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Hakuho High School's football team drags Aomori Dadada through the mud, and you have never been more proud of your best friend.

Him and Reo had played phenomenally, and the crowd watching had gone absolutely wild, including yourself. You hadn't been able to take your eyes off Nagi for even a second, enthralled by him- you probably would have started drooling if you hadn't caught your mouth hanging open in time.

As the Hakuho team exit the football pitch, you catch Nagi's eye, and you wave at him enthusiastically. He gestures for you to go to him, which you oblige with happily, practically skipping towards Nagi in joy.

"You did it!" You exclaim gleefully, unable to stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him in delight. "You won! Against them!"

"I know," His voice is as monotonous as ever, but you detect a hint of satisfaction in his words. He doesn't hug you back- or rather, he can't, because you've pinned his arms at his sides with your own- but he rests his chin on the top of your head. "It was easy."

He's slightly sweaty, you realise, as you press your cheek against his chest. It doesn't bother you; if anything, you feel even more proud of him for actually exerting some effort, and you clutch him a little bit tighter.

"You're so amazing!"

"You're so loud!" Nagi does an extremely poor imitation of your excited voice, and you're in such a good mood you decide to mercifully let the remark slide.

"I still can't believe you did it- or rather, I did believe you could do it, I'm just so amazed because they're a Nationals-level team," You quickly correct yourself to avoid offending Nagi, which is a hard feat to accomplish within itself considering his laidback nature. "You're awesome, Nagi. Seriously."

"It's because you were there." He tells you softly, his voice gentle, as if the words he's saying are fragile. "You're my good luck charm, I think."

"You think? You aren't sure yet?" You look up at him; your face is so close to his chest that you've got a decent view up his nostrils, so you lean back a bit to get a look at his face.

"I mean, I haven't played in enough matches to test my hypothesis yet," He adds, rolling his eyes at you, though the action lacks any real annoyance. "But I'm pretty sure I'm right- you're my very own good luck charm, you know?"

You get the feeling you've said something along those lines to him before, but either way, you're flattered.

Your face flushes red, and you blink up him, flustered. You nod shyly, releasing him, suddenly acutely aware of the close proximity between you two. Nagi scratches the back of his neck, evidently embarrassed, and silence falls over you both.

You try to muster up the courage to say something equally as bold back to him, but Reo, ever your saviour, bounds up to you, looping an arm around your shoulders and holding you tight. He's a lot sweatier than Nagi is, and you grimace.

"Oh, gross, Reo," You jokingly push him off you, holding your nose shut."You're sweating buckets."

"Quit your whining, you," He flicks your forehead lightheartedly. "This is the smell of victory."

Reo's face is glowing with joy, his smile so bright you're positive it can be seen from outer space.

"I'm not going to argue with you there." You grin, raising your hand for a high-five. He returns it enthusiastically, clapping your hand hard enough to hurt, and you laugh, amused at his energy.

"You joining us for practice again?" He asks, reaching up to pull out his hairband and let his hair down.

"I don't know." You shrug. "Should I? I don't actually do anything though."

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