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San's parents made him get a taxi. So he did. Him and Wooyoung are currently going home, driving in the back of a taxi, San was really tired and had red eyes from crying, he had his hood up as he stares out the window. His eyes very heavy and tired Woo felt really bad for him. It's all my fault... Woo thought.

If only I screamed or Pushed Suho away and ran away and hid till San finished having a toilet, none of this would of happened. Woo was over thinking a lot now.

But Suho said he would beat me up if I screamed. And he's really strong so I couldn't push him. Ughh Woo was screaming inside his head.

The taxi soon pulled up outside the university as Woo and San hopped out. San gave the taxi driver money as he drove off. San walks ahead of Wooyoung and inside the building, woo trying to catch up.

He walked up the stairs and arrived at the dorm, before he could open it he heard a voice call his name. He turned to the person.

Seonghwa, Hyunjin, Mingi, and Jongho we're smiling and walking towards him. San felt to sad and angry to speak to them. Even look at them. He just opened the door, walked in the dorm and slammed the door behind him. Making his friends freeze and drop their smiles confused.

Woo sighed.

"Sorry about that guys. He....needs space right now" Wooyoung says as he approaches the door.

"Whatever it was. It wasn't our fault why is he getting all grumpy at us?" Mingi asked rudely.

"He knows it isn't your fault. It's my fault what happened....but he has right to be sad about this, because for me I would be sad too. That is if...I had one" Woo says. The others confused.

He was basically saying he would be sad too if he had a brother that died.

No. More then sad.

"Did you guys argue or something" Seonghwa asked.

"No no. Even more sadder then that but. Please. Give him space" Wooyoung begs them "if you see him around and he does something that annoys you or makes you angry or anything. Don't snap at him or do anything. Just leave him he's going through a tough time. Okay?"

The others just nod.

Curious if what happened.

"So. What happened? Can you tell us?" Jongho asked before Woo walked in. He sighed.

"No. I can't tell you right now. He might not want people to know" Woo says.

"How do you know?" Hyunjin asks.

"I was there to witness what happened. Now please. Go off and do your own thing" Woo says a bit annoyed.

The others just nod and say bye as they turn and walk away, whispering about what could of happened.

Woo gulped as he walked in, shutting the door behind him and looking over at San.

San was in a ball, on the bed, sobbing.

Woo walked over and sat next to him, putting an arm round him and with the other, rubbing his arms.

"I'm sorry's all my fault.." Woo teared up.

"No it's not Wooyoung. How is it your fault?" San says looking Woo in the eye. He looked terrible.

San's face was all pale and looked like he was sick or something. He was still cute though. He had red eyes and was crying massively. His whole face wet.

"If only I did something. Like screamed or pushed him away or hid while waiting for you to be done in the bathroom" Woo says "if I did any of those then...maybe...none of this would of happened" he finished.

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