"Thanks for washing me I guess" Woo says. Making San chuckle.

"I missed you" San says.

"Me too" Wooyoung answered. He then turned round, facing San and kissed his lips.

They both closed their eyes as they put their tongues into each other's mouth, and their mouth into each others. Snogging each other's faces off.

Without breaking the kiss, San pins Woo to the wet wall. Continuing licking each other's faces.

After a while, San then separated, some drool coming out with him but that didn't bother him.

He then went down and softly bit on Wooyoung's neck. Making him moan and whimper.

They carried on doing 'it' (you know what I mean). After about an hour they finished as they got dried. And realised, they gave each other hickeys.

They left the bathroom and got dressed into some comfy pyjamas.

"What to do with the hickey? Cover it up with makeup? How the hell do you get rid of hickeys again?" San asked. Woo shrugged as he grabbed his phone and wanted to text Yeosang or someone. But then they would found out Woo did it with San. So he decided to search it.

"Oh wait! I remember. I had to do it once to hide it from my family when I made out with a girl. I iced it with frozen peas or something" San says. Woo chuckled and put his phone down.

"I never met your family. Or parents. Are they nice?" Woo asked.

"Mm. Not really...their extremely strict to me. I have a older brother and he's the favourite, he can do whatever he wants, he's properly cared and loved. And I'm always blamed. He's aloud to have a girlfriend. But I'm not aloud till I'm 40 my parents say. Which I find absolutely ridiculous. He's aloud to be married and have kids, but I'm only aloud to be married if I want to, not aloud kids!" San explains as he sits next to Wooyoung on his bed.

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