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The routine you and Nagi have built for yourselves at Hakuho High school is broken one day in your second year, when you find out that Nagi has taken up football.

He's fallen asleep, slumped over your desk, his soft white hair peeking out the sides of his upturned hood. He's gripping his phone in his hand, the battery long dead, snoring away peacefully, so you snatch it away with enough force to jostle him awake.

"Good morning," he says by way of greeting, rubbing his eyes with a sleepy yawn.

"You know just as well as I do that it's lunchtime, Nagi."

Nagi doesn't respond to your dig- two years of close companionship has meant that he's used to you. He just hums absently as he takes his phone from you, his large hand enveloping yours as he pries your fingers away, one by one. He smashes the power button once, twice, and you laugh.

His dark eyes flicker upwards slowly to meet yours, and he sits up straight.

"What did you do?" He asks you, unimpressed.

"I didn't do anything!" You protest. "You fell asleep playing that game, and then your battery died!"

Nagi puffs out his cheeks as he attempts again to turn his phone on, and you tell him gleefully that it's what he gets for being on his phone all day.

The two of you lapse into comfortable silence, with you idly watching him as he copies your homework instead, his face scrunching up as he focuses on getting down as many answers as he can as quickly as possible so he doesn't have to be writing for long.

It's rather endearing, really- cute, almost.

You stop your thoughts there; you don't want to let yourself spiral to the point of no return. You and Nagi are friends, and that's all you'll ever be. Best friends, but still only friends.

Nagi's hand skitters over the page, his pen drawing a huge line over his work, as the door to your classroom slams open, startling both him and you. You almost fall off your seat in surprise, looking over to the door with your mouth wide open.

Mikage Reo from the other class is walking towards the both of you, arms crossed over his chest, his purple hair pulled back into a tiny ponytail. He's wearing his PE clothes, with a blue sports bib over his T-shirt, and football cleats.

Nagi looks up slowly at him as he stops at your desk.

"Oh, hi, Reo."

"You're going to miss practice." Reo tuts, and he tries to yank Nagi up and out of his seat by his arm. You know from experience that Nagi's heavier than he looks, and you hide your smile when Reo is unsuccessful.

You turn your attention to Nagi. "Practice?"

He shrugs. "Reo keeps bugging me to play football with him. He makes me run till my legs go numb."

"I didn't know you were into football." You said, and your eyes flicker over to where Reo is standing besides you. "Or that you were buddies with Mikage Reo."

"That's because he's a pain." Nagi drawls, and Reo laughs good-naturedly before clapping him on the back.

"Yeah, yeah," He grins at you, and you feel yourself flushing slightly under his gaze. "I'm the pain."

"Nagi, you should go." You say, poking his arm. "He's waiting for you."

"Don't want to," he whines, but it sounds strange in his deep voice, and you giggle. Reo laughs too, and you meet his eyes again.

He's gorgeous, he really is, and you understand why girls are always talking about him. He's perfect; he's tall, handsome, clever, charming- and it makes you wonder why someone like him is taking so much interest in someone as lazy and unbothered as Nagi Seishirou.

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