Prologue Part 1 "Runaway"

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(Y/n)'s POV

My life has been awful since I was adopted by Summer Rose, they always beat, and starve me when all I wanted was a family that would love me...But I didn't get that. My name is (Y/n) Rose, Xiao-Long, or Branwen but I don't want to be called by any of their last names since they're not my family.

Tai: Hey slave, what did I say about not doing the laundry?!?!

(Y/n): You always say to never forget it. *Gets Slapped on the cheek*

Raven: What a disgrace you are.

(Y/n): *Crying* Why do you do this to me? What did I ever do you?

Yang: Because you're nothing but a slave and punching bag to us.

Ruby: You will never be our real brother.

[(A/n): Ruby is 8 years old, Yang is 9 years old, and (Y/n) is 6 years old and 4 months younger than them.]

All of them looked at me with hate and disgust in their eyes and beat me before Qrow took me to the basement and put me in a dog cage while I tried to make him let go.

Qrow: If you try to hit me it'll only be worse for you brat.

One Year Later

Still the same but I can't stay here anymore, when they least expect it I'll leave this hell for good but right now I have to play along. I noticed Ruby and Yang holding darts making me nervous.

(Y/n): *Mentally* WHY ARE THEY HOLDING DARTS!?!? What are they planning this time?

Tai: Go on Ruby and Yang, throw the darts at the slave. 

Without hesitation, everyone started stabbing me so many times and I begged them to stop but none of them stopped until Summer pointed a dart at my right eye.

Summer: Answer me this (Y/n), do you need your right eye? Because you don't seem to able to see well from it.

(Y/n): *Mentally* Is she insane?!?! I know this family is crazy but I didn't think they would be THIS crazy!!


(Y/n): *Shouting* YES I DO YOU BITCH!!!

I knew I messed up big time because Summer stabbed me in my eye so many times and all the hope I ever had was now dead, and I know these people will never let me die but make me live in pain and misery before I fell asleep I heard my "family" say that no one will ever love me.

Three hours later

I woke up three hours later and felt so much pain in my right eye, I looked in a mirror and I was broken inside, they cut my eye making it unusable now I cried at this.

(Y/n): *Mentally* That's it, I'm leaving this hell tonight and I hope I can see my real parents soon. 

I packed everything I had into a backpack I found like a jacket and the clothes I always wear and before I left, I felt something on my leg it was my only friend Zwei who seems he wants to go with me.

Zwei: *Whimpers*

(Y/n): I'm sorry buddy, but I can't stay here where I might get killed. *Starts walking and sees Zwei following him* No Zwei, you can't come with me, I don't want to lose my only friend. Here *Gives Zwei a note* When my "family" sees me missing give this to them.

I managed to escape the hellhole and made my way into a forest, about half an hour I was deep inside and I'm hungry, cold, and tired. I was trying to relax under a tree but heard something I was afraid it was my "family" but it was much worse, there were three beowolfs once they saw me I ran as far as I could but I was too slow [(A/n): Sonic.exe reference] and I smiled.

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