Guys this chapter is mostly dedicated on Sunki if you didn't read the title of the chapter. Enjoy!
It's a new morning. New day. Sunoo gets up, his roommate Jungwon is still asleep. Sunoo checks the time. 7:39 AM. He got up as he goes to the bathroom. Having a shower, a toilet, and brushing his teeth. Getting dressed in his uniform. After all that, he leaves the bathroom and sits on his bed while he puts his socks on and ties his shoes up. Jungwon still fast asleep. Snoring quietly. Sunoo was nervous. What would NiKi say to him? Do to him? Sunoo just shakes it out his mind as he puts everything in his bag and after, he clips it up.
He then puts it round his shoulder as it goes round his waist. Putting his phone and dorm keys in his pocket.
He then leaves, slamming the door which makes Jungwon wake up and quickly get ready so he isn't late.
.Sunoo walks down the hall when suddenly he feels someone grab him and Sunoo closes his eyes. And then he hears a door slam.
Which made him open his eyes and he looked around. He's in a dorm room. Not just any room. NIKIS DORM ROOM. AND NIKI WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF HIM.
Sunoo was sweating right now. He was scared. His heart was beating rapidly like it was about to fly out his chest. Seriously.
Suddenly Niki's roughly pinned Sunoo to the wall. Hurting his wrist a bit. Wait... NIKI IS PINNING HIM TO THE WALL.
Sunoo realised the king of his heart is pinning him to the wall and their faces are really close.
Sunoo couldn't breath and felt like he was going to faint right there.
"Kim Sunoo....I like the gifts and the love note you ordered to me yesterday" Niki started. Making Sunoo go red and look away.
"Look at me!" Riki said sternly. Sunoo immediately looked back at him. Once again, eye contact.
"R-Riki...I-I-" Sunoo was stuck with words.
"Call me NiKi. Sunoo.." he says as he gets closer.
Still pinning the other to the wall.
"It's just...I couldn't say it to you face to face.." Sunoo whispered.
"It doesn't matter! I like the gifts." Niki started "but do you know what I will like more?"
"What..?" Sunoo asked confused.
"A make out. With the one I love...And that's you Sunoo"
Sunoo widened his eyes as his whole body went red (of blushing) and he started sweating. He gulped down the lump in his throat as his heart beat way more then it's supposed to. He might be having a heart attack. Oh no. Niki your gonna kill the poor Sun.
Niki chuckled at the reaction of the other male.
"I want to kiss you Sunoo. I never knew I had these feelings for you. But your mega cute. And caring." Niki says while grinning widely.
"I've always wanted a partner thats caring, kind, cute, sexy as fuck, likes chocolate ice cream, very helpful, tidy, a lot more things. And your all those things" Riki says.
Sunoo was so red right now. And he just smiled.
Niki then leaned closer and kissed the younger (Niki is older then Sunoo in my story) on the lips.
He then slowly backed away as they smiled at each other.
"Rik-I mean. Niki. Can we do this after school? We're gonna be late for lesson" Sunoo tries to get out Niki's grip. No use. It doesn't work one bit. Niki is way stronger.

My hot roommate [Woosan]
Storie d'amorea boy named Wooyoung is living a normal life. Not much of a happy life as he lived alone as his parents abandoned him because he was "annoying" "loud" blah blah blah all that stuff that isn't true. Now he has to leave his home because he has to slee...