Messaging + Jealousy

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San got back, he walks inside the dorm room. Completely drained out and pale. Woo was laying in bed on his phone, once he heard someone enter, he lifted the phone out his view and smiled widely at who this amazing boy was. He put his phone to the side, jumping out bed and running to hug San and quickly peck his cheek.

"Sannie. How was it?" he asked.

San just sighed. "Um....not good."

He took the paper out his pocket and scrunched it up in a ball. Then threw it in the bin. (By the way the paper was the paper he read his speech from).

"I'm so sorry San. I feel really bad. I don't want you to go through this." Woo said sadly.

"It's okay Wooyoung. Because I met you. And your the only thing keeping me here" San said smiling as he took Woo's hand like a real gentleman and placed a soft kiss on it.

Woo chuckled shyly as he goes red.


San has just got changed into some lovely comfy clothes. A white T-shirt with white comfy trousers. Woo was sitting up in bed, leg crossed, on his phone. San walks to his bed, sitting down and also goes on his phone.

When suddenly a message pops up. So he goes to see the message.

Unknown Number
Hey San! It's me. Vernon.

San smiled when he saw the message as he quickly added the boy to his contact and named him 'Vernon '

He started typing. The two typing back and forth.

Suddenly Vernon started sending funny memes and San couldn't help but chuckle. Woo was confused and curious of what San was laughing at. He then saw San typing and he got a bit jealous. Is he texting with another person? And laughing?

Woo got out bed and walked over. He sat next to San, trying to see the message but San, still giggling, stood up and continued typing. Woo huffed.

"Sannie. Who are you texting?" Woo asks.

"Oh. No one." He says. And starts giggling again.

Woo was getting extremely jealous. And a bit angry.

"Choi San. Tell me who you are texting right now!" Woo said, frowning, and crossing his arms.

San just went 'haha' and turned to look at Woo.

"Give me your phone" woo put his hand out.

"No. Why should I? What? Do you not trust me." San defended.

"Who are you texting? And laughing with? Choi fucking San you better tell me know" Woo says. San just starts laughing hard.

"do you really think this is funny?" Woo added. San calmed down as he got his phone out his pocket. Putting in his password and going back on Vernon's contact.

San then handed woo his phone. Woo snatched it and read from the top. He started laughing at some of the memes.

"Okay okay. Those images were funny. But who is this. Vernon dude?" Woo asked confused.

San took his phone off woo, putting it back in his pocket.

"It's my cousin...I haven't seen him in years and we really really miss each other. We had a cousin reunion today." San said. Woo smiled as he stood and pecked San on the lips.

"Ugh. Wooooo. Can you at least kiss me for a bit longer? Not just a peck.." San said. Pouting.

Woo rolled his eyes as he kissed San again. This time. For longer.

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