Another fight

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Woo and his friends finished studying as they packed up and all separated, returning to their dorms. Woo walks inside the dorm, shutting and locking the door behind him seeing San sadly scrolling through his phone, laying in bed under the covers, munching on a bag of crisps. Hot Doritos. Woo just placed everything on his bedside table and sat on his bed. Scrolling through the notifications on his phone.

After a while he put his phone to the side as he got under the covers. Turning his lamp off, leaving only San's lamp on.

Woo closes his eyes. Nodding off into dream world.


The next day was. Hectic I guess. Wooyoung got up in the morning quickly, San still fast asleep and snoring away. Wooyoung speedily had a shower and got changed. Brushing his teeth, his hair. Everything you would do in the morning. He packed his bag up as he threw it on his back and ran to his first lesson.

The day went on. They did tests and Woo was failing. Even though he studied with his friends.

His grades were dropping low. How? Why? What?

It's now lunch as Woo happily sat down on the table with his friends. Eating away with them.

He looked over at that table as he met eyes with San. The two dropped their smiles. Sad faces and it was hard to look away.

Suddenly Woo felt a slap on his back, making him jump a little as he looked up. Finally looking away from San. San also looked away and at the dude that slapped Woo on his back. It was Chanyeol.

And behind him he had two people. Great.

Chanyeol picked up a cucumber from Woo's plate and munched on it. Grinning widely.

"Who's this?" Hongjoong asked. Pointing at the three boys.

"Um..Chanyeol. And..I don't know the others" Woo said quietly.

"I'm Park Chanyeol. I guess you could call me Yeol" he started "and my friends behind me. Sehun and his boyfriend. Luhan."

San watched everything. Could barely hear but he heard the word 'boyfriend' and he started to get a bit..sad.

But he continued watching.

Chanyeol then messed Woo's hair up. Woo got a bit annoyed as he tidied it again. San getting jealous.

"Yo. Woo. Buddy. What's up?" He asked as the two behind him chuckled.

No answer.

Woo just continued eating like he wasn't there.

Chanyeol snickered as he grabbed the milk cartoon off the table. That was next to woo. He opened it as he poured it over Wooyoung's head. Woo was dripping with milk. Smelt like milk. It was disgusting and woo felt like vomitting. Chanyeol, Sehun and Luhan laughed as some other people in the room laughed and snickered.

Woo's friends were angry as they started clenching the tables and their cutlery.

Yeosang was sure he was about to stab all three of those boys. They all started swearing and shouting at Chanyeol.

San then stood up and walked over. Angrily.

He tapped Chanyeol's shoulder. Yeol turned round as he got punched. Dropping the milk cartoon and ending up on the floor with a bleeding nose.

Everyone went silent as they widened their eyes.

Woo's friends stopped shouting and went quiet.

People started videoing this.

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