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Wooyoung couldn't concentrate in class all day. He kept getting scolded more then twice in every lesson. It's now lunch as Wooyoung sits on the lunch table with all his friends. He starts playing with his food while thinking of San. He misses him. And truly loves him. And his friends seem to notice it all, also in classes.

"Wooyoung. What's up my dude. You've been spacing out all day. What up?," Yeosang finally has the courage to ask.

Wooyoung sighs.

"It doesn't matter. I'll message it to our group chat later" Woo says as he finally puts food in his mouth.

"Why in the group chat later. Just tell us now we're all here" argued Yeosang.

"Please Sang. I'm not in the mood" Woo says. He looks like he was about to break out crying and scream. And he sure felt like it.

Woo looks over at the table and doesn't see san. Confused. Only Mingi, Seonghwa, Hyunjin and Jongho. All laughing and having a great time.

Woo just tried forgetting about it and continued slowly eating.

With San :

Meanwhile San was sobbing in the dorm. It's been 20 minutes and he decided to stop crying. Wiping his eyes with his sleeves he looks down at his phone on the bed next to him. Incoming call from Mother. It read. San was scared to pick it up but he did. Picking his phone up, answering the call and putting it to his ear.

"San. Took you long enough to pick up. Did you see your brother on the news?" Mother asked San. He gulped.

"Mhm. Y-yes" he said. Scared to speak as he was shaking a little.

"Your lucky. We just said to the police that we found him like that when we entered his bedroom. We don't know how he did it. Your lucky we didn't give you away" she scolded.

San gulped and sniffs. Nodding though he knows she can't see him.

"His funeral is next weak on Saturday. Get a taxi and come over. I'll message you the address and where about it will be set. You better be on time you little brat" she said. A tear dropped down San's face.

"If you were still at home you would of been beat up by your father. You probably still wouldn't be alive and I wouldn't give a fuck. Why do I have a son like you?," she said. San got angry and snapped.

"What is wrong with you mother? I wish I had a different mother. Suho is always favourited. And you mother never cared once about me. Ever. I wish I was born in a different family. Poor or rich i don't care as long as they were nice. Unlike you and...ugh..i don't even wanna call him father. And I don't wanna call you mother" he had the guts to say it and immediately regretted.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME CHOI SAN? UGH. after the funeral you are no longer my son. You will be out of my life for good. I'll change your bedroom into a guest room, throw away all your stuff. I'll rip up all your pictures of you and rip all the drawings you used to give me when you were younger. Such a little brat. You always have been. And your right I never cared for you one bit. Or loved you. I hope you find a new caring family." She said and hung up.

San looked at the phone once she hung up as she messaged him the address and. Blocked him. He clenched his phone as he started crying and just. Screamed.

He threw his phone as it smashed. And he sobbed. For ages.

[poor san]


School days is finally over as Wooyoung and his friends plan to meet up in the library at 5. Woo goes back to the dorm and walks in to see San asleep in the bed. He had red eyes like he has been crying and his phone was smashed and cracked on the floor. Woo walked in and silently closed the door behind him. Walking to the smashed phone on the ground. Nearest Woo's bed.

My hot roommate [Woosan] Where stories live. Discover now