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It's been nearly a week since Nagi left now.

School is a drag without him; you've tried spending time with other people from your classes, but none of them compare to Nagi or Reo, and you feel as if you're intruding on friendships that have no place for you.

The only time other students actively seek you out is to ask you questions about the other two, about the training programme they'd gone to (you'd later that it was called 'Blue Lock') and what it meant.

You hadn't been able to answer at all, and you'd dismissed every single one of them, not interested in riding the coattails of Nagi's sudden boost in popularity (Reo, on the other hand, is a different story, having always been popular) and just staying to yourself.

You haven't heard back from Nagi at all.

You've called and messaged him countless time, but he never responds.

It's pathetic, really, the way your heart pounds with excitement whenever your phone pings with a notification, just for that to switch to disappointment when it's not him.

You're not sure why he won't even text you; you tell yourself that he's working so hard, he doesn't have the time, but you know better than that. After all, this is Nagi- when has he not had time for his phone?

You're daydreaming at lunch, doodling absently in your maths book, when you hear the girls in front of you mention Nagi's name. You sit up a little straighter, interested, angling your ear towards them slightly.

"That's what Aomori Dadada's Nameoka said," One of them confirms in a hushed whisper. "He said Reo was there, too."

"Really?" One of the other girls covers her mouth with her hand. "So it's true? Nagi Seishirou from our class actually beat him, again?"

"I'm not sure about the details," The first girl shrugs. "But that's what I heard. He's really mad, apparently, and he keeps saying Nagi should've been the one to be eliminated first."

"Ah, that's a shame. He's a sour loser, huh?"

You want to hear more, but then one of them switches the topic to something else and you're left with a thousand unspoken questions racing through your mind.

Nameoka Ryo was also invited to Blue Lock? And he was eliminated? What does that even mean?

Most importantly, Nagi was the one to get rid of him?

You make up your mind to visit the Aomori Dadada grounds after school, determined to find out how Blue Lock works and how Nagi's doing. Because if you're going to get answers, you may as well get them straight from the man himself.

He may be frightening and double your size, but he's still somehow less intimidating than the obnoxious girls at Hakuho.


Your bravery and determination from before falters immediately once you're on the premises of Nameoka's school.

The building itself is smaller than Hakuho, but the sports pitches along the back are massive, and you can feel yourself getting out of breath just by looking at them. The one at Hakuho seems almost cute in comparison, and you start to understand why this school has a Nationals-level football team.

Your uniform sticks out like a sore thumb, the white of your blazer clashing with the black of the Aomori Dadada girls, and you ignore the curious looks that are thrown your way as you look for Nameoka.

You can't find him anywhere, scouring the schools' football team as they practice outside for a sight of him. You stamp your foot in frustration, and one of the team members notices you and points you out to his coach, a middle-aged man with scruffy hair and a shiny forehead.

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